Gillet, François
Résultat de la recherche
Is there a future for wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera subsp. silvestris) in the Rhine Valley?
2005, Arnold, Claire, Schnitzler, Annik, Douard, Anne, Peter, Richard, Gillet, François
The wild grapevine, Vitis vinifera subsp. silvestris (Gmelin) Hegi, is considered to be an endangered taxon in Europe, mainly as a consequence of the introduction of pathogens from North America and of the destruction of its habitat. In the Rhine Valley, nearly all populations disappeared due to river management, the intensi.cation of forestry, and the introduction of phylloxera. After a growing awareness of the need to preserve endangered forest ecosystems, attempts to reintroduce wild grapevine in the Rhine Valley were performed, particularly in the French nature reserves Erstein and Offendorf since 1992. However, regular surveys of the plants indicate the rapid decline of the populations. In 2002, we proposed to summarise the knowledge accumulated after 10 years of experiments. Results indicate that from the initial 91 individuals planted in 1992, only 14 survived in 2002 (2 in Erstein, 12 in Offendorf). The failure of the experiment may be explained by several factors: unsuitable sites (too shady, absence of support for the young plants), absence of monitoring, vandalism or predation. According to these results and recent knowledge of the ecology of the plant and of vines in general, new transplantation experiments are proposed in which the plants will be monitored during their establishment in the forests. The success of this second transplant (50 plants per reserve) will be enhanced by restoration projects of the Rhine River dynamics, with partial re-.ooding. Floods should help to avoid, or at least to reduce, pest and disease expansion on future adult plants.
Bilan de situation de la vigne sauvage Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris en Europe
1998, Arnold, Claire, Gillet, François, Gobat, Jean-Michel
Situation de la vigne sauvage Vitis vinifera ssp. silvestris en Europe
1998, Arnold, Claire, Gillet, François, Gobat, Jean-Michel
Cette contribution dresse un bilan de la répartition actuelle de la vigne sauvage européenne - Vitis vinifera L. ssp. silvestris (Gmelin) Hegi - sur la base d'une revue bibliographique et d'observations originales effectuées lors de recherches sur son écologie dans les forêts alluviales et colluviales d'Europe. La situation de la vigne sauvage s'avère préoccupante dans la plupart des pays européens, même si elle est souvent mal connue, faute de données récentes fiables. La sous-espèce silvestris se distingue essentiellement des cépages cultivés par sa dioïcité. Les caractères morphologiques végétatifs sont très variables; en particulier, on montre que le dimorphisme sexuel est manifeste dans les populations d'Autriche, alors qu'il n'est pas apparent dans celles du Pays Basque., This paper summarizes the occurrence of the European wild vine - Vitis vinifera L. ssp. silvestris (Gmelin) Hegi – from bibliography and observations made in the framework of research on its ecology in the alluvial and colluvial forests of Europe. The state of the wild vine is disquieting within most of the European countries; in some countries we noticed a lack of recent reliable data. The subspecies silvestris can principally be distinguished from cultivated grapevine by its dioicity. Morphological vegetative criteria are very variable; in particular, we demonstrate that sexual dimorphism occurs in Austrian populations, while it is not found in those of the Basque countries.