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When and Why do old speakers use more fillers than young speakers?

2019, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Lacheret, Anne, Fossard, Marion

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Que révèle la pause silencieuse sur l’accessibilité cognitive d’un référent et le vieillissement langagier ?

2018, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Fossard, Marion

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Prosodie, syntaxe, et référence: processus cognitifs et marqueurs linguistiques

2017, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Fossard, Marion, Anne Lacheret

La mention de référents (personnes, objets et évènements) est au cœur du discours. Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de la variation d’emploi des marqueurs de référence, en combinant des indices syntaxiques et prosodiques, produits lors de narrations d’images séquentielles. L’objectif est de déterminer l’effet des paramètres situationnels sur la production des marqueurs syntaxiques et prosodiques. Deux autres objectifs sont également développés, l’un visant à mettre en évidence les compétences (socio)cognitives sous-jacentes et l’autre visant à étudier l’impact du vieillissement. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, une tâche de narration d’images séquentielles a été utilisée pour éliciter la production de marqueurs de référence. Les narrations d’images séquentielles ont été réalisées auprès de deux groupes de participants, l’un constitué de 30 jeunes adultes (19-39 ans) et l’autre de 30 séniors (59-79 ans). L’ensemble des participants a été soumis à des tests (socio)cognitifs afin de caractériser leurs profils. Nos résultats montrent que le marquage référentiel est un processus complexe et influencé par de multiples facteurs situationnels. En effet, les marqueurs syntaxiques et prosodiques varient en fonction des étapes de discours et du contexte référentiel. Selon l’accessibilité cognitive du référent – notamment l’accessibilité cognitive moindre, le marquage référentiel sollicite des compétences (socio)cognitives. Les résultats indiquent également des effets du vieillissement sur le marquage référentiel : l’emploi des marqueurs de référence chez les séniors est différent de l’emploi des jeunes adultes. Compte tenu de l’importance du marquage référentiel lors des conversations, nos résultats pourraient avoir des implications cliniques et théoriques. Referring to people, objects and events is a central piece of the Speech. This dissertation studies the variation in the use of referential markers, by combining syntactic and prosodic cues, produced during a storytelling task sequential pictures. The goal is to determine the effect of situational parame-ters on the production of the syntactic and prosodic markers. Two other goals are also pursued: (i) to highlight the underlying (socio)cognitive abilities and (ii) to study the impact of aging. To meet these objectives, a storytelling task with sequential pictures was used to obtain the production of referential markers. 30 younger (age span: 19-39) and 30 older participants (age span: 59-79) undertook this storytelling task. All the participants were submitted to (socio)cognitive tests to characterize their profiles. Our results show that referential marking is a complex process influenced by multiple situational factors. Indeed, the syntactic and prosodic markers vary according to discourse stages and the ref-erential context. Depending on the cognitive accessibility of the referent - in particular the lesser cognitive accessibility, referential marking requires (socio)cognitive abilities. The results also indicate effects of aging on referential marking: the use of referential markers is different in seniors and in younger participants. Given the importance of referential marking during conversations, our results may have some clinical implications.

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Euh… que dire et comment ? L’hésitation au cœur des narrations

2015-11-27, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Fossard, Marion

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Que révèle la pause silencieuse sur l'accessibilité cognitive d'un référent et le vieillissement langagier?

2018-8-3, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Lacheret, Anne, Fossard, Marion

Cette contribution a pour objectif principal d’examiner les relations entre saillance référentielle et durée des pauses, et leurs variations chez des locuteurs jeunes adultes et seniors. L’objectif secondaire est d’explorer l’existence d’un lien potentiel entre la durée des pauses et l’habileté de prise en compte de l’autre. Pour cette étude, des narrations d’images séquentielles et un questionnaire d’autoévaluation ont été utilisés. Les résultats ont montré que les pauses silencieuses semblent implicitement marquer l’acte référentiel : les pauses sont plus longues avant un changement de référent d’accessibilité moindre comparativement à l’évocation d’un référent maintenu. L’évocation d’un référent – quelle que soit son accessibilité – paraît plus complexe pour les seniors comparativement aux jeunes adultes. Cette complexité s’avère plus présente chez les seniors qui ont des difficultés de prise en compte de l’autre.

