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What Is the Nexus between Migration and Mobility? A Framework to Understand the Interplay between Different Ideal Types of Human Movement

2024, Piccoli, Lorenzo, Matteo Gianni, Ruedin, Didier, Achermann, Christin, Dahinden, Janine, Paula Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Zittoun, Tania

Categorising certain forms of human movement as ‘migration’ and others as ‘mobility’ has far-reaching consequences. We introduce the migration–mobility nexus as a framework for other researchers to interrogate the relationship between these two categories of human movement and explain how they shape different social representations. Our framework articulates four ideal-typical interplays between categories of migration and categories of mobility: continuum (fluid mobilities transform into more stable forms of migration and vice versa), enablement (migration requires mobility, and mobility can trigger migration), hierarchy (migration and mobility are political categories that legitimise hierarchies of movement) and opposition (migration and mobility are pitted against each other). These interplays reveal the normative underpinnings of different categories, which we argue are too often implicit and unacknowledged.

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Intersections between Ageing and Migration: Current Trends and Challenges

2020-7-6, Ciobanu, Ruxandra Oana, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Soom Ammann, Eva, Van Holten, KArin

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Ageing as a Migrant. Vulnerabilities, Agency and Policy Implications

2019, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Ciobanu, Ruxandra Oana, Fokkema, Tineke, Nedelcu, Mihaela

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Digital Diasporas

2018, Nedelcu, Mihaela

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The Future of Work

2021, Suter, Christian, Cuvi, Jacinto, Balsiger, Philip, Nedelcu, Mihaela

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Transnational Grandparenting: An Introduction

2019-8-1, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Wyss, Malika

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The Romanian scientific e-diaspora: online mobilization, transnational agency and globalization of domestic policies

2019, Nedelcu, Mihaela

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European instruments for the deportation of foreigners and their uses by France and Switzerland: the application of the Dublin III Regulation and Eurodac

2020-8-28, Soysüren, Ibrahim, Nedelcu, Mihaela

The European Union put in place instruments for the deportation of foreigners that gained much importance. This article describes the multiplicity and diversity of these instruments. To analyse them more clearly, it distinguishes three types: legal, organisational and technological. The article equally points to the increasing relevance of technological tools, especially the use of biometrics. It also looks at how a founding member of the EU, France, and an associated country, Switzerland, utilise these European instruments to deport foreigners by focusing on the Dublin III Regulation as well as the Eurodac database, jointly referred to as the Dublin System. Grounding on a comparative study combining documentary analysis and semi-structured interviews and participant observation, this article describes the similarities and differences in the use of the Dublin System in these two countries. Moreover, it also reveals these countries’ specificities with regard to the roles played by local and national administrative bodies, and associative actors. The paper ends by concluding that to fully understand the deportation process in the European context as well as in certain countries, a multifaceted approach is required to make sense of the various interactions taking place between local, national and supranational frameworks, actors and practices.

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Grandparents on the move: a multilevel framework analysis to understand diversity in Zero Generation care arrangements in Switzerland

2019-8-1, Wyss, Malika, Nedelcu, Mihaela

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Childhood and Parenting in Transnational Settings

2018, Ducu, Viorela, Nedelcu, Mihaela, Telegdi-Csetri, Aron