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Digitalisation des outils de référence : enjeux et perspectives pour l’enseignement de la traduction vers le français L2

2021-8-20, Cotelli Kureth, Sara, Kamber, Alain

Many universities offer translation courses in their modern language curricula as part of L2 teaching. Each one defines different modalities in terms of the resources allowed for these exercises, especially during exams. In recent years, however, a growing number of online tools – monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, bi-concordances, terminology databases, machine translators and corpora – have become available to learners. Such an explosion in the offer and accessibility of tools is likely to impact both teaching/learning and the way in which acquired skills are tested. This article presents the first results of an action research on the progressive introduction of digital tools in two L2 French translation courses. Two series of semi-structured interviews conducted with our students will first allow us to establish what tools are spontaneously used by translation students today. Secondly, these results will be compared to the real practices of the candidates during the examination validating the semester.

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Actes du colloque VALS-ASLA "La linguistique appliquée à l’ère digitale", Neuchâtel, 12-14 février 2020. Introduction

2021, Kamber, Alain, Cotelli Kureth, Sara, Dubois, Maud