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Referential Choices in a Collaborative Storytelling Task: Discourse Stages and Referential Complexity Matter

2018, Fossard, Marion, Achim, Amélie M., Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Gonzalez, Sylvia, Bureau, Alexandre, Champagne-Lavau, Maud

During a narrative discourse, accessibility of the referents is rarely fixed once and for all. Rather, each referent varies in accessibility as the discourse unfolds, depending on the presence and prominence of the other referents. This leads the speaker to use various referential expressions to refer to the main protagonists of the story at different moments in the narrative. This study relies on a new, collaborative storytelling in sequence task designed to assess how speakers adjust their referential choices when they refer to different characters at specific discourse stages corresponding to the introduction, maintaining, or shift of the character in focus, in increasingly complex referential contexts. Referential complexity of the stories was manipulated through variations in the number of characters (1 vs. 2) and, for stories in which there were two characters, in their ambiguity in gender (different vs. same gender). Data were coded for the type of reference markers as well as the type of reference content (i.e., the extent of the information provided in the referential expression). Results showed that, beyond the expected effects of discourse stages on reference markers (more indefinite markers at the introduction stage, more pronouns at the maintaining stage, and more definite markers at the shift stage), the number of characters and their ambiguity in gender also modulated speakers' referential choices at specific discourse stages, For the maintaining stage, an effect of the number of characters was observed for the use of pronouns and of definite markers, with more pronouns when there was a single character, sometimes replaced by definite expressions when two characters were present in the story. For the shift stage, an effect of gender ambiguity was specifically noted for the reference content with more specific information provided in the referential expression when there was referential ambiguity. Reference content is an aspect of referential marking that is rarely addressed in a narrative context, yet it revealed a quite flexible referential behavior by the speakers.

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Etude d'exressions référentielles nominales étendues (ERNE) au sein de narrations de séquences imagées

2016, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Lacheret, Anne, Fossard, Marion

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Referential choices in a collaborative storytelling task: discourse stages and referential complexity matter

2018-2-20, Fossard, Marion, Achim, Amélie, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Gonzalez, Sylvia, Bureau, Alexandre, Champagne-Lavau, Maud

During a narrative discourse, accessibility of the referents is rarely fixed once and for all. Rather, each referent varies in accessibility as the discourse unfolds, depending on the presence and prominence of the other referents. This leads the speaker to use various referential expressions to refer to the main protagonists of the story at different moments in the narrative. This study relies on a new, collaborative storytelling in sequence task designed to assess how speakers adjust their referential choices when they refer to different characters at specific discourse stages corresponding to the introduction, maintaining or shift of the character in focus, in increasingly complex referential contexts. Referential complexity of the stories was manipulated through variations in the number of characters (1 vs. 2) and, for stories in which there were two characters, in their ambiguity in gender (different vs. same gender). Data were coded for the type of reference markers as well as the type of reference content (i.e. the extent of the information provided in the referential expression). Results showed that, beyond the expected effects of discourse stages on reference markers (more indefinite markers at the introduction stage, more pronouns at the maintaining stage, and more definite markers at the shift stage), the number of characters and their ambiguity in gender also modulated speakers’ referential choices at specific discourse stages, For the maintaining stage, an effect of the number of characters was observed for the use of pronouns and of definite markers, with more pronouns when there was a single character, sometimes replaced by definite expressions when two characters were present in the story. For the shift stage, an effect of gender ambiguity was specifically noted for the reference content with more specific information provided in the referential expression when there was referential ambiguity. Reference content is an aspect of referential marking that is rarely addressed in a narrative context, yet it revealed a quite flexible referential behavior by the speakers.

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Adjustment of speaker’s referential choices in a collaborative storytelling in sequence task: effects of discourse stages and referential complexity

2017-9-7, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Gonzalez, Sylvia, Achim, Amélie

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When and why are old speakers more disfluent than young speaker?

2015-12-7, Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Fossard, Marion