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The spread of presaccadic attention depends on the spatial configuration of the visual scene

2019-10-1, Szinte, Martin, Puntiroli, Michael, Deubel, Heiner

When preparing a saccade, attentional resources are focused at the saccade target and its immediate vicinity. Here we show that this does not hold true when saccades are prepared toward a recently extinguished target. We obtained detailed maps of orientation sensitivity when participants prepared a saccade toward a target that either remained on the screen or disappeared before the eyes moved. We found that attention was mainly focused on the immediate surround of the visible target and spread to more peripheral locations as a function of the distance from the cue and the delay between the target’s disappearance and the saccade. Interestingly, this spread was not accompanied with a spread of the saccade endpoint. These results suggest that presaccadic attention and saccade programming are two distinct processes that can be dissociated as a function of their interaction with the spatial configuration of the visual scene.

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Malleable pre-saccadic shift of attention

2016-5, Puntiroli, Michael, Kerzel, Dirk, Born, Sabine, Deubel, Heiner, Martin, Szinte