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Dynamics of globalization: mobility, space and regulation

2012, Söderström, Ola, Klauser, Francisco, Piguet, Etienne, Crot, Laurence

Les recherches actuelles conduites à l’Institut de Géographie de l’Université de Neuchâtel se concentrent sur l’importance cruciale de la mobilité dans les dynamiques de la mondialisation. En s’appuyant sur les études de la mobilité, cet article présente un cadre analytique susceptible d’étudier la «construction mobile de la société». L’article montre que la relation entre la mobilité, l’espace et la régulation fournit un angle d’approche particulièrement approprié à l’exploration des enjeux contemporains de la mondialisation, considérée à travers le prisme de la mobilité. Il décrit les recherches actuelles conduites à l’Institut, qui s’articulent autour de trois thèmes: migrations; changement urbain; et pouvoir, espace et mobilité dans la société de l’information. L’article montre que la mondialisation peut être appréhendée comme un processus de constitution de la société par la mobilité. Ce processus conduit à certaines tensions, notamment entre fluidité et turbulence, standardisation et diversité, et pouvoir et résistance., Recent research at the Institute of Geography in Neu-châtel emphasises the pivotal status of mobility in the dynamics of globalization. Drawing on work in mobil-ity studies, the article presents a basic analytical frame-work suitable for studying the «mobile constitution of society». It argues more specifically that the relation-ship between mobility, space and regulation offers a worthwhile analytical focus for exploring current issues of globalization from the viewpoint of mobility. The article presents current research at the Institute that explores this interrelation, focusing on three main fields: «human migration», «urban change» and «power, space and mobility in the information age». It argues that globalization can be seen as a process of constitution of society through mobility, and as such a field of tensions: between fluidity and turbulence, standardisation and diversity, power and resistance., Das Geographische Institut der Universität Neuenburg untersucht und versteht Mobilität als zentrale Dimension aktueller Globalisierungsprozesse. Der vorliegende Artikel entwickelt einleitend, in Anlehnung an die Mobility Studies, ein allgemeines Analyseraster zum Studium der «mobilen Konstitution der Gesellschaft». Darauf aufbauend wird speziell der analytische Nutzen der Begriffe Mobilität, Raum und Regulation hervorgehoben, um aktuelle Entwicklungs- tendenzen der Globalisierung aus einer Mobilitäts-Perspektive zu behandeln. Auf dieser theoretischen Grundlage lässt sich die aktuelle Arbeit des Instituts in drei Forschungsrichtungen einteilen: «Migration», «Stadtentwicklung» sowie «Raum und Macht im Informationszeitalter». Abschliessend wird die Rolle der Begriffe Mobilität, Raum und Regulation in allen drei Forschungsrichtungen dargelegt.

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New forms of gentrification: issues and debates (Special issue editorial)

2010, Rérat, Patrick, Söderström, Ola, Piguet, Etienne

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L'attrait retrouvé des villes suisses

2009, Rérat, Patrick, Piguet, Etienne, Söderström, Ola

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Une gentrification émergente et diversifiée : le cas des villes suisses

2008, Rérat, Patrick, Söderström, Ola, Besson, Roger, Piguet, Etienne

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Dynamics of Globalisation: Mobility, Space and Regulation

2012, Söderström, Ola, Klauser, Francisco, Piguet, Etienne, Crot, Laurence

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From urban wastelands to new-build gentrification: The case of Swiss cities

2010, Rérat, Patrick, Söderström, Ola, Piguet, Etienne, Besson, Roger

Gentrification represents an important aspect of the transformation of socio-demographic structures in many cities around the world. The definition of this concept has been extended in recent years to cover different processes of social upgrading and to incorporate a plurality of forms, protagonists, and spaces. The notion of ‘new-build gentrification’ is part of this process of redefinition. Because of its strong connections with global socioeconomic trends, the adoption of regeneration and densification policies along with the emergence of numerous new urban districts, Switzerland offers a particularly interesting case in which to study this specific form of gentrification. In this paper, we first provide an assessment of the residential attractiveness of Swiss core cities for the middle to upper class. We then study new housing projects in Zurich and Neuchâtel. Our focus on the actors involved in these projects brings original results to the debates surrounding the driving forces behind new-build gentrification. Empirical material is drawn from official statistics, questionnaires relating to inhabitant profiles, interviews concerned with the strategies of actors in the real-estate market, and planning policy documents.

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Habiter la ville: évolution démographique et attractivité résidentielle des centres urbains helvétiques

2009, Söderström, Ola, Rérat, Patrick, Besson, Roger, Piguet, Etienne, Pattaroni, Luca, Rabinovich, Adriana, Kaufmann, Vincent

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New forms of gentrification: issues and debates

2010, Rérat, Patrick, Söderström, Ola, Piguet, Etienne

This special issue addresses the questions of gentrification and new‐build gentrification, two processes of urban transformation that significantly contribute to the reconfiguration of the socio‐demographic profile of populations in contemporary cities. Whereas gentrification has long referred to the physical and social transformation of central areas through rehabilitation of existing housing stock and population displacement by more affluent households, the concept has recently been extended to include new high‐status developments (regeneration of brownfield sites or demolition/reconstruction of existing residential areas). Although these new developments do not always cause direct population displacement, the question of the possible indirect consequences has been critically raised while the densification of the built environment appears as a favourable outcome in a context of environmental sustainability concerns. The papers collected in this issue focus on the emerging debates surrounding the new forms of gentrification, the increased residential attractiveness of core cities, and the actors who are involved or affected by these processes. In so doing it discusses the geography of gentrification, expanding analysis towards a wide range of contexts.

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Résider en ville : évolution démographique et attractivité résidentielle des centres urbains helvétiques

2009, Rérat, Patrick, Besson, Roger, Piguet, Etienne, Söderström, Ola, Pattaroni, L., Rabinovitch, A., Kaufmann, V.

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Les âges de la ville ? mobilité résidentielle, parcours de vie et attractivité des villes suisses

2008, Rérat, Patrick, Piguet, Etienne, Besson, Roger, Söderström, Ola