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Tritrophic interactions : possible host-plants effects on the resistance of "Diabrotica" pests to natural enemies

2021, Bruno, Pamela, Turlings, Ted

La sous-tribu Diabroticina de chrysomèles comprend de nombreux ravageurs importants des cultures agricoles et horticoles dans les Amériques, tels que le maïs et le concombre. L'une des espèces les plus dévastatrices, la chrysomèle des racines de maïs Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (WCR), est également un ravageur envahissant en Europe. Pour ce ravageur et les espèces de Diabrotica apparentées, le développement d'une lutte biologique efficace est nécessaire de toute urgence, et pour cela, des connaissances supplémentaires sur les interactions tri-trophiques entre Diabrotica, leurs plantes hôtes et leurs ennemis naturels sont nécessaires. Dans cette thèse, j’ai exploré les adaptations des ravageurs Diabrotica à leurs plantes hôtes avec leurs composés défensifs, et évalué l’éventuelle protection que les larves de Diabrotica obtiennent après l'ingestion de ces métabolites secondaires des plantes. Au cours d'échantillonnages sur le terrain au Mexique, j’ai observé que le parasitisme des coléoptères Diabroticina adultes par des parasitoïdes est minime (Chapitre I), mais j’ai constaté que les larves peuvent être infectées avec succès par des nématodes entomopathogènes (EPN) adaptés (Chapitre II). Des isolats d'EPN hautement infectieux collectés dans des champs de maïs mexicains pourraient être des candidats prometteurs pour contrôler WCR en Europe. Ces isolats et/ou leurs bactéries endosymbiotiques pourraient être adaptés à l'arsenal de défense déployé par les larves de WCR, qui comprend la séquestration des benzoxazinoïdes du maïs, mais des stratégies inconnues supplémentaires semblent également être impliquées. Les larves du généraliste Diabrotica balteata ne séquestrent pas des benzoxazinoïdes après s'être nourries des plantes de maïs et semblent moins capables de résister aux infections à EPN que les WCR. Cependant, elles sont capables de séquestrer des cucurbitacines après avoir mangé des plantes de concombre (Chapitre III). J'ai fourni des preuves solides que les larves de D. balteata peuvent transformer et séquestrer les cucurbitacines des plants de concombre. Cependant, je n'ai trouvé aucune preuve que les cucurbitacines séquestrées puissent protéger les larves de l'infection par des EPN, ni de l'attaque par des insectes prédateurs, des champignons entomopathogènes ou des bactéries. La performance des larves n'a pas non plus été affectée positivement par la teneur en cucurbitacines des tissus végétaux qu'elles ont consommées, d'où la signification adaptative de la séquestration de cucurbitacines reste à élucider. Curieusement, j’ai observé que les larves de D. balteata se nourrissent activement de tissus au-dessus de la surface, tels que tiges, cotylédons et feuilles, ce qui m’a incité à étudier si ce comportement procure des avantages et si d'autres espèces de Diabrotica ont un comportement similaire (Chapitre IV). Les larves de D. balteata, D. undecimpunctata et D. virgifera, normalement décrites comme larves de racines, se sont toutes avérées capables de se nourrir de feuilles ainsi que de racines de différentes plantes agricoles contenant des métabolites secondaires distincts. Pourtant, leurs performances et leur sensibilité à l'infection par des EPN n’ont pas été affectées différemment par le tissu que les larves avaient consommées. Ensemble, ces résultats contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l'impact des métabolites secondaires des plante hôte ingérés par des insectes herbivores sur le troisième niveau trophique. Le succès des espèces de Diabrotica en tant que ravageurs des cultures semble être lié à leurs caractéristiques uniques pour survivre dans un environnement imprévisible en se nourrissant de différentes plantes et tissus, faisant face avec succès à une grande variété de composés de défense des plantes, qui dans certains cas peuvent fournir une protection contre les ennemis naturels. J’émet l'hypothèse que les larves de Diabrotica se nourrissant de maïs sont capables de détoxifier les benzoxazinoïdes, et discute de