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  • Publication
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    COVID: The missing trigger to start a remote FIT Course
    (2022-2-17) ;
    Gastaldi, G
    Type 1 diabetes management is a highly demanding task that largely falls on people with diabetes, their family, and their peers. Diabetes self-management education and support aim at increasing knowledge, skills, and confidence to take appropriate diabetes management decisions. The current evidence shows that efficient diabetes self-management relies on person-centered interventions and a team of pluri-disciplinary educators with expertise in diabetes care and education. The irruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased diabetes burden and the need to offer remote diabetes self-management education services. The present article offers a perspective about expectations and quality issues related to the implementation of a remote version of the FIT course, a validated structured diabetes management educational program.
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    L'explication du diabète dans une séance d'éducation thérapeutique : une activité discursive contribuant au développement professionnel des soignants
    Drawing on sociocultural psychology, the clinic of activity and discourse analysis, this study analysed a session of health education that brought together a nurse, Inès, and an adolescent living with diabetes. It aimed, first, at investigating the mechanisms of shared understanding and reciprocity involved in explanations, second, at bringing about professional development. It analysed an explanation sequence and in a second step used a method that confronted the nurse to her activity (method of simple and cross self-confrontation). Results showed that in the session of health education, medical discourse tended to dominate, and created a strong asymmetry between the participants, thus raising doubts about the patient’s comprehension. Whereas in the simple self-confrontation Inès’ comments focused on the patient’s comprehension and emotional states, in the cross self-confrontation, her colleague’s comments led her to question her own emotional states and interpretations. The method of self-confrontation seems then adequate to capture the psychological mechanisms underlying the explanations provided by practitioners and to foster a form of professional development