Voici les éléments 1 - 3 sur 3
  • Publication
    Métadonnées seulement
    Can testate amoebae (Protozoa) and other micro-organisms help to overcome biogeographic bias in large scale global change research?
    (: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001) ;
    Gilbert, Daniel
    Butler, Alexandre
    Grosvernier, Philippe
    Albinsson, Christer
    Rydin, Hakan
    Buttler, Alexandre
    Heijmans, Monique
    Hoosbeek, Marcel
    Greenup, Alisson
    Foot, Jonathan
    Saarinen, Timo
    Vasander, Harri
  • Publication
    Métadonnées seulement
    Testate amoebae (Protozoa) and other micro-organisms in Sphagnum peatlands: biogeography, ecology and effect of elevated CO2
    Buttler, Alexandre
    Heijmans, Monique
    Rydin, Hakan
    Hoosbeek, Marcel
    Vasander, Harri
    Gilbert, Daniel
    Grosvernier, Philippe
    Albinsson, Christer
    Greenup, Alisson
    Foot, Jonathan
    Saarinen, Timo
  • Publication
    Métadonnées seulement
    Can testate amoebae (Protozoa) and other micro-organisms help to overcome biogeographic bias in large scale global change research?
    (: Springer, 1999) ;
    Gilbert, Daniel
    Butler, Alexandre
    Grosvernier, Philippe
    Albinsson, Christer
    Rydin, Hakan
    Heijmans, Monique
    Hoosbeek, Marcel
    Greenup, Alisson
    Foot, Jonathan
    Saarinen, Timo
    Vasander, Harri
    Visconti, Guido
    Beniston, Martin
    Iannorelli, Emilio D
    Barba, Diego
    To monitor global change, large scale long term studies are needed. Such studies often focus on vegetation, but most plant species have limited distribution areas. Micro-organisms by contrast are mostly cosmopolitan in their distributions. To study the relationships between organisation groups, we analysed the testate amoebae (Protozoa), vegetation, and water chemistry of five Sphagnum peatlands across Europe. Inter-site differences were more pronounced for the vegetation than for testate amoebae species assemblage. Testate amoebae represent a useful tool in multi-site studies and environmental monitoring of peatlands because: 1) the number of species is much higher than for plants, 2) most species are cosmopolitan and are therefore less affected by biogeographical distribution patterns than plants; thus differences in restate amoebae assemblages can be interpreted primarily in terms of ecology, 3) restate amoebae can be used to analyse and monitor small scale (cm) gradients that play a major role in the functioning of peatland ecosystems. We further studied the effect of elevated CO2 on microbial communities in the same peatlands. Elevated COL increased the biomass of heterotrophic bacteria and decreased the biomass of medium size protozoa (mostly small restate amoebae). These effects suggest changes in community functioning that may have feedback effects on other components of the ecosystem.