l'origine et de l'importance adaptative de la séquestration de cucurbitacines par les espèces de Diabrotica, qui ne semblerait pas liée à la défense contre les ennemis naturels. Enfin, les isolats d'EPN obtenus, ainsi que les nouvelles connaissances sur le comportement alimentaire des larves de Diabrotica rapportées dans cette thèse, contribueront, espérons-le, au développement de stratégies de biocontrôle nouvelles et efficaces contre les ravageurs du genre Diabrotica. ABSTRACT The subtribe Diabroticina of chrysomelid beetles includes many important pests of extensive and horticultural crops in the Americas, such as maize and cucumber. One of the most devastating species, the western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (WCR), is also an invasive pest in Europe. For this and related Diabrotica pests, the development of efficient biological control is urgently needed, and for this further knowledge on tritrophic interactions of Diabrotica, their host plants and their natural enemies is required. In this thesis, I explored the adaptations of Diabrotica pests to their host plants and the plants’ defensive compounds, and evaluated the possible protection that Diabrotica larvae derive from ingesting these plant secondary metabolites. During field surveys in Mexico, I observed that parasitism of adult Diabroticina beetles by parasitoids is minimal (Chapter I), but found that the larvae can be successfully infected by adapted entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) (Chapter II). Highly-infective EPN isolates collected in Mexican maize fields could be promising candidates to control the maizespecialist WCR in Europe. These isolates and/or their endosymbiotic bacteria may have adapted to the defense arsenal deployed by WCR larvae, which includes the sequestration of maize benzoxazinoids, but additional unknown strategies seem to be also involved. Larvae of the generalist Diabrotica balteata do not sequester benzoxazinoids after feeding on maize and seem to be less able to resist EPN infections than WCR. However, they are able to sequester cucurbitacins after feeding on cucumber plants (Chapter III). I provided strong evidence that D. balteata larvae can transformation and sequester cucurbitacins from cucumber plants. However, I found no evidence that the sequestered cucurbitacins can protect the larvae from infection by EPN, nor from the attack by insect predators, entomopathogenic fungi or bacteria. Larval performance was also not positively affected by cucurbitacin contents in plant tissues that they consumed, hence the adaptive significance of cucurbitacin sequestration remains to be unraveled. Surprisingly, the D. balteata larvae were observed to actively forage on aboveground tissues, which prompted us to study whether this behavior provides any benefits and if other Diabrotica species do the same (Chapter IV). Larvae of D. balteata, D. undecimpunctata and D. virgifera were all found to be able to feed on leaves as well as roots from different agricultural plants that contain distinct secondary metabolites. Yet, their performance and the susceptibility against EPN infection were not differentially impacted by the tissue that the larvae had fed on. Taken together, these results contribute to a better understanding of the impact of host plant secondary metabolites ingested by insect herbivores on the third trophic level. The success of Diabrotica species as crop pests seems to be related to their unique traits to survive in an unpredictable environment by feeding on different plants and tissues, successfully coping with a wide variety of plant defense chemicals, which in some cases may provide protection against natural enemies. I hypothesize that maize- feeding Diabrotica larvae may be able to detoxify benzoxazinoids, and discuss the origin and adaptive significance of cucurbitacin sequestration by Diabrotica species, which appears not to be related to defense against natural enemies. Finally, the isolates of EPN obtained, as well as the new insights on the aboveground feeding behavior by Diabrotica larvae reported in this thesis, will hopefully contribute to the development of novel and effective biocontrol strategies against Diabrotica pests.

