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    Thematic engagements: Affects and learning in older age
    In this paper, we propose a sociocultural perspective to consider affects in older age. The psychology of learning throughout the whole life course, including in the life of older adults, suggest that affects play an important role. However, developmental psychology has paid little attention to affects in learning and development, and even less to these aspects in older age. We believe that it is important to examine affects in older age because of their centrality in the lifecourse; but how to account for them? We propose the notion of thematic engagement to highlight the role of affects in older persons' learning and development, and to designate transversal and pluri-thematic interests across activities and domains of knowledge, which enable us to show that some topics, domains or interests become more important than others for a given person across time. We base our claims on a longitudinal study of older people engaging in different activities at home, in their neighbourhood, as well as in a daycare centre for older people, and provide three dialogical exemplars. We finally highlight some theoretical and empirical implications of our proposition.
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    Imagination as Expansion of Experience
    (2013) ;
    Cerchia, Frédéric
    This paper proposes a developmental view on imagination: from this perspective, imagination can be seen as triggered by some disrupting event, which generates a disjunction from the person’s unfolding experience of the “real” world, and as unfolding as a loop, which eventually comes back to the actual experience. Examining recent and classical theorization of imagination in psychology, the paper opposes a deficitary view of imagination to an expansive notion of imagination. The paper explores Piaget, Vygotsky, Harris and Pelaprat & Cole consider: 1) What does provoke a “rupture” or disjunction? 2) What are the psychological processes involved in the imaginary loop? 3) What nourishes such processes? 4) What are the consequences of such imaginary loop, or what does it enable doing? The paper proposes to adopt an expansive view of imagination, as Vygotsky proposed—a perspective that has been under-explored empirically since his seminal work. To stimulate such sociocultural psychology of imagination, two empirical examples are provided, one showing how children make sense of metaphor in an experimental setting, the other showing a young person using a novel met at school as symbolic resource.
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    Fragmentation or differentiation: Questioning the crisis in psychology
    (2009-5-2) ;
    Cornish, Flora
    Gillepsie, Alex
    There is a recurrent discourse about the fragmentation of psychology and its crises as a science, which often leads to a disenchanted view about its future. To this discourse we oppose a developmental one, in which crises can be occasions for development, and in which development might imply differentiation. We first review why psychology can be said to be in crisis. We then situate the crisis in the pragmatics of doing psychology. Crises occur when psychologists have problems either working with other psychologists or with communities. We argue that collaborative research is a way to overcome these crises. Specifically we suggest three specific scientific activities that can lead to the development of psychology: collaborative research methods, the identification of nodal concepts that enable the bringing together of different approaches and disciplines, and the creation and maintenance of institutional spaces that enable creative, collaborative work.
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    Four social psychological lenses for developmental psychology
    Comment intégrer les progrès de la psychologie et de la psychologie du développement? Cet article théorique propose d’examiner quatre modèles utilisés dans la tradition post-piagétienne pour étudier le développement et l’apprentissage dans leur situation sociale: le triangle psychosocial, le cadre, l’idée de transfert ou de transition, et les modèles intégrant l’idée d’outil culturel. Nous montrons les dynamiques que les travaux utilisant ces modèles ont pu mettre en évidence. Nous discutons finalement les notions même de développement et de personne qui se dégagent de ces approches., How can the advances of social and developmental psychology be integrated? This conceptual paper proposes to examine four basic theoretical models of social situations through which learning and development have been observed in the post-piagetian tradition: the psychosocial triangle, the frame, models of transfer and transitions, and models integrating the notion of cultural instrument. We show different dynamics highlighted by series of studies using these models. We finally discuss the notions of development and of the person emerging through such social developmental approaches.
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    Learning through transitions: The role of institutions
    Cet article présente deux modèles pour analyser les transitions éducatives. Premièrement, des transitions sont des processus de changement qui suivent des ruptures perçues par les personnes. Ils comprennent des processus d’apprentissage, de changement identitaire et de construction de signification. Deuxièmement, ces processus peuvent être observés au travers d’un prisme sémiotique, qui articule la personne, autrui, l’objet et le sens de l’objet pour la personne, situés dans un cadre social spécifique. Les transitions sont comprises comme des reconfigurations de ce prisme. Le rôle des institutions en tant que cadres sociaux qui peuvent faciliter ou contraindre ces reconfigurations est mis en évidence. Trois études de cas de transitions – vers la formation professionnelle, hors d’une école religieuse, et vers le travail en temps de guerre – soutiennent cette proposition., In this paper two models are proposed for analysing transitions in education. Firstly, transitions are the processes that follow ruptures perceived by people. They include learning, identity change, and meaning making processes. Secondly, processes of change are observed through a semiotic prism, articulating self-other-object-sense of the object for self, and located in a specific social frame. Transitions are thus analysed as reconfigurations of such semiotic prism. The paper proposes to highlight the role of institutions as social frames likely to facilitate, or constrain, such reconfigurations. The role of institutions in transitions is discussed through three case studies: the transition to vocational training, the transition out of a religious school, and the transition to work at war-time.
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    Editorial introduction: Transitions in the process of education
    Hviid, Pernille
    L’introduction proposée par les éditrices pose le cadre de ce numéro spécial et spécifie les choix théoriques qui le fondent. D’une part, il s’agit d’examiner des transitions dans le processus éducatif de manière à mettre en évidence certains aspects communs à des situations souvent étudiées isolément; d’autre part, il s’agit de conceptualiser les transitions comme des processus situés dans le temps. Ces choix théoriques soulèvent des difficultés méthodologiques, comme celle de la préservation des dynamiques caractérisant les situations éducatives. Trois options méthodologiques sont présentées: les reconstructions temporelles (temporelles ou graphiques); des données collectées en temps réel; et un accent donné à l’articulation de l’individuel et du social. Chaque article est ainsi introduit selon les choix méthodologiques adoptés par les auteurs. Finalement, deux caractéristiques des processus de transition sont mises en évidence: l’importance des ajustements entre personne et son environnement qu’elles demandent; et les dynamiques ludiques qu’elles impliquent. De possibles implications pour la réflexion éducative sont suggérées., This editorial introduction frames the special issue by highlighting its choices: examining transitions in the educational process, so as to highlight common features of many educational phenomena, often considered separately; and conceptualise transitions as time-embedded processes. Such theoretical choices raise methodological questions, among which, that of preserving the dynamics of education. Three main methodological options for doing so are considered: time reconstruction (verbal or graphic); real-time data gathering; and focus on the individual-social articulation. Each of the papers is thus presented through its specific methodological choices. Finally, two transversal characteristics of transitions are highlighted: the person-and-environment mutual responsiveness, and their inherent playfulness; some consequences for education are suggested.
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    Quand la culture entre dans les recherches en psychologie du développement
    (2006) ;
    Muller Mirza, Nathalie
    La question de la “ culture ” peut être abordée au niveau des relations entre “ significations collectives ” et “ sens personnel ” des connaissances et des activités. Nous identifions quatre courants de recherches qui ont récemment abordé ces questions, examinons leurs choix théoriques et méthodologiques, et mettons en évidence quelques jalons pour la recherche à venir., The issue of “ culture ” addresses the relationship between “ collective meaning ” and “ personal sense ” of knowledge and activity. We identify four recent research trends which explored these issues, show their theoretical and methodological choices, and highlight important points for future research.