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A sociocultural psychology of repeated mobility: dialogical challenges

2019, Zittoun, Tania, Levitan, Déborah

In this paper, we propose a sociocultural psychology of the lifecourse to examine the extreme case of families living in repeated international mobility. In this case, mobility is motivated by work, which leads to repeated relocation of housing and occupational arrangements across countries. Based on fieldwork, we highlight three challenges of repeated mobility and discuss their implications within sociocultural psychology., En este artículo proponemos una psicología sociocultural del curso de la vida para analizar el caso extremo de familias que viven en movilidad internacional repetida. En este caso, la movilidad está motivada por el trabajo, lo que da lugar a una relocalización reiterada de vivienda y acuerdos ocupacionales a través de distintos países. Basándonos en un trabajo de campo, destacamos tres desafíos que presenta la movilidad repetida y abordamos sus implicaciones en el campo de la psicología sociocultural.

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Between continuity and change: a psychosocial perspective of families in repeated international mobility

2018, Levitan, Déborah, Zittoun, Tania

Dans un contexte où les pratiques d’emploi sont transnationales et reliées, un nombre croissant de professionnels sont conduits à des déménagements répétés dans différents pays avec leur famille, vivant plus ou moins de manière permanente en déplacement. Comment ces personnes parviennent-elles à trouver de la stabilité en dépit de changements incessants ? En adoptant une perspective socioculturelle en psychologie, cette thèse examine comment les familles vivent les changements constants engendrés par une mobilité internationale répétée et la manière dont l’environnement socioculturel crée les conditions cadres pour mener une vie mobile. Cette étude est basée sur des entretiens avec des experts de la mobilité mondiale, des entretiens approfondis conduits entre 2015 et 2018 avec des familles mobiles vivant en Suisse, ainsi que sur l’analyse statistique d’une enquête à large échelle. Les résultats remettent en question les idées préconçues associées à une mobilité internationale répétée, courantes dans le discours public en Suisse. Premièrement, les analyses basées sur les données d’une enquête à large échelle révèlent que les familles mobiles font face à des pressions distinctes, différentes de celles vécues par les migrants de longue durée, allant du peu de soutien institutionnel et social à la gestion de nouveaux besoins psychologiques. Deuxièmement, les entretiens avec les experts montrent que cette demande émergeante s’est accompagnée d’une prolifération d’experts réinstallation et d’organismes fournissant des services pour aider la réinstallation internationale des familles. Enfin, des entretiens approfondis avec des familles démontrent que malgré un contexte de changements constants, les familles recréent les mêmes sphères d’expérience partout, transforment leurs relations en objets et construisent un continuum de relations sociales en élargissant leur réseau social tout en resserrant les relations au sein de la famille nucléaire. Les analyses révèlent une nouvelle modalité d’établissement d’un sentiment de continuité malgré de fréquents changements. En réunissant les études de psychologie avec celles dédiées à la migration et à la mobilité, cette thèse contribue par conséquent à redéfinir le défi central de la mobilité internationale, et fournit des pistes théoriques pour l’étude de la vie familiale dans des conditions d’instabilité migratoire globale croissante. En comprenant les implications d’une mobilité internationale répétée, la société pourrait être capable de relever le défi de cultiver un système de valeurs et de pratiques qui saisit la nouvelle place centrale que la mobilité a aujourd’hui et aura à l’avenir. Abstract In the context of connected transnational employment practices, an increasing number of professionals engage in repeated moves across countries with their families, living more or less permanently on the move. How are those people able to find stability despite constant changes? Adopting a sociocultural perspective in psychology, this thesis investigates how families experience constant changes triggered by repeated international mobility, and the ways in which the sociocultural environment creates the guiding conditions for leading a mobile life. This study is based on interviews with global mobility experts, in-depth interviews with mobile families living in Switzerland conducted between 2015 and 2018, as well as statistical analysis of a large-scale survey. The findings challenge preconceptions associated with repeated international mobility common in the public discourse in Switzerland. First, analysis based on data from the large-scale survey reveals that mobile families face some distinctive pressures, different from those of long-term migrants, ranging from a lack of institutional and social support to the management of new psychological needs. Second, interviews with experts show that this emerging demand has been accompanied by a proliferation of relocation experts and agencies providing services to support the international relocation of families. Finally, in-depth interviews with families show that against the backdrop of constant changes, families recreate the same spheres of experience everywhere, transform their relations to objects, and build a continuum of social relationships by enlarging their social networks while tightening-up the relationships within the nuclear family. These analyses reveal a new modality for establishing a sense of continuity despite frequent changes. By bringing together studies on psychology with those on migration and mobility, this thesis thus contributes to redefining the central challenge of international mobility, and provides theoretical directions for the study of family life under conditions of increasing global migratory instabilities. By understanding the implications of repeated international mobility, society may be able to rise to the challenge of cultivating a system of values and practices that grasps the new centrality that mobility has today and will have in the future.

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A Sociocultural Approach to Mobile Families: A Case Study

2019, Zittoun, Tania, Levitan, Déborah, Cangià, Flavia

This paper proposes a sociocultural perspective of mobility, of which migration is only one case, with a focus on mobile families. Consistent with mobility studies, sociocultural psychology of the lifecourse proposes to study both the sociocultural conditions of mobility, and the perspective of mobile people. In addition, in this article, we consider interrelated lives in mobility. We discuss the specific case of one family documented as part of a larger research project on repeated geographical mobility, and highlight the specificities of the context, the experiences of each family member, and some of their overlapping spheres of experiences. We thus hope to document the life of such families, but also to provide theoretical directions for the psychological study of mobility.

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Family, Boundaries and Transformation. The International Mobility of Professionals and Their Families

2018, Cangia, Flavia, Levitan, Déborah, Zittoun, Tania

Two dominant images of migrant professionals, also known as “expats”, have long been common, in the social sciences: on the one hand, they were described as super-mobile individuals, who easily move between places with no time frame in mind, with the openness to engage with diversity; on the other hand, more recent studies challenged the idea of “expat” cosmopolitanism, and investigated the boundaries constituted by these people in the course of their everyday life. The present paper brings to the fore the complexity of these individuals’ and their families’ experiences of international mobility from a combined socio-cultural psychological and sociological perspective. We draw on qualitative research conducted in Switzerland in order to reflect on the role of family in the way these people make sense of diversity across time and space, make and un-make symbolic boundaries between themselves and others, and understand their own and their familiars' transformation.