Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 11
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    Le pouvoir des rires: des interactions en face à face aux conversations par texto
    This article focuses on the interactional achievement of laughter by providing an overview of the studies we carried out on various types of settings, including institutional interactions and text-based conversations. Using a conversation analytic approach (Sacks et al. 1974), we shed light on how participants finely and systematically mobilize laughter in order to jointly achieve specific social actions such as softening corrections, producing requests or managing topic trajectories. We also show that participants recurrently laugh so as to manage the interactional troubles emerging from the ongoing talk, both in institutional and online settings. By revealing to what extent participants manage to adapt their laughing procedures to the situational and technical contingencies of the interaction in which they are involved, this article aims to promote laughter as a central part of participant's interactional competences.
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    Les interactions sociales : recherches récentes sur le français
    (: Revue Française de Linguistique Appliquée: Special issue, 2017) ;
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    Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings: from School to the Workplace
    (: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017) ; ; ;
    Filliettaz, Laurent
    González-Martínez, Esther
    This interdisciplinary volume brings together leading scholars from several disciplines to uncover the key to young people’s socialization within institutional settings, from school to the workplace. Among the questions they consider are: what aspects of interactional competence are relevant for participation in practical activities within those settings? What are the interactional procedures through which diverse facets of interactional competence are recognized, legitimized and assessed in the course of practical activities? How do these procedures shape and reflect social institutions and people's understanding of them? The collection discusses interactional competences across a variety of institutional settings, and reflects on the institutional order by scrutinizing how such competences are interactionally treated within everyday institutional practices. The volume enriches an interdisciplinary understanding of fundamental concepts in the social sciences and will therefore be of interest to those working within linguistics, sociology, education, psychology of work, and speech therapy.
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    Effets et enjeux de l’interdisciplinarité en sociolinguistique. D’une approche discursive à une conception praxéologique des représentations linguistiques
    This article shows how the notion of social representation acts as a catalyst for interdisciplinary relations between sociolinguistics and both language sciences and all other fields of social sciences. The theoretical and methodological problems posed by the study of social representations show that interdisciplinary discussion may be a necessity and not only a scientific choice. We show how interdisciplinary exchanges have influenced the methodological and analytical framework used in the sociolinguistic study of social representations, and how these protocols have revealed in turn the limitations of the definition of the notion and, finally, led to a reorientation of the initial methodologies. We will illustrate the results of these interdisciplinary intertwining in practical terms, by proposing a new approach to social representations (i.e. the representation-in-action) that was inspired by different fields of language and social sciences. We will analyze the representations of interactional competences built by actors of didactic interactions, which allows us to show the relevance of a praxeologic conception of social representations.
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    Représentations linguistiques et plurilinguisme
    (2009) ;
    Pekarek-Doehler, Simona
    La notion de représentation linguistique (RL) constitue aujourd’hui un enjeu théorique majeur en sociolinguistique. En effet, si l’on s’est prioritairement intéressé, dans ce domaine, à la dimension variationnelle des productions langagières, on a également pu constater que l’analyse des dynamiques linguistiques ne pouvait reposer sur la seule prise en compte des pratiques : les savoirs sociaux partagés dont les locuteurs disposent quant à leur langue jouent également un rôle déterminant dans la manière dont un groupe parvient à gérer l’hétérogénéité de son espace linguistique. L’objectif de ce travail est donc dans un premier temps de proposer une approche spécifiquement sociolinguistique des RL, et ce aux niveaux théorique et méthodologique : qu’est ce qu’une RL, comment l’observer et la décrire ? En s’intéressant aux représentations du plurilinguisme de deux communautés périphériques francophones, nous verrons s’il existe des variations aux niveaux de la forme et/ou du contenu représentationnels, et, si oui, s’il est possible de dévoiler les contraintes sociales sous-jacentes à ces variations. Nous nous centrerons plus spécifiquement sur le versant institutionnel de la gestion de l’espace linguistique, à savoir le type de politique linguistique : peut-il influencer les RL de la communauté au sein de laquelle il est défini ? Inversement, est-ce que les RL peuvent avoir un effet sur l’efficience d’une politique linguistique ? Si l’étude qui est présentée ici constitue une recherche fondamentale sur le fonctionnement des RL, elle dispose donc également d’une dimension appliquée, en cela qu’elle est susceptible d’engendrer des résultats pouvant éclairer les choix décisionnels réalisés dans le cadre d’une politique publique des langues., To date, the notion of Language Representation (LR) represents a major theoretical challenge for sociolinguistics. Though the prime focus in the domain has been on the variational dimension of language productions, it has also been observed that the analysis of language dynamics can not be limited to the study of language practice: the shared social knowledge that speakers have about their mother tongue is essential for the way a given social group deals with the heterogeneous nature of its language environment. The work undertaken in this realm proposes to specifically approach LR from a sociolinguistic point of view, both on theoretical and methodological grounds: what is LR? How can it be observed and described? Based on a study of the representation of multilingualism in two peripheral French-speaking communities, we will investigate the representational variations in form and content as well as the constraints which underlie these variations. We will more specifically focus on the institutional side of the management of a language environment, in terms of type of language policy: can a given type of policy affect a community's LR? Conversely, can the efficiency of a given language policy be affected by LR? While this study aspires to be part of fundamental research into the functioning of language representations, it also has an applied side, in that it generates results which may contribute to shed some light on the decisional choices made in the context of public language policies.
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    Le poids des langues. Dynamiques, représentations, contacts, conflits
    (Paris: L'Harmattan, 2009) ;
    Gasquet-Cyrus, Méderic