Voici les éléments 1 - 9 sur 9
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    Outils d’évaluation de la diversité et de l’activité des vers de terre : de la science participative à la recherche fondamentale
    (2022-2-1) ;
    Campiche, Sophie
    Gerber, Valentine
    Fietier, Amélie
    Scherrer, Luc
    Turberg, Pascal
    La compréhension et le suivi du fonctionnement des écosystèmes requièrent l’utilisation d’indicateurs biologiques simples et efficaces. Les vers de terre en font partie et leur étude permet d’appréhender l’écosystème à différents niveaux, depuis les sciences participatives impliquant le grand public à la recherche de pointe nécessitant des compétences scientifiques de haut niveau. Cet article présente une synthèse et une comparaison des techniques et outils actuels pour l’étude des communautés de vers de terre et leurs activités de bioturbation en fonction des objectifs et des besoins des potentiels utilisateurs. Depuis le simple comptage d’animaux au séquençage d’ADN en passant par les techniques de tomographie, l’étude des vers de terre offre un large éventail d’outils et de techniques qui permettent de mieux comprendre leur implication essentielle dans les services écosystémiques.
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    Earthworms, Plants, and Soils
    (New-York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2021) ;
    Bullinger-Weber, G
    Turberg, Pascal
    Schlaepfer, Rodolphe
    Guenat, Claire
    The importance of engineers is increasingly recognized in soil science because of their implication in most important pedological processes. Furthermore, they contribute to ecological functions provided by soils in both natural and human‐modified environments. In this review, we focus on the role of two ecosystem engineers: (1) plants, their root system, and associated microorganisms and (2) earthworms. First, we explain why they are considered as major soil engineers, and which variables (texture, porosity, nutrient, and moisture dynamics) control their activities in space and time (hotspots and hot moments). Then, their roles in three processes of soil formation are reviewed, namely, rock and mineral weathering, soil structure (formation, stabilization, and disintegration), and bioturbation. For each of them, the involved mechanisms that occur at different spatial scales (from local to landscape) are presented. On one hand, tree uprooting plays a key role in rock weathering and soil profile bioturbation. In addition, living and dead roots also contribute to rock alteration and aggregation. On the other hand, earthworms are mainly involved in the formation of aggregates and burrows through their bioturbation activities and to a less extent in weathering processes. The long‐term effects of such mechanisms on soil heterogeneity, soil development, and pathways of pedogenesis are discussed. Finally, we show how these two main ecosystem engineers contribute to provisioning and regulating services. Through their physical activities of burrowing and soil aggregation, earthworms and plants increase plant productivity, water infiltration, and climate warming mitigation. They act as catalysts and provide, transform, and translocate organic matter and nutrients throughout the soil profile. Finally, due to inter‐ and intraspecific interactions and/or symbiosis with microorganisms (arbuscular fungi, bacteria), they enhance soil fertility, decrease parasitic action, and bioremediate some pollutants. Future research is, however, still needed for a better understanding of the relationships between adequate soil management, agricultural practices, and soil biota in a perspective of relevant maintenance and durability of ecological services.
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    Use of X-ray microcomputed tomography for characterizing earthworm-derived belowground soil aggregates
    (2020-3-21) ;
    Guenat, Claire
    Schlaepfer, Rodolphe
    Fischer, Franziska
    Luiset, Alexandre
    Turberg, Pascal
    Soil structure is closely linked to biological activities. However, identifying, describing and quantifying soil aggregates remain challenging. X-ray microcomputed tomography (X-ray μCT) provides a detailed view of the physicalstructure at a spatial resolution of a few microns. It could be a useful tool todiscriminate soil aggregates, their origin and their formation processes for a better comprehension of soil structure properties and genesis. Our study aims to (a) determine different X-ray μCT-based aggregate parameters for differentiating earthworm casts belowground (earthworm aggregates) from aggregates that are not formed by earthworms (non-earthworm aggregates), and (b) to evaluate if these parameters can also serve as specific “tomographic signatures” for the studied earthworm species. For this purpose, we set up a microcosm experiment under controlled conditions during 8 weeks, including three species of earthworms tested separately: the epigeic Lumbricus rubellus, the anecic Lumbricus terrestris and the endogeic Allolobophora chlorotica. Our results show that X-ray μCT analysis helps distinguish earthworm aggregates from non-earthworm ones using (a) the relative volume of the components within aggregates and (b) the volumetric mass of aggregates and their global volume. In particular, the volume ratio of mineral grains within the aggregates is significantly different according to earthworm species. So, X-ray μCT is a powerful and promising tool for studying the composition of earthworm casts and their formation. However, future research is needed to take into account the shapes and spatial distribution of the aggregates' components, in particular the different states of organic matter decomposition.
