Jeannerat, Hugues
Résultat de la recherche
Creating change through pilot and demonstration projects: Towards a valuation policy approach
2017-2-1, Huguenin, Ariane, Jeannerat, Hugues
Towards a staging system approach to territorial innovation
2015, Jeannerat, Hugues, Lorentzen, Anne, Topsø Larsen, Karin, Schrøder, Lise
L'industrie photovoltaïque de Suisse occidentale: un "milieu valuateur" multi-local
2015-1, Livi, Christian, Jeannerat, Hugues, Crevoisier, Olivier
Les dynamiques territoriales de connaissance: relations multilocales et ancrage régional
2010, Crevoisier, Olivier, Jeannerat, Hugues
Knowledge, resources and markets: What economic system of valuation?
2016-1-1, Jeannerat, Hugues, Kebir, Leïla
Activités culturelles et développement territorial : des entreprises culturelles et créatives au service de la Haute Horlogerie suisse
2015, Crevoisier, Olivier, Jeannerat, Hugues, Liefooghe, C
Cultural activities in territorial development: the case of cultural and creative entreprises in Swiss watchmaking industry
2012, Jeannerat, Hugues, Crevoisier, Olivier
Beyond production and standards: Toward a status market approach to territorial innovation and knowledge policy
2016-1-1, MacNeill, Stewart, Jeannerat, Hugues
Born to be Sold: Start-ups as Products and New Territorial Life Cycles of Industrialization
2015, Livi, Christian, Jeannerat, Hugues
Territorial innovation models and policy practices traditionally tend to associate the emergence, resurgence and growth of start-ups with the development of local industries, either as industrial pioneers or as innovative spinoffs embedded in a regional production system. This approach is in line with a “life cycle” pattern of innovation and of industrialization marked by sequential waves of growth and decline, by technological renewal and by sectorial transitions. In a knowledge and financial economy characterized by combinatorial knowledge dynamics, by even shorter project-based innovations and by global financial and production networks, this approach is called into question. Through the case of Swiss medical technologies (Medtech), this paper highlights how local medtech start-ups' evolution is shaped, from its early phase on, by the corporate venture strategies of multinational companies. While the economic potential of start-ups was traditionally perceived in a longer run, they seem to be more often “born to be sold” today. New research avenues and policy issues are finally derived from this particular case to address territorial innovation and competitiveness in the future.
Non-Technological innovation and multi-local territorial knowledge dynamics in the Swiss watch industry
2011, Jeannerat, Hugues, Crevoisier, Olivier