Voici les éléments 1 - 9 sur 9
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Formation et dissolution des couples et bien-être: effets de genre dans le parcours de vie

2011, Budowski, Monica, Masia, Maurizia, Suter, Christian, Joye, Dominique, Pirinoli, Christine, Spini, Dario, Widmer, Eric

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Mexiko und Costa Rica im Vergleich: Korporatistische und sozialdemokratische Varianten der Sozialpolitik

2001, Suter, Christian, Budowski, Monica, Jäger, Johannes, Melinz, Gerhard, Zimmermann, Susan

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Wohnumfeld als wichtiger Faktor im Alltag Alleinerziehender

1996, Suter, Christian, Decurtins, Lucio, Budowski, Monica, Meyer, Peter

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Lateinamerika als Modernisierungsvorbild? Vom Korporatistischen zum neoliberalen Sozialpolitikmodell

2009, Budowski, Monica, Suter, Christian, Scheuzger, Stephan, Fleer, Peter

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Living Conditions of Single Mothers in Switzerland and Urban United States

1999, Suter, Christian, Budowski, Monica, Hanson, Thomas, Maeder, Christoph, Burton-Jeangros, Claudine, Hour-Knipe, Mary

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Einkommensschwache, Unterversorgung und Mangellagen bei alleinerziehenden Muttern in der Stadt Zurich: Ergebnisse einer Langsschnittstudie

1996, Suter, Christian, Budowski, Monica, Meyer, Peter

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Living arrangement and the dynamics of poverty: lone parenting in the life courses of mothers

2002, Budowski, Monica, Suter, Christian

Is poverty persistent among and specific to lone mothers, or is it transitory and widespread? Do formerly lone mothers exit poverty when moving in with a partner? Interviews in 1992, 1993 and 1996 with the same set of women who were lone mothers in 1992, allow us to address these issues (for the City of Zurich). Changes in living arrangements are interwoven with the dynamics of living conditions and financial poverty. Lone mothers consolidate their financial situations but not at a level that is very high above the defined poverty threshold; cohabiting women fare better. Education and position at work are important factors but do not protect against financial hardship. Opportunities in the labor market are most important.

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Soziale Unterstützung und Gesundheit in der Stadt (Social Support and Health in the City)

1998, Meyer, Peter, Budowski, Monica, Decurtins, Lucio, Niklowitz, Matthias, Suter, Christian

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"Bezahlte Laienhilfe" und "freiwillige Nachbarschaftshilfe" im Vergleich

1993, Suter, Christian, Budowski, Monica, Bösch, Jacob, Meyer, Peter, Meyer, Peter, Budowski, Monica