Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 22
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    Recherches actuelles sur le temps et l'aspect
    Si le temps occupe une place aussi centrale dans la discussion linguistique, et depuis si longtemps, c’est parce que ce sujet – avec ses sujets-frères que sont l’aspect, la modalité et l’évidentialité – est non seulement riche et complexe mais aussi profondément enraciné dans la langue, se manifestant à tous ses niveaux et dans une quantité importante de contextes de réflexion. Les articles recueillis dans ce volume se présentent à premier abord comme des études spécifiques sur des phénomènes précis, mais il s’avère rapidement que, de par sa nature, le sujet ‘temps’ ne peut pas être abordé de manière « isolée », puisqu'il parcourt la langue comme un système étendu, sans qu’on puisse en dessiner les limites avec clarté.
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    Beyond Meaning
    (Amsterdam - New York: John Benjamins, 2021)
    Ifantidou, Elly
    Wharton, Tim
    Despite the fact that they are often crucial to our understanding, the vague, ineffable elements of language use and communication have received much less attention from linguists than the more concrete, effable ones. This has left a range of important questions unanswered. How might we account for the communication of non-propositional phenomena such as moods, emotions and impressions? What type of cognitive response do these phenomena trigger, if not conceptual or propositional? Do creative metaphors and unknown words in second languages and other ‘pointers’ to ‘conceptual regions’ communicate concepts learned from language alone? How might the descriptive ineffability of interjections, free indirect speech etc. be accommodated within a theory of communication? What of those working on the aesthetics of artworks, music and literature? What can evolution tell us about ineffability? The papers in this volume address these fascinating questions head-on. They represent a range of different attempts to answer them and, in so doing, allow us to pose exciting new questions. The aim, to bring the ineffable firmly within the grasp of theoretical pragmatics.
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    Aspects of Tenses, Modality, and Evidentiality
    If there’s a domain in linguistics which complexity calls for ever further research, it’s clearly that of tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality, often referred to as ‘TAME’. The reason for which these domains of investigation have been connected so tightly as to deserve a common label is that their actual intertwining is so dense that one can hardly measure their effects purely individually, without regard to the other notions of the spectrum. On the other hand, despite their imbrications, tense, aspect, modality and evidentiality remain – needless to say – separate theoretical entities. The papers gathered in this volume cover a range of issues and a variety of methods that help delineate, each in its way, new perspectives on this broad domain.
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    Deixis et anaphore
    (Londres: ISTE, 2018)
    Il est difficile d’identifier des concepts plus fondamentaux en philosophie du langage et en linguistique que ceux de deixis et anaphore. La deixis concerne les marqueurs linguistiques contextuels qui atteignent leur référent par le biais de la situation énonciative, comme « je », « tu », « celui-ci », « maintenant », « ici », etc. Les expressions anaphoriques atteignent leur référent par l’identification d’un antécédent déjà mentionné.Il s’agit de deux types d’opérateurs qui établissent en un système croisé, chacun à leur manière, un pont entre la phrase et le discours. Comment fonctionnent ces deux systèmes et quelles en sont les principales dimensions, voici les interrogations principales auxquelles cet ouvrage s’est donné pour tâche de répondre.Deixis et anaphore retrace l’émergence et l’histoire des notions de deixis et d’anaphore à travers l’histoire de la pensée occidentale en philosophie du langage et linguistique et les manières dont les approches contemporaines les envisagent.
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    René de Saussure and the theory of word formation
    (Berlin: Language Science Press, 2018)
    Anderson, Stephen R.
