Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 62
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    An additive-manufactured microwave cavity for a compact cold-atom clock
    (2023) ;
    Alan Bregazzi
    Ben Lewis
    Paul F. Griffin
    Erling Riis
    We present an additive-manufactured microwave cavity for a Ramsey-type, double resonance, compact cold-atom clock. Atoms can be laser cooled inside the cavity using a grating magneto-optic trap with the cavity providing an excellent TE011-like mode while maintaining sufficient optical access for atomic detection. The cavity features a low Q-factor of 360 which conveniently reduces the cavity pulling of the future clock. Despite the potential porosity of the additive-manufacturing process, we demonstrate that the cavity is well-suited for vacuum. A preliminary clock setup using cold atoms allows for measuring the Zeeman spectrum and Rabi oscillations in the cavity which enables us to infer excellent field uniformity and homogeneity, respectively, across the volume accessed by the cold atoms. Ramsey spectroscopy is demonstrated, indicating that the cavity is suitable for clock applications. Finally, we discuss the limitations of the future clock.
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    GNSS-grade space atomic frequency standards: Current status and ongoing developments
    We present an overview on the current state of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS)-grade or better space atomic frequency standards’ (SAFS) technologies and discuss their applications. We estimate that a total of more than 1000 such standards were sent to space so far, the vast majority consisting of rubidium-cell frequency standards, Cs atomic beam frequency standards, and passive hydrogen masers. Finally, we review a variety of ongoing developments in view of future new generations of GNSS-grade SAFSs.
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    3D printed microwave cavity for atomic clock applications: proof of concept
    (2018-6-7) ; ; ;
    Skrivervik, A.K.
    Ivanov, A.E.
    Debogovic, T.
    de Rijk, E.
    The authors present the realisation and characterisation of an additively manufactured (AM) microwave resonator cavity for double-resonance (DR) vapour-cell atomic clocks. The design of the compact microwave cavity is based on the loop-gap resonator approach, previously demonstrated for conventionally-machined aluminium components. In the present study, the resonator is fabricated by AM using a metal-coated polymer. A resonance frequency at the desired 6.835 GHz rubidium atomic frequency is obtained. When employed in an atomic clock setup, the AM cavity enables a DR signal of <;500 Hz linewidth and of nearly 20% contrast, thus fulfilling the stringent requirements for DR atomic clocks. A clock short-term stability of 1 × 10 -12 τ -1/2 is demonstrated, comparable to state-of-the-art clock performances.
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    High performance vapour-cell frequency standards
    We report our investigations on a compact high-performance rubidium (Rb) vapour-cell clock based on microwave-optical double-resonance (DR). These studies are done in both DR continuous-wave (CW) and Ramsey schemes using the same Physics Package (PP), with the same Rb vapour cell and a magnetron-type cavity with only 45 cm3 external volume. In the CW-DR scheme, we demonstrate a DR signal with a contrast of 26% and a linewidth of 334 Hz; in Ramsey-DR mode Ramsey signals with higher contrast up to 35% and a linewidth of 160 Hz have been demonstrated. Short-term stabilities of 1.4×10-13 τ-1/2 and 2.4×10-13 τ-1/2 are measured for CW-DR and Ramsey-DR schemes, respectively. In the Ramsey-DR operation, thanks to the separation of light and microwave interactions in time, the light-shift effect has been suppressed which allows improving the long-term clock stability as compared to CW-DR operation. Implementations in miniature atomic clocks are considered.
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    Imaging microwave and DC magnetic fields in a vapor-cell Rb atomic clock
    (2015-11-6) ;
    Du, Guan-Xiang
    Horsley, Andrew
    Treutlein, Philipp
    We report on the experimental measurement of the dc and microwave magnetic field distributions inside a recently developed compact magnetron-type microwave cavity mounted inside the physics package of a high-performance vapor-cell atomic frequency standard. Images of the microwave field distribution with sub-100-μm lateral spatial resolution are obtained by pulsed optical-microwave Rabi measurements, using the Rb atoms inside the cell as field probes and detecting with a CCD camera. Asymmetries observed in the microwave field images can be attributed to the precise practical realization of the cavity and the Rb vapor cell. Similar spatially resolved images of the dc magnetic field distribution are obtained by Ramsey-type measurements. The T2 relaxation time in the Rb vapor cell is found to be position dependent and correlates with the gradient of the dc magnetic field. The presented method is highly useful for experimental in situ characterization of dc magnetic fields and resonant microwave structures, for atomic clocks or other atom-based sensors and instrumentation.
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    Self-induced transparency and coherent population trapping of 87Rb vapor in a mode-locked laser
    Masuda, Koji
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    Diels, Jean-Claude
    Arissian, Ladan
    Simultaneous self-induced transparency and a dark line resonance are observed inside a mode-locked laser. The circulating pulse, tuned to the 795-nm optical resonance of rubidium, has sufficient intensity to create at each passage a population inversion—return to ground state, typical of self-induced transparency. A drop in fluorescence (dark line resonance), is observed as the repetition rate is tuned to a submultiple of the hyperfine ground-state splitting.
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    Demonstration of a high-performance pulsed optically pumped Rb clock based on a compact magnetron-type microwave cavity
    We demonstrate a high-performance pulsed optically pumped (POP) Rb vapor-cell clock based on a magnetron-type microwave cavity of only 44 cm3 external volume. Using optical detection, an unprecedented 35% contrast of the Ramsey signal has been obtained. Both the signal-to-noise ratio (of 30 000) and the estimated shot-noise limit of 1.7 × 10−14 τ−1/2 are at the same level as those found with a bigger cylindrical TE011 cavity (100 cm3 inner volume) and are sufficient for achieving excellent clock stability. Rabi oscillations are measured and indicate a sufficiently uniform microwave magnetic field distribution inside the cavity. The instability sources for the POP clock's performance are analyzed. A short-term stability of 2.1 × 10−13 τ−1/2 is demonstrated which is consistent with the noise budget.
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    CPT Cesium-Cell Atomic Clock Operation With a 12-mW Frequency Synthesizer ASIC
    Zhao, Yazhou
    Tanner, Steve
    Casagrande, Arnaud
    Schneller, Luc
    Farine, Pierre-André
    In this paper, we present the design, fabrication, and electrical characterization of a low-power microwave source for interrogation of cesium atomic hyperfine transition frequency using the coherent population trapping (CPT) technique. The 4.6-GHz frequency generation and signal buffering is performed by a single-chip frequency synthesizer ASIC with a frequency tuning resolution of 1 x 10^-13 and a programmable RF output power from -10 to 0 dBm. The circuit was used to modulate the current of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser through a dedicated impedance matching network and low thermal conductivity transmission line. Strong modulation sidebands with >60% of carrier amplitude were obtained with an ASIC power consumption of 12 mW. The system was used as optical source for atomic interrogation in an experimental cesium CPT clock. The measured clock stability of 5 x 10^-11 at Ï„ = 1 s, going down to 4.5 x 10^-12 at Ï„ = 200 s, is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio of the detected CPT signal.