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    Mettre en sens son haut potentiel intellectuel en école spécialisée. Une carrière temporelle et sociale
    Gilbert Emilie
    Que signifie aujourd’hui « être à haut potentiel » en école spécialisée ? Ce mémoire vise à comprendre la manière dont se construit la mise en sens du diagnostic de haut potentiel intellectuel chez des jeunes ayant suivi une scolarité en contexte homogène. Se basant sur un cadre théorique interactionniste symbolique et psychologique socioculturel, ma recherche porte particulièrement sur l’expérience personnelle de ce diagnostic, les conceptions développées et leurs évolutions, ainsi que sur les logiques sociales y participant. Comme il sera démontré, les concepts de carrière (Becker, 1985), stigmate (Goffman, 1975), chevron (Jouveau, 1997) et les trois processus de transition (Zittoun, 2012) sont des clés de lecture essentielles à la compréhension de ce processus. Seize entretiens et une immersion dans une école spécialisée de Suisse romande ont été réalisés afin d’explorer ce monde encore peu connu.
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    Vygotsky’s Tragedy: Hamlet and the Psychology of Art
    (2021-9-4) ;
    Stenner, Paul
    Lev S. Vygotsky is one of the major figures of psychology; however, his deep engagement with the arts is less known. This is surprising, given the fact that the arts, and especially Shakespeare’s Hamlet, are present throughout his career. In this article, we argue, first, that Hamlet was a major symbolic resource for Vygotsky in times of liminal transitions, and second, that it is this very deep experience of having been transformed by means of Hamlet that grounds his psychology of art, which aims precisely to show how Hamlet works as a “technique of emotions.” Our demonstration is organized into three main movements. In Part 1, we retrace the historical and cultural context in which Vygotsky grew up as a young man. We emphasize his experiences of liminality and transitions, due to transformations of the social world and his own life. In Part 2, we examine Vygotsky’s proposition itself through a close analysis of his Psychology of art. Finally, in Part 3, we further explicate the relation between art and life at play in Vygotsky’s approach and relate this to Vygotsky’s broader psychology.
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    Experience on the Edge: Theorizing Liminality
    (Cham (Switzerland): Springer, 2021)
    Wagoner, Brady
    Liminality has become a key concept within the social sciences, with a growing number of publications devoted to it in recent years. The concept is needed to address those aspects of human experience and social life that fall outside of ordered structures. In contrast to the clearly defined roles and routines that define so much of industrial work and economic life, it highlights spaces of transition, indefiniteness, ambiguity, play and creativity. Thus, it is an indispensable concept and a necessary counterweight to the overemphasis on structural influences on human behavior. This book aims to use the concept of liminality to develop a culturally and experientially sensitive psychology. This is accomplished by first setting out an original theoretical framework focused on understanding the ‘liminal sources of cultural experience,’ and second an application of concept to a number of different domains, such as tourism, pilgrimage, aesthetics, children’s play, art therapy, and medical diagnosis. Finally, all these domains are then brought together in a concluding commentary chapter that puts them in relation to an overarching theoretical framework. This book will be useful for graduate students and researchers in cultural psychology, critical psychology, psychosocial psychology, developmental psychology, health psychology, anthropology and the social sciences, cultural studies among others.
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    Fantasy and imagination – from psychoanalysis to cultural psychology
    (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2017) ;
    Wagoner, Brady
    Bresco de Luna, Ignascio
    Awad, Sarah H.
    In his impressive historical chapter, Cornejo proposes to explore the major contributions to the study of fantasy before a new, modern psychology reduced it to mere reproductive imagination, losing much of the depth of the initial notion. Fantasy was forgotten by psychology, he argues, and let to other disciplines emerging at the 19th century, such as psychoanalysis and phenomenology. Against a psychology without soul, Cornejo invites cultural psychology to draw on insights of the past to bring about a theorization of imagination “with soul” in cultural psychology. In this chapter, I propose to complement Cornejo’s project by exploring, first, fields neighboring psychology in which fantasy kept some of its initial richness, especially psychoanalysis and anthropology. Second, I recall that some approaches in psychology did maintain a non-rationalistic imagination after the creation of a scientific psychology. Third, drawing on these points, I finally suggest one possible way to theorize fantasy or imagination within cultural psychology.
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    Studying higher mental functions: The example of imagination
    (Cham etc.: Springer, 2016) ;
    Valsiner, Jaan
    Marsico, Giuseppina
    Chaudhary, Nandita
    Sato, Tatsuya
    Dazzani, Vriginia
    Among the many objects of interest of cultural psychology is imagination. Imagination is a higher function of the mind – that is, it requires the mediation of internalized cultural means. As such, it is both deeply cultural in nature, as well as unique in the way it is experienced by a given person, in a specific time and place. Altogether, it plays a major role in individual and collective change. However, like many others higher functions, it cannot be studied directly: one cannot observe what or how someone is imagining. This is where psychologists have either the choice to give up, or to devise alternative ways to access to imagination. The chapter first defines imagination as sociocultural process. In a second part, it examines methods that have been used, or could be used, to study imagination, especially: case studies, projective tests, lab studies, introspection, autoanalysis, autoethnography, observation, and everyday life enquiry. In the third part, the chapter proposes a synthetic analysis of these techniques, highlighting the specific perspectives they allow for studying imagination. Finally the chapter suggests that such exploration might offer new keys for the study of higher psychological function, that is, for culture in mind and mind in culture.
