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Big Data in Agriculture

2018, Klauser, Francisco

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Power and space in the drone age

2017, Klauser, Francisco, Pedrozo, Silvana

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Professional drone usage in Switzerland : results of a quantitative survey of public and private drone users

2018, Klauser, Francisco, Pauschinger, Dennis, Pedrozo, Silvana, Stuber, Lea, Placì, Rahel

In recent years, drones have become much more accessible as professional tools for public and private actors. The technology has been integrated into everyday working routines and has created new professional fields. These developments have sparked increased media attention and socio-political debate regarding the opportunities and risks of drone use, and the necessary regulatory response. However, in Switzerland as elsewhere, no detailed study has explored who uses drones, when, where and for what reasons. Addressing this research lacuna, this paper summarizes the main findings of a quantitative survey of public and private drone users in Switzerland. On this basis, the paper highlights the extent, modalities and expected future evolutions of professional drone usage in the country and underscores the related key issues, in economic, privacy- and security-related terms. The paper thus informs citizens, public agencies and the private sector of the various dimensions and effects of current evolutions in the field of drone utilization, raises awareness of the advantages and problems of the technology and, ultimately, favours critical democratic debate.

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Espaces, pouvoirs et régulations : vers une géographie politique de la surveillance

2012, Klauser, Francisco

Cet article a pour but d’esquisser un «programme de réflexion» autour d’une « géographie politique de la surveillance ». Pour arriver à cette fin, ce papier est structuré en deux parties principales. Dans un premier temps, le concept de la « surveillance » sera défini et situé dans le champ de recherche classique et contemporain de la géographie politique. Ceci offrira une première appréciation générale du contenu et des directions possibles d’un engagement géographique avec la surveillance. Dans un second temps, le sujet de la ville intelligente sera abordé pour exemplifier, plus précisément, comment aborder empiriquement une telle géographie.

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Themengruppen der ASG

2018, Klauser, Francisco

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Borders, circulation and sport mega-event security : the example of Euro 2008 in Switzerland and Austria

2011, Klauser, Francisco

The paper draws upon empirical insights provided by a two-year research project relating to security governance at the European Football Championships 2008 in Switzerland and Austria (Euro 2008). The objective is to study the role and modalities of border and access control in the context of sport mega-event security on various national and urban scales. This investigation seeks to demonstrate that security and surveillance at sport mega-events are shaped, fundamentally, by efforts towards the increased flexibility, variability and mobility (in both space and time) of carefully orchestrated access, passage and border controls. At stake in this “mobile border assemblage” are a large variety of phenomena, places and scales: from classic border controls at the national boundaries to a wide range of inter- and intra-urban enclosures and passage points (Graham, 2010) aimed at monitoring, restricting, filtering and also managing and facilitating different forms and modalities of circulation (of people and objects). This paper explores the reasons, logics and characteristics of this phenomenon.
Following Michel Foucaultʼs conceptual distinction between (apparatuses of) “discipline” and “security” (Foucault, 2009), the paper also aims to bring to the fore a number of more fundamental insights into the spatialities of contemporary security and surveillance. Two key issues stand out: firstly, the complex challenges associated with the necessary balancing and reconciliation of the core requirements of mobility and surveillance in contemporary security governance, and secondly, the multi-scalar, public-private interests and forms of expertise associated with this phenomenon.