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Metaphors of development and the development of metaphors

2020-12-1, Zittoun, Tania, Gillespie, Alex

Development is a core theoretical issue for psychology. Yet, the root metaphors that guide theory and research on development have rarely been questioned, and the limitations and blind spots of these metaphors have not been made explicit. In this article, we propose an exercise in theoretical imagination. We start by reviewing the metaphors commonly used in developmental psychology. We then develop four alternative metaphors that, despite being present in the general semiosphere, have not received much theoretical attention. In order to evaluate these metaphors, we introduce a case study of the development evident in a woman’s diary. On this basis, we invite psychologists to examine new metaphors and thus expand the horizon of possible theorizing.

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Integrating experiences: Body and mind moving between contexts

2015, Zittoun, Tania, Gillespie, Alex, Wagoner, Brady, Chaudhary, Nandita, Hviid, Pernille

Zittoun and Gillespie propose a model of the relation between mind and society, specifically the way in which individuals develop and gain agency through society. They theorize a two-way interaction: bodies moving through society accumulate differentiated experiences, which become integrated at the level of mind. This enables psychological movement between experiences, which in turn mediates how people move through society. The model is illustrated with a longitudinal analysis of diaries written by a woman leading up to and through the Second World War.

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"Va, vis et deviens!": le passage de l'école obligatoire à la formation professionnelle

2012, Londino, Noémie, Zittoun, Tania, Gilomen, Heinz

Ce travail examine la période du passage de l’école obligatoire à la formation professionnelle initiale de type dual dans le cadre du système de formation suisse. Une jeune personne qui doit effectuer ce passage et qui commence sa formation professionnelle va devoir traverser plusieurs étapes, ainsi que s’engager dans de nouvelles expériences au sein d’une entreprise. Plus spécifiquement, ce travail choisit d’intégrer la perspective de ces jeunes personnes afin de mieux comprendre la manière dont ils ont vécu ce passage, les difficultés qu’ils y ont rencontrées et la façon dont ils les ont surmontées. Pour cela, il a fallu définir ce qu’est une transition, mais de façon non normative. Il a également été choisi de conserver les interactions entre le monde social et l’individu lors du passage d’une institution à une autre. L’arrière-plan théorique de ce travail donne donc une place importante aux questions de sens qui permettent d’intégrer la perspective de chaque individu parallèlement aux questions de signification, c’est-à-dire la part collective ou partagée de la manière de donner sens aux situations (Zittoun, Muller Mirza & Perret-Clermont, 2006). Le but de ce mémoire est de permettre une meilleure compréhension de cette période faite de nouveautés dans la trajectoire de ces jeunes personnes. En s’intéressant aux processus de changements, il est alors possible d’examiner la manière dont les individus se repositionnent dans de nouvelles situations, développent ou actualisent des connaissances et des compétences et, finalement, réussissent à donner sens à ce qui leur arrive (Zittoun, 2006b). Dans le cadre de cette recherche, quatorze jeunes personnes en formation professionnelle ont accepté de participer à des entretiens. Ils se sont exprimés au sujet du choix de leur formation, de leur métier, de leur apprentissage et de leurs futurs projets. Par ailleurs, ils ont également accepté de raconter leur trajectoire personnelle ainsi que leurs expériences lors du passage de l’école obligatoire à la formation professionnelle. Ces entretiens ont permis de montrer que ce passage ne se caractérise pas uniquement par la transition entre deux institutions, celles de l’école obligatoire et de l’école professionnelle. En effet, lors de ce passage, deux périodes peuvent être perçues comme une rupture par ces jeunes. Ainsi, ce travail donne à voir ces deux périodes où ce qui allait de soi est remis en question et où de nouvelles dynamiques vont être nécessaires pour que les jeunes puissent faire face à de nouvelles situations. L’analyse de ces deux périodes de rupture montre également ce qui facilite ou non les processus de transition et certaines dynamiques psychologiques tout au long de ce passage. Par ailleurs, cette recherche souligne également l’importance des échanges entre pairs sous formes de tutorat et de co-élaboration des tâches et de l’expérience. Finalement, ce travail montre aussi que le monde du travail est constitué de caractéristiques intéressantes participant au développement et à l’apprentissage, et que les expériences professionnelles ainsi que les réseaux sociaux, bien avant l’entrée en formation professionnelle de type dual, participent à la trajectoire professionnelle de ces jeunes personnes.

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The use of symbolic resources in developmental transitions

2003-5-2, Zittoun, Tania, Duveen, Gerard, Gillespie, Alex, Ivinson, Gabrielle, Psaltis, Charis

This paper introduces the idea of symbolic resources as the use of cultural elements to mediate the representational work occasioned by ruptures or discontinuities in the smooth experience of ordinary life, moments when the ‘taken-for-granted’ meanings cease to be taken for granted. In particular we are concerned with the use of symbolic resources in moments of developmental transitions, that is, the mobilization of symbolic elements ranging from shared bodies of knowledge or argumentative strategies to movies, magazines or art pieces. The paper begins with a brief theoretical sketch of these ideas, and then presents three case studies, each of which involves the use of a different type of symbolic resource within a particular age group. In the first, children are observed in interaction with a peer about a conservation problem. In the second, adolescents are observed negotiating the meaning of their art productions with their peers, teachers and parents. The third example looks at Western tourists searching for spirituality, adventure and freedom in Ladakh as an alternative to the materialism of modernity. In each case the analysis of the symbolic resources employed indicates the significance of the gaze of the other in the construction of meanings, and of the various constraints operating within specific situations. The analysis also reveals different modes of use of symbolic resources, linked to changing forms of reflectivity.