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Differential performance and parasitism of caterpillars on maize inbred lines with distinctly different herbivore-induced volatile emissions

2012-3-29, Degen, Thomas, Bakalovic, N., Bergvinson, D., Turlings, Ted

Plant volatiles induced by insect feeding are known to attract natural enemies of the herbivores. Six maize inbred lines that showed distinctly different patterns of volatile emission in laboratory assays were planted in randomized plots in the Central Mexican Highlands to test their ability to recruit parasitic wasps under field conditions. The plants were artificially infested with neonate larvae of the fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda, and two of its main endoparasitoids, Campoletis sonorensis and Cotesia marginiventris, were released in the plots. Volatiles were collected from equally treated reference plants in the neighbourhood of the experimental field. The cumulative amount of 36 quantified volatile compounds determined for each line was in good accordance with findings from the laboratory; there was an almost 15-fold difference in total emission between the two extreme lines. We found significant differences among the lines with respect to the numbers of armyworms recovered from the plants, their average weight gain and parasitism rates. Average weight of the caterpillars was negatively correlated with the average total amount of volatiles released by the six inbred lines. However, neither total volatile emission nor any specific single compound within the blend could explain the differential parasitism rates among the lines, with the possible exception of (E)-2-hexenal for Campoletis sonorensis and methyl salicylate for Cotesia marginiventris. Herbivore-induced plant volatiles and/or correlates thereof contribute to reducing insect damage of maize plants through direct plant defence and enhanced attraction of parasitoids, alleged indirect defence. The potential to exploit these volatiles for pest control deserves to be further evaluated.

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Attractiveness of constitutive and herbivore-induced sesquiterpene blends of maize to the parasitic wasp

2011, Fontana, A., Held, Matthias, Fantaye, C. A., Turlings, Ted, Degenhardt, Jörg, Gershenzon, Jonathan

Plant volatile compounds induced by herbivore attack have been demonstrated to provide a signal to herbivore enemies such as parasitic wasps that use these volatiles to locate their hosts. However, in addition to herbivore-induced volatiles, plants often release volatiles constitutively. We assessed the interaction between herbivore-induced and constitutively released volatiles of maize in the attraction of the wasp Cotesia marginiventris that parasitizes herbivorous lepidopteran larvae feeding on maize. Experiments were carried out with olfactometers in which the sources of volatiles were transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants overexpressing maize sesquiterpene synthases that produce blends of herbivore-induced or constitutive compounds. We found that the constitutive volatiles of maize terpene synthase 8 (TPS8) were attractive to C. marginiventris, just like the herbivore-induced volatiles of TPS10 studied earlier. A mixture of both the TPS8 and TPS10 volatile blends, however, was more effective in parasitoid attraction, indicating that constitutively released sesquiterpenes enhance the attraction of those induced by herbivores. While C. marginiventris did not distinguish among the volatiles of TPS8, TPS10, nor those of another maize sesquiterpene synthase (TPS5), when these blends were combined, their attractiveness to the wasp appeared to increase with the complexity of the blend.

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Alien interference: disruption of infochemical networks by invasive insect herbivores

2014, Desurmont, Gaylord A., Harvey, J., van Dam, N. M., Cristescu, S. M., Schiestl, F. P., Cozzolino, S., Anderson, P., Larsson, M. C., Kindlmann, P., Danner, H., Turlings, Ted

Insect herbivores trigger various biochemical changes in plants, and as a consequence, affect other organisms that are associated with these plants. Such plant-mediated indirect effects often involve herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) that can be used as cues for foraging herbivores and their natural enemies, and are also known to affect pollinator attraction. In tightly co-evolved systems, the different trophic levels are expected to display adaptive response to changes in HIPVs caused by native herbivores. But what if a new herbivore invades such a system? Current literature suggests that exotic herbivores have the potential to affect HIPV production, and that plant responses to novel herbivores are likely to depend on phylogenetic relatedness between the invader and the native species. Here we review the different ways exotic herbivores can disrupt chemically mediated interactions between plants and the key users of HIPVs: herbivores, pollinators, and members of the third (i.e. predators and parasitoids) and fourth (i.e. hyperparasitoids) trophic levels. Current theory on insect invasions needs to consider that disruptive effects of invaders on infochemical networks can have a short-term impact on the population dynamics of native insects and plants, as well as exerting potentially negative consequences for the functioning of native ecosystems.