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    Pioneer plant Phalaris arundinacea and earthworms promote initial soil structure formation despite strong alluvial dynamics in a semi-controlled field experiment
    (2019-9-11) ; ;
    Turberg, Pascal
    Guenat, Claire
    Riaz, M.
    Luster, J.
    Soil structure formation is among the most important processes in river floodplains which are strongly influenced by alluvial dynamics. In the context of river restoration projects, a better understanding of soil structure formation in habitats adjacent to the river can help to prevent damages caused by riverbank erosion. Ecosystem engineers such as pioneer herbaceous plants and earthworms likely contribute to soil structure formation even despite less favourable environmental conditions. This study aims to assess the capacity of the herbaceous perennial and native species Phalaris arundinacea and earthworm communities to promote a stable soil structure in alluvial sediments, in particular fresh alluvial deposits, in the short term. Delimited plots were set-up in a restored floodplain adjacent to the Thur River in NE Switzerland and exposed to natural alluvial dynamics for 19 months. Four treatments were replicated in a randomised complete block design: (i) plots with Phalaris arundinacea as only vegetation, (ii) plots with all vegetation constantly removed, (iii) and (iv) the earthworm community reduced by mustard treatment, otherwise as (i) and (ii), respectively. Soil structure formation was analysed at the end of the experiment using different indicators: aggregate stability, field-saturated hydraulic conductivity and the porosity calculated from X-ray CT reconstructions of freeze cores. Phalaris arundinacea was capable of improving the porosity and aggregate stability of both alluvial sediments present at the beginning of the experiment but also of sediments freshly deposited during the observation period. The latter indicates a structuring effect within only one vegetation period. Earthworm abundance was as a whole very low, most likely due to the large proportion of sand. There was a small earthworm effect on soil structure formation, and only in combination with Phalaris.arundinacea. Our findings highlight the ability of Phalaris arundinacea in efficiently structuring sandy alluvial sediments in the short term even under strong alluvial dynamics. Phalaris arundinacea can therefore play a key role in the early stage of river restoration projects. Thus, facilitating the colonisation by such native pioneer herbaceous plants is a suitable step to improve the success of river restoration projects.
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    Coupling X-ray computed tomography and freeze-coring for the analysis of fine-grained low-cohesive soils
    Liernur, Adrien
    Turberg, Pascal
    Guenat, Claire
    This paper presents the coupling of freeze-core sampling with X-ray CT scanning for the analysis of the soil structure of fine-grained, low-cohesive soils. We used a medical scanner to image the 3D soil structure of the frozen soil cores, providing X-ray CT data at a millimetric resolution over freeze-cores that are up to 62.5 cm long and 25 cm wide. The obtained data and the changes in gray level values could be successfully used to identify and characterize different soil units with distinctly different physical properties. Traditional measurements of soil bulk density, carbon and particle size analyses were conducted within each of the identified soil units. These observations were used to develop a 3D model of soil bulk density and organic matter distribution for five freeze-cores obtained at a restored floodplain in Switzerland. The millimetric X-ray CT scanning was applied to detect the impact of freeze-coring on the soil structural integrity. This allows identifying undisturbed zones, a critical precondition for any subsequent assessment of soil structure. The proposed coupling is thought to be applicable to a wide range of other low-cohesive soil types and has a large potential for applications in hydrogeology, biology or soil science.
