Voici les éléments 1 - 3 sur 3
  • Publication
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    Estimation frequency of GARCH-type models: Impact on Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall forecasts?
    (2014) ;
    Hoogerheide, Lennart
    We analyze the impact of the estimation frequency - updating parameter estimates on a daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly basis - for commonly used GARCH models in a large-scale study, using more than twelve years (2000-2012) of daily returns for constituents of the S&P 500 index. We assess the implication for one-day ahead 95% and 99% Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasts with the test for correct conditional coverage of Christoffersen (1998) and for Expected Shortfall (ES) forecasts with the block-bootstrap test of ES violations of Jalal and Rockinger (2008). Using the false discovery rate methodology of Storey (2002) to estimate the percentage of stocks for which the model yields correct VaR and ES forecasts, we conclude that there is no difference in performance between updating the parameter estimates of the GARCH equation at a daily or weekly frequency, whereas monthly or even quarterly updates are only marginally outperformed.
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    Generalized marginal risk
    (2011) ;
    Keel, Simon
    An important aspect of portfolio risk management is the analysis of the overall risk with respect to the assets' allocations. Marginal risk is the traditional tool, however, this metric is only meaningful when a position is levered or when the proceeds from the sale of a position are put in the cash account. This paper proposes an extension of the traditional marginal risk approach as a means of overcoming this defficiency. The new concept addresses situations where the change in a position results in changes to other positions as well. An illustration is provided for synthetic and real-world portfolios.
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    Financial Risk Management with Bayesian Estimation of GARCH Models: Theory and Applications
    (Heidelberg: Springer, 2008)
    This book presents in detail methodologies for the Bayesian estimation of single-regime and regime-switching GARCH models. These models are widespread and essential tools in financial econometrics and have, until recently, mainly been estimated using the classical Maximum Likelihood technique. As this study aims to demonstrate, the Bayesian approach offers an attractive alternative which enables small sample results, robust estimation, model discrimination and probabilistic statements on nonlinear functions of the model parameters. The first two chapters introduce the work and give a short overview of the Bayesian paradigm for inference. The next three chapters describe the estimation of the GARCH model with Normal innovations and the linear regression models with conditionally Normal and Student-t-GJR errors. For these models, we compare the Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood approaches based on real financial data. In particular, we document that even for fairly large data sets, the parameter estimates and confidence intervals are different between the methods. Caution is therefore in order when applying asymptotic justifications for this class of models. The sixth chapter presents some financial applications of the Bayesian estimation of GARCH models. We show how agents facing different risk perspectives can select their optimal VaR point estimate and document that the differences between individuals can be substantial in terms of regulatory capital. Finally, the last chapter proposes the estimation of the Markov-switching GJR model. An empirical application documents the in- and out-of-sample superiority of the regime-switching specification compared to single-regime GJR models. We propose a methodology to depict the density of the one-day ahead VaR and document how specific forecasters’ risk perspectives can lead to different conclusions on the forecasting performance of the MS-GJR model.