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The importance of root-produced volatiles as foraging cues for entomopathogenic nematodes (Marschner Review for the "Rhizosphere 3" Special Issue)

2012-1-19, Turlings, Ted, Hiltpold, Ivan, Rasmann, Sergio

Background Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are tiny parasitic worms that parasitize insects, in which they reproduce. Their foraging behavior has been subject to numerous studies, most of which have proposed that, at short distances, EPNs use chemicals that are emitted directly from the host as host location cues. Carbon dioxide (CO2) in particular has been implicated as an important cue. Recent evidence shows that at longer distances several EPNs take advantage of volatiles that are specifically emitted by roots in response to insect attack. Studies that have revealed these plant-mediated interactions among three trophic levels have been met with some disbelief. Scope This review aims to take away this skepticism by summarizing the evidence for a role of root volatiles as foraging cues for EPNs. To reinforce our argument, we conducted olfactometer assays in which we directly compared the attraction of an EPN species to CO2 and two typical inducible root volatiles. Conclusions The combination of the ubiquitous gas and a more specific root volatile was found to be considerably more attractive than one of the two alone. Hence, future studies on EPN foraging behavior should take into account that CO2 and plant volatiles may work in synergy as attractants for EPNs. Recent research efforts also reveal prospects of exploiting plant-produced signals to improve the biological control of insect pests in the rhizosphere.

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Selection of entomopathogenic nematodes for enhanced responsiveness to a volatile root signal helps to control a major root pest

2010, Hiltpold, Ivan, Baroni, Mariane, Toepfer, Stefan, Kuhlmann, Ulrich, Turlings, Ted

The efficacy of natural enemies as biological control agents against insect pests can theoretically be enhanced by artificial selection for high responsiveness to foraging cues. The recent discovery that maize roots damaged by the western corn rootworm (WCR) emit a key attractant for insect-killing nematodes has opened the way to explore whether a selection strategy can improve the control of root pests. The compound in question, (E)-beta-caryophyllene, is only weakly attractive to Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, one of the most infectious nematodes against WCR. To overcome this drawback, we used a six-arm below-ground olfactometer to select for a strain of H. bacteriophora that is more readily attracted to (E)-beta-caryophyllene. After six generations of selection, the selected strain responded considerably better and moved twice as rapidly towards a (E)-beta-caryophyllene source than the original strain. There was a minor trade-off between this enhanced responsiveness and nematode infectiveness. Yet, in subsequent field tests, the selected strain was significantly more effective than the original strain in reducing WCR populations in plots with a maize variety that releases (E)-beta-caryophyllene, but not in plots with a maize variety that does not emit this root signal. These results illustrate the great potential of manipulating natural enemies of herbivores to improve biological pest control.

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The role of indole in maize-herbivore interactions

