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Chlorinated ethene plume evolution after source thermal remediation: Determination of degradation rates and mechanisms

2019-9, Alexandra Marie, Murray, Cecilie B., Ottosen, Julien, Maillard, Christof, Holliger, Anders, Johansen, Lærke, Brabæk, Inge Lise, Kristensen, Jeremy, Zimmermann, Hunkeler, Daniel, Broholm, Mette M.

The extent, mechanism(s), and rate of chlorinated ethene degradation in a large tetrachloroethene (PCE) plume were investigated in an extensive sampling campaign. Multiple lines of evidence for this degradation were explored, including compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA), dual C-Cl isotope analysis, and quantitative realtime polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis targeting the genera Dehalococcoides and Dehalogenimonas and the genes vcrA, bvcA, and cerA. A decade prior to this sampling campaign, the plume source was thermally remediated by steam injection. This released dissolved organic carbon (DOC) that stimulated microbial activity and created reduced conditions within the plume. Based on an inclusive analysis of minor and major sampling campaigns since the initial site characterization, it was estimated that reduced conditions peaked 4 years after the remediation event. At the time of this study, 11 years after the remediation event, the redox conditions in the aquifer are returning to their original state. However, the DOC released from the remediated source zone matches levels measured 3 years prior and plume conditions are still suitable for biotic reductive dechlorination. Dehalococcoides spp., Dehalogenimonas spp., and vcrA, bvcA, and cerA reductive dehalogenase genes were detected close to the source, and suggest that complete, biotic PCE degradation occurs here. Further downgradient, qPCR analysis and enriched δ13C values for cis-dichloroethene (cDCE) suggest that cDCE is biodegraded in a sulfate-reducing zone in the plume. In the most downgradient portion of the plume, lower levels of specific degraders supported by dual C-Cl analysis indicate that the biodegradation occurs in combination with abiotic degradation. Additionally, 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing shows that organizational taxonomic units known to contain organohalide-respiring bacteria are relatively abundant throughout the plume. Hydraulic conductivity testing was also conducted, and local degradation rates for PCE and cDCE were determined at various locations throughout the plume. PCE degradation rates from sampling campaigns after the thermal remediation event range from 0.11 to 0.35 yr−1. PCE and cDCE degradation rates from the second to the third sampling campaigns ranged from 0.08 to 0.10 yr−1 and 0.01 to 0.07 yr−1, respectively. This is consistent with cDCE as the dominant daughter product in the majority of the plume and cDCE degradation as the time-limiting step. The extensive temporal and spatial analysis allowed for tracking the evolution of the plume and the lasting impact of the source remediation and illustrates that the multiple lines of evidence approach is essential to elucidate the primary degradation mechanisms in a plume of such size and complexity.

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Assessing chlorinated ethene degradation in a large scale contaminant plume by dual carbon–chlorine isotope analysis and quantitative PCR

2011, Hunkeler, Daniel, Abe, Y., Broholm, M.M., Jeannotat, S, Westgaard, C, Jacobsen, C.S, Aravena, R, Bjerg, P.L

The fate of chlorinated ethenes in a large contaminant plume originating from a tetrachloroethene (PCE) source in a sandy aquifer in Denmark was investigated using novel methods including compound-specific carbon and chlorine isotope analysis and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) methods targeting Dehaloccocides sp. and vcrA genes. Redox conditions were characterized as well based on concentrations of dissolved redox sensitive compounds and sulfur isotopes in SO24 ¯.
In the first 400 m downgradient of the source, the plume was confined to the upper 20m of the aquifer. Further downgradient it widened in vertical direction due to diverging groundwater flow reaching a depth of up to 50 m. As the plume dipped downward and moved away from the source, O2 and NO¯3 decreased to below detection levels, while dissolved Fe2+ and SO24¯ increased above detectable concentrations, likely due to pyrite oxidation as confirmed by the depleted sulfur isotope signature of SO24¯. In the same zone, PCE and trichloroethene (TCE) disappeared and cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cDCE) became the dominant chlorinated ethene. PCE and TCE were likely transformed by reductive dechlorination rather than abiotic reduction by pyrite as indicated by the formation of cDCE and stable carbon isotope data. TCE and cDCE showed carbon isotope trends typical for reductive dechlorination with an initial depletion of 13C in the daughter products followed by an enrichment of 13C as degradation proceeded. At 1000 m downgradient of the source, cDCE was the dominant chlorinated ethene and had reached the source δ13C value confirming that cDCE was not affected by abiotic or biotic degradation.
Further downgradient (up to 1900 m), cDCE became enriched in 13C by up to 8‰ demonstrating its further transformation while vinylchloride (VC) concentrations remained low (<1 µg/L) and ethene was not observed. The correlated shift of carbon and chlorine isotope ratios of cDCE by 8 and 3.9‰, respectively, the detection of Dehaloccocides sp genes, and strongly reducing conditions in this zone provide strong evidence for reductive dechlorination of cDCE. The significant enrichment of 13C in VC indicates that VC was transformed further, although the mechanism could not be determined. The transformation of cDCE was the rate limiting step as no accumulation of VC occurred. In summary, the study demonstrates that carbon–chlorine isotope analysis and qPCR combined with traditional approaches can be used to gain detailed insight into the processes that control the fate of chlorinated ethenes in large scale plumes.

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Evaluating the fate of chlorinated ethenes in streambed sediments by combining stable isotope, geochemical and microbial methods

2009, Abe, Yumiko, Aravena, Ramon, Zopfi, Jakob, Parker, Beth, Hunkeler, Daniel

The occurrence of chlorinated ethene transformation in a streambed was investigated using concentration and carbon isotope data from water samples taken at different locations and depths within a 15×25 ms tudy area across which a tetrachloroethene (PCE) plume discharges. Furthermore, it was evaluated how the degree of transformation is related to groundwater discharge rates, redox conditions, solid organic matter content (SOM) and microbial factors. Groundwater discharge rates were quantified based on streambed temperatures, and redox conditions using concentrations of dissolved redox-sensitive species. The degree of chlorinated ethene transformation was highly variable in space from no transformation to transformation beyond ethene. Complete reductive dechlorination to ethane and ethene occurred at locations with at least sulfate-reducing conditions and with a residence time in the samples streambed zone (80 cm depth) of at least 10 days. Among these locations, Dehalococcoides was detected using a PCR method where SOM contents were >2% w/w and where transformation proceeded beyond ethene. However, it was not detected at locations with low SOM, which may cause an insufficient H2 supply to sustain a detectably dense Dehalococcoides population. Additionally, it is possible that other organisms are responsible for the biodegradation. A microcosm study with streambed sediments demonstrated the potential of VC oxidation throughout the site even at locations without a pre-exposure to VC, consistent with the detection of the epoxyalkane:coenzyme M transferase (EaCoMT) gene involved in the degradation of chlorinated ethenes via epoxidation. In contrast, no aerobic transformation of cDCE in microcosms over a period of 1.5 years was observed. In summary, the study demonstrated that carbon isotope analysis is a sensitive tool to identify the degree of chlorinated ethene transformation even in hydrologically and geochemically complex streambed systems. In addition, it was observed that the degree of transformation is related to redox conditions, which in turn depend on groundwater discharge rates.