Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 13
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    Long-Term Stability Analysis Towards < 10-14 Level for a Highly Compact POP Rb Cell Atomic Clock
    Long-term frequency instabilities in vapor-cell clocks mainly arise from fluctuations of the experimental and environmental parameters that are converted to clock frequency fluctuations via various physical processes. Here, we discuss the frequency sensitivities and the resulting stability limitations at one day timescale for a rubidium vapor-cell clock based on a compact magnetron-type cavity operated in air (no vacuum environment). Under ambient laboratory conditions, the external atmospheric pressure fluctuations may dominantly limit the clock stability via the barometric effect. We establish a complete long-term instability budget for our clock operated under stable pressure conditions. Where possible, the fluctuations of experimental parameters are measured via the atomic response. The measured clock instability of < 2·E10.14 at one day is limited by the intensity light-shift effect, which could further be reduced by active stabilization of the laser intensity or stronger optical pumping. The analyses reported here show the way towards simple, compact, and low-power vapor-cell atomic clocks with excellent long-term stabilities. ≤ 10.14 at one day when operated in ambient laboratory conditions.
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    High performance vapour-cell frequency standards
    We report our investigations on a compact high-performance rubidium (Rb) vapour-cell clock based on microwave-optical double-resonance (DR). These studies are done in both DR continuous-wave (CW) and Ramsey schemes using the same Physics Package (PP), with the same Rb vapour cell and a magnetron-type cavity with only 45 cm3 external volume. In the CW-DR scheme, we demonstrate a DR signal with a contrast of 26% and a linewidth of 334 Hz; in Ramsey-DR mode Ramsey signals with higher contrast up to 35% and a linewidth of 160 Hz have been demonstrated. Short-term stabilities of 1.4×10^-13 τ^-1/2 and 2.4×10^-13 τ^-1/2 are measured for CW-DR and Ramsey-DR schemes, respectively. In the Ramsey-DR operation, thanks to the separation of light and microwave interactions in time, the light-shift effect has been suppressed which allows improving the long-term clock stability as compared to CW-DR operation. Implementations in miniature atomic clocks are considered.
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    Imaging the Static Magnetic Field Distribution in a Vapor Cell Atomic Clock
    (2015-4-12) ;
    Du, Guan-Xiang
    Horsley, Andrew
    Treutlein, Philipp
    We use a Ramsey-type interaction scheme to measure spatially-resolved images of the static magnetic field (C-field) amplitude Bdc applied across the Rb cell in the physics package of a high-performance vapor-cell atomic clock. Low field variations of <; 0.5% are found across the recorded images, and Fourier analysis of the data indicates low variations of Bdc also along the direction of laser propagation. Images of the T2 relaxation time are obtained in a similar way, and show a distribution that correlates with the Bdc distribution. This indicates inhomogeneous dephasing due to C-field gradients, which also results in spatial variation of the T2 time for the clock transition.
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    Spectroscopy of micro-fabricated Cs vapour cells for miniature atomic clocks
    In this paper we present our spectroscopic studies on Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) in micro-fabricated Caesium cells and our evaluation of its application in miniature atomic frequency standards (atomic clocks). We observe the CPT signal on the Cs D1-line by coupling two hyperfine ground-state Zeeman sub-levels to a common excited state using two coherent electromagnetic fields created with a modulated DFB laser. Contrarily to double resonance, CPT does not require any microwave cavity, which should facilitate the miniaturization of a future atomic clock device. We study and report here on the light shift phenomena at different cell temperatures and laser wavelength. We also present resonance shifts due to cell temperature variations and clock frequency stability measurements. To the best of our knowledge, this article is the first report on light shift with Cs D1 line in a CPT vapour-cell atomic clock.
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    Sub-Doppler diode laser frequency stabilization with the DAVLL scheme on the D1 line of a 87Rb vapor-cell
    Giannini, R.
    Breschi, Evelina
    Bison, G.
    Herzig, H.P.
    Weis, Antoine
    We established an experimental set-up that allows laser stabilization using the Doppler1 and sub-Doppler2,3 Dichroic Atomic Vapor Laser Locking (DAVLL) and the Saturated Absorption (SA) scheme. In this report we present comparative studies between Doppler and sub-Doppler DAVLL using heterodyne frequency stability measurements with an independently SA stabilized laser. Some major sources of frequency instability are discussed together with ways to improve the stability. Special focus is laid on the sub-Doppler DAVLL stabilization technique where a new approach for getting higher stability is introduced. In our measurements, the 87Rb D1 line was used as reference atomic line.
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    Gas-cell atomic clocks for space: new results and alternative schemes
    We present our development activities on compact Rubidium gas-cell atomic frequency standards, for use in space-borne and ground-based applications. We experimentally demonstrate a high-performance laser optically-pumped Rb clock for space applications such as telecommunications, science missions, and satellite navigation systems (e.g. GALILEO). Using a stabilised laser source and optimized gas cells, we reach clock stabilities as low as 1.5·10-12 τ-1/2 up to 103 s and 4·10-14 at 104 s. The results demonstrate the feasibility of a laser-pumped Rb clock reaching < 1·10-12 τ-1/2 in a compact device (<2 liters, 2 kg, 20 W), given optimization of the implemented techniques. A second activity concerns more radically miniaturized gas-cell clocks, aiming for low power consumption and a total volume around 1 cm3 , at the expense of relaxed frequency stability. Here miniaturized “chip-scale” vapour cells and use of coherent laser interrogation techniques are at the heart of the investigations.
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    Spectral characterisation of tuneable narrow-band diode lasers for Rb atomic spectroscopy and precision instruments
    We have characterized teh spectral properties and wavelength tuning behaviour of different types of diode lasers in order to evaluate their potential for applications in atomic spectroscopy and precision instruments. Here we report on studies of recently developed distributed feedback (DFB) and Fabry-Perot laser diodes, emitting around 780 and 795 nm, in solitary operation as well as in an extended-cavity configuration. In solitary operation both types of laser studied show continuous tuning ranges beyond 40 GHz and single-mode emission linewidths around 6 MHz, which makes them interesting candidates for use in high-precision instruments based on atomic spectroscopy such as atomic frequency standards and atomic magnetometers.
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    Laser optical pumping in Rb vapour-cell atomic clocks (Invited Paper)
    We discuss the basic physical principles of laser optical pumping double-resonance spectroscopy, which form the basis of state-of-the-art vapour-cell atomic frequency standards using laser optical pumping of Rb atoms. The main effects limiting the frequency stability of Rb vapour-cell atomic clocks are identified, and their impact on the development of high-performance frequency standars and their transfer from research laboratories to industry and space is discussed. As examples, the impact of the AC stark effect and the realated issue of laser frequency stabilisation are dealt with in more detail. The main features of the present state-of-the-art Rb atomic frequency standards will be illustrated using the example of the development of atomic clocks for satellite navigation and positioning systems (GPS, GLONAS, GALILEO, etc.) as well as some directions for further improvements that could overcome present day limitations. Such compact Rb clocks find their applications in, for example, telecommunications, local timekeeping and synchronisation, and space applications like satellite navigation and science missions. An overview of other, alternative clock schemes is given and critical issues for future developments towards further performance improvement or device miniaturisation in the field of vapour-cell atomic clocks are discussed.
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    Development of tuneable, narrow-band, and frequency stabilised laser heads in Observatoire Cantonal de Neuchâtel
    We describe our investigations on tuneable, narrowband and frequency stabilised laser heads. The work is motivated by the potentials of highly stable and narrowband laser light sources for a variety of technical and scientific applications and in particular for atomic clocks and high resolution space instruments.