2014, Veyrat, Nathalie, Turlings, Ted

Afin de se protéger contre les attaques d’insectes herbivores, les plantes ont développé de multiples moyens de défense, dont la libération de composés volatils induits par les herbivores (HIPVs). Ces composés volatils peuvent être utilisés par les ennemis naturels des herbivores tels que les prédateurs et les parasitoïdes. D’autre part, ils peuvent être exploités par les herbivores eux-mêmes pour localiser leurs plantes hôtes. Certains HIPVs peuvent aussi avertir les tissus non attaqués d’une même plante ou les plantes voisines d’un risque d’attaque. Le terme employé est “priming”. Les plantes averties pourront ainsi répondre plus rapidement et de manière plus efficace lorsque l’attaque se produira. Tandis que certains HIPVs ont été bien étudiés, le rôle de beaucoup d’autre reste à trouver. Par exemple, nous n’avons que peu de connaissances en ce qui concerne l’indole, un composé dominant du mélange de volatils émis par les plantes. Dans la thèse présentée ici, nous avons étudié le rôle de l’indole dans les défenses directes et indirectes du maïs grâce à l’utilisation de plantes mutantes dans la production d’indole et d’indole synthétique.
Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons étudié le rôle de l’indole en tant que signal de défense. Nous fournissons la preuve que l’indole est essentiel pour le “priming” d’autres HIPVs au sein d’une même plante mais qu’il agit aussi comme signal de communication entre différentes plantes afin de les préparer à une possible attaque. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous avons étudié l’effet de l’indole sur un insecte herbivore généraliste, Spodoptera littoralis. Nous démontrons que l’indole agit en tant de défense directe chez le maïs en repoussant les adultes et les chenilles de cette espèce et en réduisant la survie des chenille et le succès reproducteur des adultes. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous avons étudié l’importance de l’indole au niveau du troisième niveau trophique. Nous avons trouvé que malgré une attraction de certains parasitoïdes, une exposition à l’indole protège les chenilles de l’espèce S. littoralis en augmentant leur résistance contre les parasitoïdes. Dans le quatrième chapitre, nous avons étudié la spécificité des effets trouvés dans les deux chapitres précédents. Nous avons trouvé que ni le degré de spécialisation pour les plantes hôtes, ni l’origine phylogénétique, ni l’association avec des plantes produisantde l’indole ne déterminent la réponse des insectes herbivores et des ennemis naturels à l’indole. Nous concluons que le rôle de l’indole est dépendant des espèces.
D’une manière générale, cette thèse contribue à une meilleure compréhension du rôle de l’indole dans les intéractions entre les plantes, les insectes herbivores et les ennemis naturels; elle confirme le rôle multiple des composés volatils dans les intéractions tri-trophiques., In order to counter herbivore attacks, plants have developed a multitude of defence strategies, including the release herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs). HIPVs can be used as foraging cues by natural enemies of the herbivores, including predators and parasitoids. In addition, they can also be exploited by herbivores themselves to localize their host plants. Some HIPVs even prime non-attacked plant tissues or neighbouring plants to respond faster and more strongly to subsequent attacks. Whereas some HIPVs have been well studied, the role of many others remains unclear. For instance, little is known about indole, a major constituent of the herbivore-induced volatile blend. In the present thesis, we studied the role of indole in direct and indirect defences in maize using indole deficient mutants and synthetic indole.
In Chapter 1 we investigated the role of indole as a plant defence signal. We provide evidence that indole is essential for within-plant priming of other HIPVs and acts as a between-plant signal that primes non-attacked neighbours. In Chapter 2, we investigated the impact of indole on the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis. We demonstrate that volatile indole acts as a direct defence in maize by repelling S. littoralis moths and caterpillars and by reducing the survival of early instar caterpillars and the reproductive output of adults. In Chapter 3, we studied the importance of indole on the third trophic level. We found that, although indole attracts certain parasitoids, indole-exposure protects S. littoralis caterpillars by increasing their resistance against parasitism. In Chapter 4, we investigated the specificity of the effects found in chapters 2 and 3. We found that neither the degree of host plant specialization nor the phylogenetic origin or the association with indole-producing plants determines the response of herbivores and natural enemies to the volatile, and that the role of indole is highly species-specific.
Overall, this thesis contributes to a better understanding of the role of indole in interactions between plants, herbivore insects and natural enemies and highlights the diverse roles of HIPVs in tritrophic interactions.

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Less is more: treatment with BTH and laminarin reduces herbivore-induced volatile emissions in maize but increases parasitoid attraction

2012, Sobhy, I. S., Erb, Matthias, Sarhan, A. A., El-Husseini, M. M., Mandour, N. S., Turlings, Ted

