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Strategic leaders' ecosystem vision formation and digital transformation: A motivated interactional lens

2023, Reuter, Emmanuelle, Steven Floyd

The question of why and how strategic leaders differ in the ecosystems they envision is central to firms' digital transformation. We unpack the cognitive microfoundations of how strategic leaders form their ecosystem vision—a mental model of a firm's multilateral complementarities with its partners to realize a value proposition. Our motivated interactional lens emphasizes the role of strategic leaders' cognitive motivation for shaping four interaction types with (prospective) partners: participatory, selective, collaborative, and reclusive. We theorize how these interactions shape the changes strategic leaders make in their mental models, and thus, to envision different levels and types of complementarities with (prospective) partners in the digital transformation. Our theory illuminates the roles of strategic leaders, their cognitive motivations, and social interactions in firms' ecosystem leadership. Managerial Summary: Digital transformation is an ecosystem challenge for incumbent firms. As part of their ecosystem leadership, strategic leaders need to form a vision of how to complement their value offerings with (prospective) partners' offerings. This vision, in turn, can affect the types of ecosystems they enact. We develop a theoretical model that emphasizes the role of strategic leaders' cognitive motivation for the interactions they engage in with (prospective) partners and for the types of ecosystem visions they form as a result.

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Business Models for Sustainable Technology: Strategic Re-Framing and Business Model Schema Change in Internal Corporate Venturing

2022-8-22, Reuter, Emmanuelle, Krauspe, Tao

Established firms often develop new businesses through internal corporate venturing (ICV), for instance, to capture value from novel sustainable technologies. We illuminate the early definition stage of ICV’s by asking: When and how business model schemas—that is, managerial understandings of how value is created and captured—change in ICV? We conduct a qualitative, embedded case study of the change in a business model schema for e-mobility in a Swiss utility’s ICV. We uncover a key trigger: strategic re-framing—the active re-formulation of the definition of a given situation within ICV–top manager interactions. The strategic re-framing’s specificity level provokes either schema restrictions or expansions via the distinct accommodation practices it induces. Our theoretical model of business model schema change contributes to the literatures on managerial cognition, business models, and ICV, suggesting that business model schema change in ICV is a semi-autonomous process that involves both independent and joint endeavors.

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Hybrid business models in the sharing economy: The role of business model design for managing the environmental paradox

2021-11-15, Reuter, Emmanuelle

With the primary emphasis on the tensions that platform organizations face between both for-profit and environmental value-creation goals, we know very little about the managerial drivers and mechanisms through which they realize multiple goals. Based on a qualitative, inductive case study of a UK-based digital platform's business model, we uncover the role of business model design. We find that the emphasis managers put on either the redistribution or the accessibility design theme shapes the environmental and financial value-creation, respectively and that a hybrid business model (i.e., realizing both for-profit and for-purpose value-creation) hinges on their integration. Two managerial drivers—strategic synergies and dynamic coupling—enable platform organizations to increase integration. We contribute to the literatures on hybrid business models, paradox, and business models for sustainability, suggesting that digital platforms not only create, but can actively manage the environmental paradox by integrating multiple design themes within hybrid business models.