Rebetez, Martine
Rebetez, Martine
Affiliation principale
Professeure ordinaire
RĂ©sultat de la recherche
Voici les éléments 1 - 2 sur 2
- PublicationAccès libreRegionalization of precipitation in Switzerland by means of principal component analysis(1997)
;Baeriswyl, Pierre-AlainThe technique of principal component analysis and of cluster analysis has been applied to two sets of precipitation data in Switzerland, one containing 47 stations (1961-80), and the other 101 stations (1981-1993), with the aim of understanding more fully the spatial distribution of precipitation regimes. Seven regions were highlighted in the first case and 13 in the second. The high spatial coherence which appeared is quite remarkable and confirms the usefulness of these techniques for the analysis of the spatial distribution of meteorological variables, even in a topographically complex area such as Switzerland. The two regional distributions obtained not only correspond fairly well to the large, well-known physical regions of Switzerland, but also go much further, separating the Swiss Plateau into 3 clearly differentiated regions, for example. Regional distributions such as those discussed here can have value for climate change issues, and in particular numerical modeling of climate or climate change impacts on forests. - PublicationAccès libreSeasonal relationship between temperature, precipitation and snow cover in a mountainous region(1996)An analysis of correlation coefficients for climatological data covering the period 1901-1994 or 1931-1994 for six locations in Switzerland has been made in order to highlight the relationships between temperature, precipitation (rain and snow) and snow in summer and in winter. The results show that colder summers tend to be associated with more precipitation, mainly in terms of the frequency of occurrence of precipitation, but also in terms of its abundancy. In winter, sites located at lower altitudes behave differently from those at higher elevations. At lower altitudes, warmer winters tend to be rainier and to have less snow (only a small part of winter precipitation falls in the form of snow). Above 1000-1500 m, correlations between temperature on the one hand, and precipitation or snow on the other, tend to be weaker than at lower elevations; warmer winters are associated with less snow but also with less precipitation in general, while the relationship between precipitation and snow is stronger. These results confirm that during cold periods of the past, such as Lobben Phase (1400 BC-1230 BC) cold summers were probably linked to frequent and abundant precipitation. These conditions led to increased mortality as well as to population migrations. In terms of potential future global warming if the current temperature/precipitation relationships remain unchanged, then warmer summers will likely be linked to a decrease in precipitation. Higher winter temperatures can be expected to lead to a general decrease of snow and to a decrease in precipitation, but only at higher elevations; warmer winters would conversely be associated with an increase in precipitation at lower altitudes.