Chemical plant strengtheners find increasing use in agriculture to enhance resistance against pathogens. In an earlier study, it was found that treatment with one such resistance elicitor, BTH (benzo-(1, 2, 3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester), increases the attractiveness of maize plants to a parasitic wasp. This surprising additional benefit of treating plants with BTH prompted us to conduct a series of olfactometer tests to find out if BTH and another commercially available plant strengthener, Laminarin, increase the attractiveness of maize to three important parasitic wasps, Cotesia marginventris, Campoletis sonorensis, and Microplitis rufiventris. In each case, plants that were sprayed with the plant strengtheners and subsequently induced to release volatiles by real or mimicked attack by Spodoptera littoralis caterpillars became more attractive to the parasitoids than water treated plants. The elicitors alone or in combination with plants that were not induced by herbivory were not attractive to the wasps. Interestingly, plants treated with the plant strengtheners did not show any consistent increase in volatile emissions. On the contrary, treated plants released less herbivore-induced volatiles, most notably indole, which has been reported to interfere with parasitoid attraction. The emission of the sesquiterpenes (E)-beta-caryophyllene, beta-bergamotene, and (E)-beta-farnesene was similarly reduced by the treatment. Expression profiles of marker genes showed that BTH and Laminarin induced several pathogenesis related (PR) genes. The results support the notion that, as yet undetectable and unidentified compounds, are of major importance for parasitoid attraction, and that these attractants may be masked by some of the major compounds in the volatile blends. This study confirms that elicitors of pathogen resistance are compatible with the biological control of insect pests and may even help to improve it.

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Ecological impact of the invasive horse-chestnut leaf miner, "Cameraria ohridella" Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on native species

