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    Cut-over peatland regeneration assessment using organic matter and microbial indicators (bacteria and testate amoebae)
    Laggoun-Défarge, Fatima
    Gilbert, Daniel
    Disnar, Jean-Robert
    Comont, Laure
    Warner, Barry
    Buttler, Alexandre
    1. Cut-over peatlands cover large surfaces of high potential value for enhancing biodiversity and carbon sequestration if successfully restored. Unfortunately, evaluation of restoration success is not straightforward. We assessed the bioindicator value of organic matter (OM), testate amoebae (protozoa) and bacteria in peat from two regeneration stages and a reference site of a cut-over bog. 2. Contrasting biochemical signatures of peat OM were observed along the regenerating profiles, allowing clear differentiation between the newly regenerated peat and the old peat. Where peat macrofossils were absent sugar biomarkers were used to infer peat botanical origin and OM alteration. 3. Over the succession, the OM composition of the new peat differed. Peat from the more recent stage was dominated by Sphagnum-derived tissues and characterized by lower carbohydrate preservation and higher bacterial biomass than the advanced regeneration stage. 4. Surface testate amoeba communities also changed from the recent to the advanced stages of regeneration, indicating a shift from wet and moderately acidic conditions to drier and more acidic conditions. Over this regeneration sequence (i) the biomass and average size of species declined but were higher at the unexploited site and (ii) species richness and diversity increased but density declined. 5. Synthesis and applications. Although secondary succession in the cut-over bog led to an ecosystem similar to that of the reference site in terms of surface vegetation, OM and testate amoebae continued to reflect disturbances associated with peat harvesting. Nevertheless, the described dynamics of both microbial and biochemical variables over the succession showed similarities between the advanced stage and the reference site: a higher testate amoeba diversity was associated with better carbohydrate preservation and a more heterogeneous botanical composition of the peat. The inferred water table depth and pH based on testate amoebae indicators proved to be an alternative approach for assessing restoration processes, in contrast to labour-intensive repeated measurements in the field. The botanical and biochemical composition of peat OM provided additional information on past anthropogenic perturbations of the bog and could be used for restoration monitoring. The combination of several indicators therefore provides a more complete assessment of ecological conditions that could be valuable for the management of cut-over peatlands.
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    Horizontal distribution patterns of testate amoebae (Protozoa) in a Sphagnum magellanicum carpet
    (2000-5-2) ;
    Borcard, D.
    Buttler, Alexandre
    Grosvernier, Philippe
    Gilbert, Daniel
    The distribution of soil microorganisms is generally believed to be patchy and to reflect habitat heterogeneity. Despite this general rule, the amount of existing data oil species distribution patterns is scarce. Testate amoebae (Protozoa; Rhizopoda) are an important component of soil microbial communities and are increasingly used in ecological and paleoecological studies of Sphagnum-dominated peatlands, but data on the spatial structure of communities are completely lacking. This is an important aspect since quantitative models used for paleoecological reconstruction and monitoring are based on species assemblages. We explored the distribution patterns of testate amoebae distribution in a macroscopically homogeneous Sphagnum carpet, down to a scale of several centimeters. Distributions maps of the species and spatially constrained sample groups were produced. Multivariate and individual spatial autocorrelations were calculated. The importance of spatial structure was quantified by canonical correspondence analysis. Our ultimate goal is to find the finest resolution of environmental monitoring using testate amoebae. The distribution patterns differed among species, resulting in a complex spatial structure of the species assemblage in a whole. Spatial structure accounted for 36% of the total variation of species abundance in a canonical correspondence analysis constrained by spatial variables. This structure was partly correlated to altitude (microtopography) at a very fine scale. These results confirmed the existence of significant broad-and fine-scale spatial structures within restate amoebae communities that could in parr be interpreted as effects of ecological gradients. This shows that, on a surface area of 0.25 m(2), ecological conditions which look uniform from a macroscopic point of view are not perceived as such by Sphagnum-inhabiting organisms. Therefore, restate amoebae could prove very useful to monitor fine-scale ecological processes or disturbances. Studies of the species' spatial distribution patterns in combination with autoecological studies are needed and should be included in the toolbox of biomonitoring itself.
  • Publication
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    Relationships among testate amoebae (Protozoa), vegetation and water chemistry in five Sphagnum-dominated peatlands in Europe
    (2000) ;
    Buttler, Alexandre
    Grosvernier, Philippe
    Rydin, Hakan
    Albinsson, Christer
    Greenup, Alisson
    Heijmans, Monique
    Hoosbeek, Marcel
    Saarinen, Timo
    To study the relationships between groups of organisms and the degree to which these relationships are consistent across major climatic gradients, we analysed the testate amoeba (Protozoa) communities, vegetation and water chemistry of one peatland in five countries: Switzerland, The Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden and Finland, as part of the BERI (Bog Ecosystem Research Initiative) project. The relationships between the different data sets and subsets were investigated by means of detrended correspondence analysis, canonical correspondence analysis and Mantel permutation tests. The comparison of data on vegetation and testate amoebae showed that inter-site differences are more pronounced for the vegetation than for the testate amoebae species assemblage. Testate amoebae are a useful tool in multi-site studies and in environmental monitoring of peatlands because: (1) the number of species in Sphagnum-dominated peatlands is much higher than for mosses or vascular plants; (2) most peatland species are cosmopolitan in their distributions and therefore less affected than plants by biogeographical distribution patterns, thus differences in testate amoeba assemblages can be interpreted primarily in terms of ecology; (3) they are closely related to the ecological characteristics of the exact spot where they live, therefore they can be used to analyse small-scale gradients that play a major role in the functioning of peatland ecosystems. This study revealed the existence of small-scale vertical gradients within the vegetation and life-form niche separation in response to water chemistry. The deep-rooted plants such as Carex spp. and Eriophorum spp. are related to the chemistry of water sampled at or near the ground water table, whereas the mosses are not. Testate amoebae wereshown to be ecologically more closely related to the chemistry of water sampled at or near the water table level and to the mosses than to the deep-rooted plants.