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    Navigating outpatient care of patients with type 2 diabetes after hospital discharge - a qualitative longitudinal study
    Léa Solh Dost
    Giacomo Gastaldi
    Marie P. Schneider
    Background The transition from hospital to outpatient care is a particularly vulnerable period for patients as they move from regular health monitoring to self-management. This study aimed to map and investigate the journey of patients with polymorbidities, including type 2 diabetes (T2D), in the 2 months following hospital discharge and examine patients’ encounters with healthcare professionals (HCPs). Methods Patients discharged with T2D and at least two other comorbidities were recruited during hospitalization. This qualitative longitudinal study consisted of four semi-structured interviews per participant conducted from discharge up to 2 months after discharge. The interviews were based on a guide, transcribed verbatim, and thematically analyzed. Patient journeys through the healthcare system were represented using the patient journey mapping methodology. Results Seventy-five interviews with 21 participants were conducted from October 2020 to July 2021. The participants had a median of 11 encounters (min–max: 6–28) with HCPs. The patient journey was categorized into six key steps: hospitalization, discharge, dispensing prescribed medications by the community pharmacist, follow-up calls, the first medical appointment, and outpatient care. Conclusions The outpatient journey in the 2 months following discharge is a complex and adaptive process. Despite the active role of numerous HCPs, navigation in outpatient care after discharge relies heavily on the involvement and responsibilities of patients. Preparation for discharge, post-hospitalization follow-up, and the first visit to the pharmacy and general practitioner are key moments for carefully considering patient care. Our findings underline the need for clarified roles and a standardized approach to discharge planning and post-discharge care in partnership with patients, family caregivers, and all stakeholders involved.
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    COVID: The missing trigger to start a remote FIT Course
    (2022-2-17) ;
    Gastaldi, G
    Type 1 diabetes management is a highly demanding task that largely falls on people with diabetes, their family, and their peers. Diabetes self-management education and support aim at increasing knowledge, skills, and confidence to take appropriate diabetes management decisions. The current evidence shows that efficient diabetes self-management relies on person-centered interventions and a team of pluri-disciplinary educators with expertise in diabetes care and education. The irruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased diabetes burden and the need to offer remote diabetes self-management education services. The present article offers a perspective about expectations and quality issues related to the implementation of a remote version of the FIT course, a validated structured diabetes management educational program.
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    Technologies dédiées au diabète: Une croissance exponentielle
    (2021-12-15) ;
    Gastaldi, Giacomo
    Les nouvelles technologies font partie intégrante de notre vie, de la médecine actuelle et de la prise en charge du diabète. Les technologies dédiées au diabète (TdD) désignent l’ensemble du matériel, les dispositifs et les logiciels utilisé par les personnes ayant un diabète. Ces technologies sont en phase de croissance exponentielle et ont déjà profondément modifié la prise en charge du diabète. Le présent article passe en revue les TdD disponibles sur le marché helvétique, leurs indications et les challenges à venir avec l’arrivée des systèmes «hybrid closed-loop».
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    Perspectiva sócio-histórica da educação terapêutica do paciente: O corpo explicado
    Due to the high prevalence of diabetes in the world, educational approach has been gradually introduced as a strategy to hinder its potential complications. Therapeutic patient education (TPE) is rarely described as a practice, although it is recognised as an effective strategy and as a new form of relationship in health care. Studies related to TPE have largely focused on the biomedical results of these interventions. By means of explanation, the main discursive procedure for the professional activity of TPE, doctors, nurses and dietitians align themselves in the transmission of the knowledge that is necessary for the daily management of diabetes. Inspired by a socio-historical perspective, this article offers an analysis of the explanation as a situated professional activity. Using theoretical tools from disciplines such as Linguistics and Clinic of Activity, this study attempts to understand the accomplishment of the explanation in this specific context of health care. Using a simple self-confrontation method, we propose an analysis of Denise’s (a dietitian who works in a TPE team in the French-speaking region of Switzerland) explanation in two ways: a) the interactive analysis of the explanation; b) Denise’s discourse analysis as she analyses her own explanatory activity while watching a recorded video. The analysis points to the explanatory process as an interactive and dialogical accomplishment which updates the representations of the body and the patient guided by the psychological dimensions of professional activity.
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    Diabète sucré : Impact des affects sur les compétences d’autogestion
    (2020-6-11) ;
    Castellsague, Montserrat
    Perrenoud, Luz
    Coppin, Géraldine
    Gastaldi, Giacomo
    L’autogestion du diabète sucré (AGDM) est un processus basé sur une série d’apprentissages complexes. La conceptualisation du rôle des dimensions affectives qui sous-tendent et struc- turent ce processus permet d’appréhender différemment le vécu des patients avec un diabète sucré. Une vignette clinique illustre l’intrication des dimensions affectives et cognitives et les pos- sibles conséquences sur l’AGDM. La régulation des émotions s’avère être un des facteurs déterminants de l’AGDM, tout comme l’accès à des dispositifs d’éducation thérapeutique du patient (ETP). La prise en compte du rôle respectif des dimensions émotionnelles, des nouvelles technologies et des avancées thérapeutiques sur l’AGDM est à considérer pour développer des dispositifs d’ETP performants.
