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Book reviews: A dialogical reviewing process

2024, Zittoun, Tania, Ivana Marková

As part of a theoretical and friendly dialogue that we have developed over the years (Marková et al., 2020, 2022; Zittoun, 2017), we both realised that our newly published books appeared almost simultaneously at the same publisher (Marková, 2023; Zittoun, 2024). To pursue this dialogue, we proposed to review each other’s book, and we then had a dialogue on these two reviews. The present “dialogical review” has thus three parts: the first part presents some of the points emerging from our dialogue; the second part is the review of Ivana Marková’s The making of a dialogical theory. Social representations and communication (2023) by Tania Zittoun; and the third is the review of Tania Zittoun’s Pleasure of thinking (2024) by of Ivana Marková.

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Vital memory and affect: Living with a difficult past, by Steven D Brown and Paula Reavey. London: Routledge, 2015

2017-8-15, Zittoun, Tania

How can memories of past experiences define so much who we are, or bound us to a place, or cause eternal grief, or suddenly lose their grip on our lives and vanish in the limbo of our past? In ‘‘Vital memory and affect,’’ Steven D Brown and Paula Reavey (2015) propose an original reconceptualization of memory that allows to account for what they call ‘‘vital memories,’’ that is, ‘‘memory that are in some way fundamental to a sense of who we are as persons’’ (p. xiii). They propose a model of memory as located in the flow of time and as complex configuration of affects, relationships, images and material things, socioculturally situated. Because this model has much to do with current attempts to account for complex modalities of experiencing from a cultural psychological perspective, I wish to briefly summarize that work, before showing its possible prolongations.

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Book review : Sarajevo 2000. The psychosocial consequences of war. Results of empirical research from the territory of former Yugoslavia

2004-5-2, Zittoun, Tania