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Can glacial retreat lead to migration? A critical discussion of the impact of glacier shrinkage upon population mobility in the Bolivian Andes

2015-5-17, Kaenzig, Raoul

This article examines the role of glacial retreat on human migration in the Bolivian Andes—a topic with virtually no scholarly focus, yet of critical importance in the era of global climate change. Glacial melting has increased since the 1980s, and popular reports often suggest there will be significant impacts on local populations, including migration. Based on interviews with local residents, both migrants and nonmigrants, as well as topical experts, this study suggests that residents do, indeed, have serious concerns about future livelihood conditions in the Bolivian Andes. Even so, glacial retreat has not triggered new migration flows and has had a limited impact on the existing migratory patterns.

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The circulation of people. A critical discussion on the impact of glacier shrinkage upon population mobility in the bolivian andes

2013, Kaenzig, Raoul

This article examines the role of glacial retreat on people migration in the Bolivian Andes. In the Andean region, glacial retreat is one of the most noticeable effects of global warming. Significant acceleration in glacial melting has been observed since the 1980s and glacial runoff is vital to the region, supporting local ecosystems as well as providing water for drinking, irrigation and energy production. In academic literature, international medias and NGO reports it is often assumed that these impacts are severely affecting the livelihood of the local population who may be forced to migrate. Based upon a literature review and a case study in the Bolivian Andes, this paper brings a critical discussion on this assumption. The confrontation of two bodies of academic literature, the first on migration and climate change and the second on glacial retreat impacts allows the conceptualisation of some mechanisms to understand how the impact of glacial retreat may be considered as migration drivers. These mechanisms are then illustrated and discussed with a case study that brings empirical insights on mobility patterns of rural communities living on the edge of a retreating glacier.

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Bolivian Andes : from climate change to human displacements ?

2011-11-22, Kaenzig, Raoul

This research explores the impact of climate change on population migration in the mountainous regions of Bolivia. Migration, considered here as an “ex-situ” adaptation strategy, can be chosen to cope with the worsening environmental conditions. In this case-study based research, some preliminary results are presented in order to better understand the weight of perceived climate change impacts on migration decisions. Additionally, some issues related to glacial retreat, especially the visual dimension, are stressed.

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Identificando temas claves en migración, medio ambiente y cambio climático en América del Sur

2015-4-11, Kaenzig, Raoul

La hoja informativa “Identificando temas claves en migración, medio ambiente y cambio climático en América del Sur” de la Universidad de Neuchatel en Suiza y de la OIM (Organización Internacional para la Migración) ofrece un primer panorama regional sobre el tema.

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A critical discussion on the impact of glacier shrinkage upon population mobility in the bolivian andes

2013, Kaenzig, Raoul

This article examines the role of glacial retreat on people migration in the Bolivian Andes. In the Andean region, glacial retreat is one of the most noticeable effects of global warming. Significant acceleration in glacial melting has been observed since the 1980s and glacial runoff is vital to the region, supporting local ecosystems as well as providing water for drinking, irrigation and energy production. In academic literature, international medias and NGO reports it is often assumed that these impacts are severely affecting the livelihood of the local population who may be forced to migrate. Based upon a literature review and a case study in the Bolivian Andes, this paper brings a critical discussion on this assumption. The confrontation of two bodies of academic literature, the first on migration and climate change and the second on glacial retreat impacts allows the conceptualisation of some mechanisms to understand how the impact of glacial retreat may be considered as migration drivers. These mechanisms are then illustrated and discussed with a case study that brings empirical insights on mobility patterns of rural communities living on the edge of a retreating glacier.

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South & Central America and the Caribbean

2014, Kaenzig, Raoul

This chapter is based on existing empirical studies related to climate change and migration in Latin America and the Caribbean. It looks at the situation in the region as compared with that in other regions of the world, while underscoring certain aspects that are specific to Latin America and the Caribbean. Historical analogy is used; a summary of the past consequences of environmental degradation for migration facilitates an evaluation of the future consequences of climate change. In addition, this compilation of existing studies also makes it possible to reflect critically on the geographic and theoretical distribution of the case studies and to identify the regions for which additional and complementary studies would be desirable, given the vulnerability of those regions. Based on the existing literature, three kinds of climate evolution are expected to have the greatest impact in terms of population displacement: natural hazards (tropical cyclones, heavy rains and floods), droughts and sea level rise. Added to this list is the melting of glaciers, which is a particularly sensitive issue in South America. The present chapter includes an evaluation of the impact on migration of each of these phenomena based either on historical experience or on projections.

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Migration et changement climatique en Amérique latine : quels enjeux ?

2011-12-11, Kaenzig, Raoul

Cette synthèse de la littérature existante fait le point sur les rapports entre changement climatique et migrations en accordant un intérêt particulier au continent Latino-Américain. Après un bref historique du débat que soulève la relation entre environnement et migration, nous identifions une série de conséquences du changement climatique. Les aspects liés aux ouragans, aux inondations, aux sécheresses, à l’élévation du niveau des mers et à la fonte des glaciers sont en particuliers abordés. L’article procède ensuite principalement par analogie historique: une synthèse des conséquences migratoires passées de ces aléas environnementaux permet de mettre en évidence les principaux enjeux migratoires liés au changement climatique.