    This volume presents two works elaborating a general theory of words and their struc- ture written by René de Saussure, younger brother of Ferdinand de Saussure. Although originating in René de Saussure’s concerns for the structure of Esperanto, these essays are clearly intended to articulate a general account of word formation in natural lan- guage. They appear here in the French original with facing English translations, accom- panied by some remarks on René de Saussure’s life and followed by essays on the Es- perantist background of his analysis (by Marc van Oostendorp), the contemporary rele- vance of his morphological theory (by Stephen Anderson), and the semantic theory of words underlying his analysis (by Louis de Saussure). These two works have remained essentially unknown to the community of scholars in general linguistics since their pub- lication in 1911 and 1919, respectively, although Esperantists have been aware of them. They develop in quite explicit form a theory of what would later be called morphemic analysis, based primarily on data from French (with some material from German and English, as well as occasional examples from other Indo-European languages). In its fun- damental aspect, René’s view of word formation differed significantly from that of his brother, who saw the structure of complex words as revealed not through their decom- position into smaller “atomic” units but rather in the relations between words, relations which could be presented in analogical form and which anticipate rule-based theories of morphological structure. The contrast between the two brothers’ views thus anticipates basic issues in current theorizing about word structure.
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    Des mots et des couleurs
    (Paris: Hermann, 2017)
    Prenant le vocabulaire des couleurs comme fil rouge et parfois comme prétexte, cet essai à l’écriture libérée du jargon habituel des spécialistes invite à une réflexion contemporaine sur un ensemble de thèmes relatifs au langage, à la catégorisation du monde et aux ressorts complexes de la communication langagière. Laissant une place significative aux sciences cognitives tout en discutant les positions classiques sur la question de l’universalité, il aborde plusieurs lignes d’investigation dans un ensemble de domaines qui éclairent cette vaste problématique. Le caractère fondamentalement ineffable des termes de perception, comme des émotions, suscite en filigrane une interrogation plus profonde sur ce que nous sommes capables de partager grâce au langage et parfois malgré lui dans nos tentatives, quotidiennes ou même littéraires, de se faire écho les uns aux autres.
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    Verbal Communication
    (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016)
    Rocci, Andrea
    Common sense tells us that verbal communication should be a central concern both for the study of communication and for the study of language. Language is the most pervasive means of communication in human societies, especially if we consider the huge gamut of communication phenomena where spoken and written language combines with other modalities, such as gestures or pictures. Most communication researchers have to deal with issues of language use in their work. Classic methods in communication research - from content analysis to interviews and questionnaires, not to mention the obvious cases of rhetorical analysis and discourse analysis - presuppose the understanding of the meaning of spontaneous or elicited verbal productions. Despite its pervasiveness, verbal communication does not currently define one cohesive and distinct subfield within the communication discipline. The Handbook of Verbal Communication seeks to address this gap. In doing so, it draws not only on the communication discipline, but also on the rich interdisciplinary research on language and communication that developed over the last fifty years as linguistics interacted with the social sciences and the cognitive sciences. The interaction of linguistic research with the social sciences has produced a plethora of approaches to the study of meanings in social context - from conversation analysis to critical discourse analysis, while cognitive research on verbal communication, carried out in cognitive pragmatics as well as in cognitive linguistics, has offered insights into the interaction between language, inference and persuasion and into cognitive processes such as framing or metaphorical mapping. The Handbook of Verbal Communication volume takes into account these two traditions selecting those issues and themes that are most relevant for communication scholars. It addresses background matters such as the evolution of human verbal communication and the relationship between verbal and non-verbal means of communication and offers a an extensive discussion of the explicit and implicit meanings of verbal messages, with a focus on emotive and figurative meanings. Conversation and fundamental types of discourse, such as argument and narrative, are presented in-depth, as is the key notion of discourse genre. The nature of writing systems as well as the interaction of spoken or written language with non-verbal modalities are devoted ample attention. Different contexts of language use are considered, from the mass media and the new media to the organizational contexts. Cultural and linguistic diversity is addressed, with a focus on phenomena such as multilingual communication and translation. A key feature of the volume is the coverage of verbal communication quality. Quality is examined both from a cognitive and from a social perspective. It covers topics that range from to the cognitive processes underlying deceptive communication to the methods that can be used to assess the quality of texts in an organizational context.
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    Time: Language, Cognition & Reality
    (: Oxford University Press, 2013)
    Jaszczolt, Kasia M
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    Tense, Mood and Aspect
    (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2007) ;
    Puskas, Genoveva
    Moeschler, Jacques