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    Earthworms as Ecosystem Engineers: A Review
    (New York: NOVA Science Publishers, 2017) ; ; ;
    Turberg, Pascal
    Schlaepfer, Rodolphe
    Guenat, Claire
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    Effects of endogeic earthworms on the soil organic matter dynamics and the soil structure in urban and alluvial soil materials
    Earthworms are considered as key actors of soil processes at different spatial and temporal scales and provide essential ecosystem services linked to climate regulation or primary production. However, little is known about their basic functional roles (e.g. organic matter decomposition, soil structuring processes) in perturbed systems such as urban or alluvial soils. Alluvial soils are characterized by regular physical perturbation through flooding and associated erosion/sedimentation processes which are rather similar to perturbations (e.g. temporal instability, spatial heterogeneity) affecting urban soils. Due to their close soil characteristics, we hypothesized that in both cases, soil functioning is similarwith respect to soil fauna activity. Under controlled conditions, our objective was to investigate the effects of two endogeic earthworm species, Allolobophora chlorotica (pink morph) and Aporrectodea rosea (the two most abundant species found in the studied urban site), on soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics and soil structure (network of earthworm burrows) comparing an urban and an alluvial soil. We investigated the growth of individuals (weight gain and reproduction success) and assessed their effects on SOMdecomposition (cumulative C–CO2 emission, nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization) and soil structure (macroporosity, total length and connectivity of segments) after one and three months of incubation. Our results showed higher growth of A. rosea in the alluvial soil compared to the urban soil. However, the total length of burrows, carbon and nitrogen mineralization were often higher in the urban soil especially when the two species were combined. This trend can be mainly explained by lower organic matter content found in the urban soil whichmay influence positively the burrowing activity and negatively the growth of earthworms. Endogeic earthworms appear a key feature of the soil functioning in the urban context through their roles on organic matter transformation, the formation and maintenance of the soil structure.
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    Effects of endogeic earthworms on the soil organic matter dynamics and the soil structure in urban and alluvial soil materials
    Turberg, Pascal
    Kohler-Milleret, Roxane
    Earthworms are considered as key actors of soil processes at different spatial and temporal scales and provide essential ecosystem services linked to climate regulation or primary production. However, little is known about their basic functional roles (e.g. organic matter decomposition, soil structuring processes) in perturbed systems such as urban or alluvial soils. Alluvial soils are characterized by regular physical perturbation through flooding and associated erosion/sedimentation processes which are rather similar to perturbations (e.g. temporal instability, spatial heterogeneity) affecting urban soils. Due to their close soil characteristics, we hypothesized that in both cases, soil functioning is similar with respect to soil fauna activity. Under controlled conditions, our objective was to investigate the effects of two endogeic earthworm species, Allolobophora chlorotica (pink morph) and Aporrectodea rosea (the two most abundant species found in the studied urban site), on soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics and soil structure (network of earthworm burrows) comparing an urban and an alluvial soil. We investigated the growth of individuals (weight gain and reproduction success) and assessed their effects on SOM decomposition (cumulative C–CO2 emission, nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization) and soil structure (macroporosity, total length and connectivity of segments) after one and three months of incubation. Our results showed higher growth of A. rosea in the alluvial soil compared to the urban soil. However, the total length of burrows, carbon and nitrogen mineralization were often higher in the urban soil especially when the two species were combined. This trend can be mainly explained by lower organic matter content found in the urban soil which may influence positively the burrowing activity and negatively the growth of earthworms. Endogeic earthworms appear a key feature of the soil functioning in the urban context through their roles on organic matter transformation, the formation and maintenance of the soil structure.
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    Coupling X-ray computed tomography and freeze-coring for the analysis of fine-grained low-cohesive soils
    Liernur, Adrien
    Schomburg, Andreas
    Turberg, Pascal
    Guenat, Claire
    This paper presents the coupling of freeze-core sampling with X-ray CT scanning for the analysis of the soil structure of fine-grained, low-cohesive soils. We used a medical scanner to image the 3D soil structure of the frozen soil cores, providing X-ray CT data at a millimetric resolution over freeze-cores that are up to 62.5 cm long and 25 cm wide. The obtained data and the changes in gray level values could be successfully used to identify and characterize different soil units with distinctly different physical properties. Traditional measurements of soil bulk density, carbon and particle size analyses were conducted within each of the identified soil units. These observations were used to develop a 3D model of soil bulk density and organic matter distribution for five freeze-cores obtained at a restored floodplain in Switzerland. The millimetric X-ray CT scanning was applied to detect the impact of freeze-coring on the soil structural integrity. This allows identifying undisturbed zones, a critical precondition for any subsequent assessment of soil structure. The proposed coupling is thought to be applicable to a wide range of other low-cohesive soil types and has a large potential for applications in hydrogeology, biology or soil science.