Viret, Marjolaine
Viret, Marjolaine
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Latest Changes to the 2015 WADA Code – Fairer, Smarter, Clearer… and not quite Finished [Addendum to the Article: «Does the World Anti-Doping Code Revision Live up to its Promises? A Preliminary Survey of the Main Changes in the Final Draft of the 2015 WADA Code»]
2014-1-20, Rigozzi, Antonio, Viret, Marjolaine, Wisnosky, Emily
In this addendum to their Preliminary Survey published in November 2013 that discussed the key changes in the 2015 WADA Code revision, the authors present and analyse three lastminute amendments that were made to the final draft of the Code eventually approved. These three amendments are of significance, since they touch, in particular, upon the treatment of social drugs in anti-doping.