2009, Péré, Christelle, Turlings, Ted

La mineuse du marronnier d’Inde, Cameraria ohridella, est la première mineuse et le premier ravageur important attaquant le marronnier à fleurs blanches, Aesculus hippocastanum, natif des Balkans et introduit en Europe Centrale en tant qu’arbre ornemental. Le papillon, probablement originaire aussi des Balkans, a été découvert pour la première fois en Macédoine, en 1984, et s’est depuis répandu dans toute l’Europe (Chapitre 1). Cette thèse est la première tentative d’évaluation de l’impact écologique d’une mineuse exotique et invasive sur la faune et la flore natives. Cameraria ohridella est attaquée par plusieurs espèces natives de parasitoïdes et prédateurs. Le premier objectif de cette thèse était d’évaluer les interactions de C. ohridella avec les espèces de mineuses natives à travers le partage d’ennemis naturels communs, et en particulier les parasitoïdes. Cet impact indirect est connu sous le nom de "compétition apparente". En dépit du faible taux de parasitisme observé chez C. ohridella, les populations du papillon sont tellement importantes qu’un grand nombre de parasitoïdes, considérés comme polyphages, sont produits deux à quatre fois par an. Ces parasitoïdes ont alors la possibilité d’attaquer d’autres espèces de mineuses et, par conséquent, affecter leur densité, tout particulièrement au printemps. En effet, après la diapause, les parasitoïdes émergent des feuilles mortes de marronnier en même temps, voire plus tôt, que leur hôte et, au moins cinq semaines avant que les larves âgées et les chrysalides de C. ohridella soient disponibles. Nos résultats ont montré que la richesse spécifique et l’abondance des mineuses natives étaient plus basses à proximité de marronniers infestés par C. ohridella comparé aux sites de contrôle (Chapitre 2). Cependant, aucune évidence de compétition apparente n’a été trouvée entre C. ohridella et le charançon du hêtre, Orchestes fagi, dont la mortalité totale, le parasitisme et la prédation n’étaient pas significativement différents en présence et en absence de marronniers infestés. Plusieurs espèces de parasitoïdes attaquant communément C. ohridella ont été élevées sur O. fagi, mais en général, leur densité n’était pas plus importante à proximité de marronniers infestés. Des explications plausibles pour expliquer ces résultats inattendus sont fournies (Chapitre 3). En Europe, des mines de C. ohridella ont également été trouvées sur deux espèces d’érables natifs, Acer pseudoplatanus (érable sycomore) et Acer platanoides (érable plane), mais les taux d’attaques sont très variables. Le second objectif de cette thèse était de fournir une synthèse de la relation trophique entre C. ohridella et A. pseudoplatanus et, d’évaluer la possibilité d’un changement d’hôte de C. ohridella vers A. pseudoplatanus. Nos résultats ont montré qu’un grand nombre d’œufs sont pondus sur A. pseudoplatanus situés à proximité de marronniers infestés et, que la majorité des larves meurt aux jeunes stades. Par contre, il n’y a pas d'évidence que le niveau d’attaque augmente avec le temps, en Europe. Des observations sur le terrain, des études expérimentales d’exposition de jeunes arbres d’A. pseudoplatanus et, des essais d’élevage dans un jardin commun ont montré que les érables sycomores pouvaient varier individuellement dans leur sensibilité face à C. ohridella, tandis qu’il n’y avait pas d’évidence que les populations de C. ohridella varient dans leur performance sur A. pseudoplatanus. Par conséquent, les populations de C. ohridella ne représentent pas, à court terme, un risque majeur pour A. pseudoplatanus (Chapitre 4). De manière générale, cette thèse fournit un des premiers exemples suggérant que les insectes invasifs peuvent affecter indirectement les espèces d’insectes natifs via la compétition apparente. De plus, cette thèse est une importante contribution à la connaissance de l’écologie de C. ohridella car elle fournit les premières informations détaillées de la relation trophique entre C. ohridella et A. pseudoplatanus., The horse-chestnut leaf miner, Cameraria ohridella, is the first leaf miner and first major pest known to attack the white flowering horse-chestnut tree, Aesculus hippocastanum, native to the Balkans and introduced in Central Europe as an ornamental urban tree. This moth, which probably originates from the Balkans, was first discovered in Macedonia in 1984 and has since invaded most of Europe (Chapter 1). This thesis is the first attempt to investigate the ecological impact of an invasive alien leaf miner on native fauna and flora. Cameraria ohridella is attacked by several European parasitoids and predators. The first aim of this thesis was to assess the interactions of C. ohridella with native leaf miner species through their shared natural enemies, and in particular, parasitoids. This indirect impact is known as apparent competition. Despite the low parasitism rates observed in C. ohridella, populations are so high that an unusual number of polyphagous parasitoids is produced two to four times per year. These parasitoids then have the opportunity to attack other leaf miners and, consequently, affect their density, especially in spring. After overwintering, the parasitoids emerge from dead leaves of horse-chestnut at the same time as, or earlier than, their host, and at least five weeks before suitable C. ohridella larvae or pupae are available. Our results showed that species richness and abundance of native leaf miners were lower in the vicinity of horse-chestnut trees infested by C. ohridella compared to control sites (Chapter 2). However, no evidence for apparent competition was found between C. ohridella and the native beech leaf mining weevil, Orchestes fagi, as total mortality, parasitism and predation were not significantly different. Several parasitoid species commonly attacking C. ohridella were reared from O. fagi, but, in general, their density was not higher in the vicinity of infested horse-chestnut trees. Possible explanations for these unexpected results are provided (Chapter 3). In Europe, mines of C. ohridella have also been recorded on two native maple species, Acer pseudoplatanus and Acer platanoides, but attacks are highly variable. The second aim of this thesis was to provide an overview of the relationship between C. ohridella and A. pseudoplatanus and to assess the possibility of a host shift by C. ohridella to A. pseudoplatanus. So far, our results have shown that high numbers of eggs are laid on A. pseudoplatanus when the trees are surrounded by horse-chestnut and that the majority of the larvae died in the first two instars. Our outcomes also showed that there is no clear indication that the level of attack increases with time in Europe. Field observations, experimental exposure of A. pseudoplatanus saplings and rearing trials in a common garden study showed that individual trees may vary in their susceptibility to C. ohridella, whereas there was no evidence that C. ohridella populations vary in their performance on A. pseudoplatanus. Thus far, there is little evidence that C. ohridella represents a major risk for A. pseudoplatanus (Chapter 4). Overall the present thesis provides, to our knowledge, one of the first examples suggesting that invasive alien insects may indirectly affect native species of insect through apparent competition. Moreover, this thesis is an important contribution to the knowledge of the ecology of C. ohridella because it provides the first detailed information on the relationship between C. ohridella and A. pseudoplatanus.