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Orienting to a co-participantā€™s emotion in French L2: A resource to participate in and sustain a conversation

2016, Pochon-Berger, Evelyne, Fasel Lauzon, Virginie

This chapter examines emotion displays in second language (L2) dyadic interactions involving an L2 French-speaking au pair and her L1 French-speaking host family. Data are drawn from a corpus of audio-recorded dinnertime talk. The analysis focuses on the ways the au pair displays her orientation to a co-Ā­participantā€™s emotional stance. The study shows that the ability to appropriately display, recognize, and respond to emotions is an important part of L2 interactional competence. Orienting to a co-participantā€™s emotional stances plays a central role in allowing the au pair and her host family to establish ā€œemotional solidarity,ā€ leading to her status as an ā€œinsider,ā€ legitimate interactional partner, and valued member of the family.

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Identification et observabilitƩ de la compƩtence d'interaction: le dƩsaccord comme microcosme actionnel

2009, Fasel Lauzon, Virginie, Pekarek Doehler, Simona, Pochon-Berger, Evelyne

This paper presents an investigation of disagreement sequences understood as an actional microcosm that allows us to zoom in onto the development of interactional competence. An analysis of interactional data from French L1 classrooms in French speaking Switzerland is presented, emanating from two levels of schooling (lower and upper secondary). The analysis (a) identifies a series of observables relating to interactional competence, (b) opens a window onto aspects of its development across time and (c) sheds light on the communicative cultures at work in the two school contexts.

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L'explication dans les interactions en classe de langue: organisation des sƩquences, mobilisation de ressources, opportunitƩ d'apprentissage

2009, Fasel Lauzon, Virginie, Pekarek Doehler, Simona

La prĆ©sente recherche porte sur les sĆ©quences d'explication en classes de franƧais langue premiĆØre et seconde (derniĆØre annĆ©e du secondaire supĆ©rieur). Elle aborde l'explication en tant que phĆ©nomĆØne fondamentalement interactionnel et propose la description systĆ©matique, dans une approche inspirĆ©e de l'analyse conversationnelle, d'une collection d'explications recensĆ©es dans un corpus d'interactions en classe. Les objectifs de la recherche sont 1) la description de l'organisation des sĆ©quences d'explication, 2) la description des ressources mobilisĆ©es par des apprenants avancĆ©s du franƧais pour participer aux sĆ©quences d'explication, et 3) la description des opportunitĆ©s d'apprentissage qui peuvent prendre place dans les sĆ©quences d'explication. La recherche se clĆ“t sur une sĆ©rie de propositions didactiques pour optimiser ces opportunitĆ©s d'apprentissage en classe., The present research focuses on explanation sequences in French as a first (L1) and as a second (L2) language classrooms (last year of upper secondary school). It broaches explanation as a fundamentally interactional phenomenon and proposes a systematic description, through an approach inspired by Conversation Analysis, of a collection of explanations taken from classroom data. The research aims at 1) describing the interactional organization of explanation sequences, 2) describing the resources mobilized by advanced learners of French in order to participate in explanation sequences, and 3) describing the opportunities for learning that may take place within explanation sequences. These aims lead to a set of propositions to optimize these learning opportunities in the classroom.