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    L'explication du diabète dans une séance d'éducation thérapeutique : une activité discursive contribuant au développement professionnel des soignants
    Drawing on sociocultural psychology, the clinic of activity and discourse analysis, this study analysed a session of health education that brought together a nurse, Inès, and an adolescent living with diabetes. It aimed, first, at investigating the mechanisms of shared understanding and reciprocity involved in explanations, second, at bringing about professional development. It analysed an explanation sequence and in a second step used a method that confronted the nurse to her activity (method of simple and cross self-confrontation). Results showed that in the session of health education, medical discourse tended to dominate, and created a strong asymmetry between the participants, thus raising doubts about the patient’s comprehension. Whereas in the simple self-confrontation Inès’ comments focused on the patient’s comprehension and emotional states, in the cross self-confrontation, her colleague’s comments led her to question her own emotional states and interpretations. The method of self-confrontation seems then adequate to capture the psychological mechanisms underlying the explanations provided by practitioners and to foster a form of professional development
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    Self-narration and agency as interactive achievements: A sociocultural and interactionist analysis of migrant women's stories in a language learning setting
    Muller Mirza, Nathalie
    Migration is commonly seen as disrupting individuals’ sense of continuity and agency. In current research on adult identity development, (self-)narratives are regarded as a means of making sense of self. We combined an interactional methodology with a sociocultural and dialogical perspective to examine collective identity processes at work during self-narration by immigrant women in a learning language setting. Data were gathered throughout an intervention designed to encourage participants to put their personal experiences of migration into words. Verbal interactions were analysed to identify 1) narrative discursive units, 2) agentic relationships in and on the narratives, and 3) processes of narrative co-construction. Results showed that self-narratives arose from dynamic interactions in which participants displayed discursive skills in negotiating status and instructions, supported the cognitive and affective work of narrating in a foreign language, and constructed agency that challenged the poor immigrant woman image. We discuss the contributions of our study in terms of methodology and interventions
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    Theorization and relationships with time: Some reflections
    Open peer commentary on the article “A Temporal Puzzle: Metamorphosis of the Body in Piaget’s Early Writings” by Marc J. Ratcliff. Abstract: In this commentary, I would like to know more details of the role of temporality and the social dimension of the body in Piaget’s early works, notably on the content of the notebooks written by Piaget and his wife, Valentine. Through diachronic-synchronic concepts drawn from linguistics, I propose a discussion of the methodological problems of Piaget’s observation method, as presented by Ratcliff. In principle, taking a look at the methodological steps through these concepts could greatly contribute to the reflection on Piaget’s units of analysis and thus to his interpretation of the emergence and coordination of the multimodality of skills
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    Give me your name and I'll tell you whether you speak with an accent: The effect of proper names ethnicity on listener expectations
    Prikhodkine, Alexei
    The mastery of a national language tends to be regarded as a key element in foreigners’ integration in Switzerland and as a gateway to equal opportunity. In this article, the limitations of this claim are explored through a study measuring the effect of proper names’ ethnicity on speech perception. A hundred and fifty Swiss respondents had to rate six speakers who were presented as candidates for a job as a communication manager in a Swiss bank. These six speakers spent most of their lives in French-speaking Switzerland and spoke the Standard variety. Our findings indicate that a proper name with an ethnic minority component can result in their bearers being judged as having more foreign accent and as being less suitable for the job. Results are discussed in terms of a discrepancy between cultural nationality and legal citizenship in modern nation-states. This article also shows that studying the effect of proper names, and more generally fine-grained non-verbal cues, on speech perception is a promising research domain in the sociolinguistics of migration, as it provides us with a multi-dimensional appreciation of ethnic identities.
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    Filière diabéto-pédiatrique de l'Est vaudois: vers une modélisation des soins de proximité?
    (2016-7-1) ;
    Chinet, Léonie
    Matthys, Fabienne
    Hagon-Traub, Isabelle
    Apprendre à vivre avec une maladie chronique est un des défis majeurs auxquels est confronté le monde de la santé aujourd'hui, tant au plan de l'individu que de la société dans son ensemble. Le diabète de type 1, qui touche des individus jeunes et leur entourage, suscite le développement de nouvelles offres de soins. Ainsi, des structures de proximité, insérées dans le réseau régional, faciles d'accès et répondant aux besoins des patients et de leur entourage, sont prometteuses car elles favorisent le processus d'autonomisation tant chez les personnes concernées que leur entourage.