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Novel trophic interactions under climate change promote alpine plant coexistence

2020-12-18, Descombes, Patrice, Pitteloud, Camille, Glauser, Gaétan, Defossez, Emmanuel, Kergunteuil, Alan, Allard, Pierre-Marie, Rasmann, Sergio, Pellissier, Loïc

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Plant physical and chemical defence variation along elevation gradients: a functional trait-based approach

2018-6-1, Kergunteuil, Alan, Descombes, Patrice, Glauser, Gaétan, Pellissier, Loïc, Rasmann, Sergio

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Contrasting responses of above- and below-ground herbivore communities along elevation

2020-10-19, Pitteloud, Camille, Descombes, Patrice, Sánchez Moreno, Sara, Kergunteuil, Alan, Ibanez, Sebastien, Rasmann, Sergio, Pellissier, Loïc

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Growth‐competition‐herbivore resistance trade‐offs and the responses of alpine plant communities to climate change

2018-2-20, Pellissier, Loïc, Descombes, Patrice, Hagen, Oskar, Chalmandrier, Loïc, Glauser, Gaétan, Kergunteuil, Alan, Defossez, Emmanuel, Rasmann, Sergio

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Plant physical and chemical traits associated with herbivory in situ and under a warming treatment

2019-9-12, Descombes, Patrice, Kergunteuil, Alan, Glauser, Gaétan, Rasmann, Sergio, Pellissier, Loïc