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    Imagination in Human and Cultural Development
    (London: Routledge, 2016) ;
    Gillespie, Alex
    This book positions imagination as a central concept which increases the understanding of daily life, personal life choices, and the way in which culture and society changes. Case studies from micro instances of reverie and daydreaming, to utopian projects, are included and analysed. The theoretical focus is on imagination as a force free from immediate constraints, forming the basis of our individual and collective agency. In each chapter, the authors review and integrate a wide range of classic and contemporary literature culminating in the proposal of a sociocultural model of imagination. The book takes into account the triggers of imagination, the content of imagination, and the outcomes of imagination. At the heart of the model is the interplay between the individual and culture; an exploration of how the imagination, as something very personal and subjective, grows out of our shared culture, and how our shared culture can be transformed by acts of imagination. Imagination in Human and Cultural Development offers new perspectives on the study of psychological learning, change, innovation and creativity throughout the lifespan. The book will appeal to academics and scholars in the fields of psychology and the social sciences, especially those with an interest in development, social change, cultural psychology, imagination and creativity.
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    A cultural psychological reading of Religionpsychologie
    (Amsterdam: Brill, 2016) ;
    Belzen, Jacob
    Jacob Belzen’s Religionspsychologie (Belzen, 2015) is a fascinating, deeply scholarly written book retracing a century of psychology of religion in Europe and its relation to the rest of the world. It both shows the anchorage of psychology of religion in the debates taking place around the development of psychology, and in the evolution of Europe since the beginning of the 20th century. In this brief commentary, I highlight the qualities of this work, and especially its ability to retrace the complex human network of relationships that accompanied the development of a scientific society and its publications. I then suggest two possible ways to complement this analysis. First, as a developmental, sociocultural psychologist, I reflect on the fact that this field of enquiry, that aimed to be inter-confessional, came to be led essentially by scholars of Christian origin or addressing Christianity. Second, observing the diversity of approaches constituting psychology of religion today, highlighted by Belzen, I emphasize the diverse epistemologies grounding these works. I finally argue in favor of a pragmatic stance, which might both guide the field into issues of societal relevance, and allow psychology of religion to contribute to the development of psychology as a whole.
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    Compatibility between early psychoanalysis and pragmatism
    (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 2015) ;
    Rosenbaum, Philip J.
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    Cultural Psychology and Psychoanalysis in Dialogue. Issues for constructive theoretical and methodological Synergies
    (Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publisher., 2011)
    Salvatore, Sergio
    This book explores how psychoanalysis can enrich and complement sociocultural psychology. It presents theoretical integrations of psychoanalytical notions in the sociocultural framework, analyzes the historical similarities, if not intricacies, of the two fields, and presents papers that have tried to apply an enriched theoretical framework in developmental and clinical empirical work. The first section presents editors' theoretical proposition for an integration of one particular stream of psychoanalysis within sociocultural psychology, which emphasizes both the dialogical and the semiotic nature of psychological dynamics. The second section pursues this theoretical dialogue through a historical perspective. The third section pursues the implications of this parallel reasoning. It invites researchers that propose further syntheses between some strands of psychoanalysis and approaches within social and cultural psychology. The contributions collected in this section show how sociocultural psychology and psychoanalysis can complement each other, when it comes to tracing the emergence of meaning in actual interactive settings. Showing historical common roots, epistemological similarities, and theoretical complementarities, this book intends to suggests how the encounter and reciprocal contamination between cultural psychology and psychoanalysis could provide innovative theoretical and methodological syntheses. Through the various contributions three directions of development emerge as particularly promising for psychological science. Firstly, the semiotic conceptualization of affects, emerging from several of the contributors, appears to be a significant step ahead in the understanding of the dynamics of sense-making. A second promising direction of development concerns methodology. The reader will find several invitations to rethink the way of analyzing the phenomena of sense-making. Finally, the volume highlights how the connection between theory and practice in psychology is not a mere matter of application. Rather, the psychological intervention could be – needs to be – a theoretical object for cultural psychology, as it already is for psychoanalysis. At the same time, the intervention could be a fertile domain where a psychological practice endowed with reflexive capability generates new theoretical constructions.
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    A cultural psychological reflection on collaborative research (Conference Essay)
    Cornish, Flora
    Gillespie, Alex
    This essay reports on discussions that took place at a workshop on collaborative research in European cultural psychology. The production of knowledge in social interaction is, for sociocultural psychologists, something that is observed and theorised as it is undertaken by research participants. Researchers less frequently reflect on the social relations through which their own scientific knowledge is produced. The workshop focused on five empirical collaborative research projects and aimed to explore the intellectual significance of the social relations of collaboration. In the course of the workshop, we developed a cultural psychological conceptualisation of collaboration as an institutionally situated interaction between divergent perspectives with a (partially) shared goal. This perspective leads us to consider the value of divergent perspectives in instigating reflexivity and novelty. We present here a framework of dimensions for describing different forms of scientific collaboration which may be useful for researchers planning future collaborations.