Voici les éléments 1 - 5 sur 5
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    Des mots et des couleurs
    (Paris: Hermann, 2017)
    Prenant le vocabulaire des couleurs comme fil rouge et parfois comme prétexte, cet essai à l’écriture libérée du jargon habituel des spécialistes invite à une réflexion contemporaine sur un ensemble de thèmes relatifs au langage, à la catégorisation du monde et aux ressorts complexes de la communication langagière. Laissant une place significative aux sciences cognitives tout en discutant les positions classiques sur la question de l’universalité, il aborde plusieurs lignes d’investigation dans un ensemble de domaines qui éclairent cette vaste problématique. Le caractère fondamentalement ineffable des termes de perception, comme des émotions, suscite en filigrane une interrogation plus profonde sur ce que nous sommes capables de partager grâce au langage et parfois malgré lui dans nos tentatives, quotidiennes ou même littéraires, de se faire écho les uns aux autres.
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    Remarques sur l’usage interprétatif putatif du futur
    Morency, Patrick
    In this article we will take a look at a particular epistemic usage of the French future tense. Our approach is a radically pragmatic one, where we posit that what should be taken into account for the interpretation of such occurrences depends more upon pragmatic than semantic aspects. Building upon Sperber & Wilson’s distinction between descriptive and non-descriptive usages of language and the notion of metarepresentation (1995 [1986]), we propose to analyze the function of the French futur putatif from our procedural pragmatics perspective. We posit that certain expressions, and among them the French future tense, possess a procedural algorithm that allows the hearer to reach different interpretations, depending on different contextualizations, which are obtained through relevance-searching. Such procedural instructions enable the hearer to easily draw the intended complex inferences.
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    Implicatures et métareprésentations en contexte de presse écrite
    The paper suggests that the notion of metarepresentation, usual in cognitive pragmatics and philosophy of language, allows for a fine-grained analysis of specific interpretive effects in represented thought and speech in the specific context of written press. It is argued, on the theoretical side, that metarepresentation can significantly improve the operability of the classical and usual concept of polyphony of the Bakhtinian tradition of discourse analysis since it’s a more technical notion. In particular, the paper aims at showing that metarepresentational analysis can be an efficient tool for tracking and explaining subtle implicatures, notably about the writer’s propositional attitude on the represented content.
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    Usages interprétatifs de la deixis présente
    This paper focuses on non standard uses of the present indexical maintenant in French, typically free indirect speech usages, and argumentative usages. First, two approaches of indexicality are briefly compared. In the Continental tradition, indexicality is a notion traditionally associated with "subjectivity", with a regard to psychosocial theories of action. In the Analytical tradition, indexicality is rather concerned with a referential problem: indexicals have a specific way of achieving denotation. This paper suggests that the notion of subjectivity should be incorporated into the analytical approach, although with reference to the notion of proprioception as developed in cognitive science. It is argued that maintenant has some language-specific features, which makes it plausible that it is a complex procedural expression. That expression encodes, we claim, cognitive present and situation-change, both components of meaning that are realized depending on particular contextual features.
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