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Memory in life transitions

2018, de Saint Laurent, Constance, Zittoun, Tania, Wagoner, B

This chapter explores the transformation of autobiographical memory in life transitions. To do so, it proposes a model of autobiographical memory as an oriented sociocultural act, whereby the person imaginatively distances herself from past experiences to produce a meaningful discourse on her past. This model is applied to the development of autobiographical memory during adolescence, a crucial period in this regard, and is used to analyze a series of longitudinal documentaries on teenagers in Switzerland. Based on two case studies, it is argued that adolescents learn to make sense of their past by building on previous recalls of their experiences, successively reworking their interpretation of what happened. As they discover new concepts, interlocutors, and cultural tools, they learn to distance themselves from their experiences to produce stories that are meaningful for their present selves, which they can share with others, and that can be turned into lessons to be learned.

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Valences, traces and new synthesis in social representing. Commentary of J. Valsiner’s Creating sign hierarchies

2013-12-7, Zittoun, Tania

Based on a chemical metaphor, Valsiner's (2013) model proposes to consider social representations as semiotic processes regulating developmental dynamic. In this paper I pursue this exploration by considering situations in which people's trajectories lead them to confront with conflicting social representations. Based on the two cases of young women's war experience, I suggest (i) that social representation have, for a given person, different "weight" than others, because they have longer story for him or her; (ii) that social representations might have positive or negative "valences", due to their emotional resonance; and that (iii) the existence of specific conditions of "natural laboratories" might help us to account for the processes by which people nonetheless engage into new forms of representing.

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Transitions. Development through symbolic resources

2006, Zittoun, Tania

What do young people do with the novels they read, the films they see, the music they hear and sing? How do these cultural products act as 'symbolic resources' in the process of development? And what can we, as researchers, learn by studying people's uses of fiction? This monograph approaches development through the study of transitions and the processes of exploration that follow ruptures in people's lives. Specifically, it examines young people's symbolic responsibility as they have to choose among the wide range of cultural products societies exposes them to. The book thus examines the books, films and music that young people mobilize when they need to redefine their identity, learn informal know-how, or have to confer meaning to what happens to them in transitions. The book has a theoretical scope. It draws on cultural psychology and psychoanalysis to formulate the importance of semiotic mediation in thinking, feeling and acting. Its main contribution is to propose a model for analyzing uses of symbolic resources, such as books and films, in everyday life. It thus shows how uses of symbolic resources can enable new forms of experiences and conduct. It finally highlights social and personal conditions that might facilitate or hinder developmental uses of symbolic resources. The book, based on in-depth case studies, is addressed to scholars, professional and students in the fields of youth, culture and the media, cultural and developmental psychology, and life-long education.

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Imagination in Human and Cultural Development

2016, Zittoun, Tania, Gillespie, Alex

This book positions imagination as a central concept which increases the understanding of daily life, personal life choices, and the way in which culture and society changes. Case studies from micro instances of reverie and daydreaming, to utopian projects, are included and analysed. The theoretical focus is on imagination as a force free from immediate constraints, forming the basis of our individual and collective agency. In each chapter, the authors review and integrate a wide range of classic and contemporary literature culminating in the proposal of a sociocultural model of imagination. The book takes into account the triggers of imagination, the content of imagination, and the outcomes of imagination. At the heart of the model is the interplay between the individual and culture; an exploration of how the imagination, as something very personal and subjective, grows out of our shared culture, and how our shared culture can be transformed by acts of imagination. Imagination in Human and Cultural Development offers new perspectives on the study of psychological learning, change, innovation and creativity throughout the lifespan. The book will appeal to academics and scholars in the fields of psychology and the social sciences, especially those with an interest in development, social change, cultural psychology, imagination and creativity.

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Life-Course : A Socio-Cultural Perspective

2012, Zittoun, Tania

This chapter characterizes a socio-cultural psychology of the life-course, and shows how it differs from other approaches of the life-course. General principles for such a psychology are highlighted, and a particular attention to ruptures, transitions, and the processes these involve, is proposed. Such a basic “grammar” enables us to highlight a few dynamics of development; empirical situations chosen along typical life-courses exemplify them. Issues to be further examined can thus be highlighted.

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Donner la vie, choisir un nom : engendrements symboliques

2005, Zittoun, Tania

Au travers des procédures de choix de prénoms, ce livre examine les ressources symboliques - les traditions religieuses et culturelles, mais aussi les livres, les films, les chansons - que de futurs parents ont mobilisées durant les neuf mois de cette transition vers la parentalité. Ainsi, en faisant usage de ressources symboliques, de futurs parents font plus que de mettre au monde un enfant : ils engendrent la nébuleuse symbolique qui l'accueillera, et que le prénom cristallise ; mais aussi, peut-être s'engendrent-ils eux-mêmes.