Berset, Alain
Berset, Alain
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Résultat de la recherche
Voici les éléments 1 - 8 sur 8
- PublicationAccès libreCirculation of Competencies and Dynamics of Regional Production Systems(2006)
; As borders become more open, regional production systems (RPSs) are tending to become increasingly specialised. In any given sector, two or three cities or regions compete on a global scale while other systems disappear. The specialised RPSs concentrate the know-how, the knowledge, the major companies, and the most important research and training institutions relating to a given sector. As capital moves around freely between these various spaces, labour and competencies are increasingly described as the main anchoring factors of these activities. Many authors speak of the existence of specific know-how, or of a specialised labour market. Consequently, what role do migrations play? In the post-war “Fordist” period, migrations above all provided cheap labour for the industries of northern countries. Today, the profile of migrations has diversified considerably. They are located at the two extremes of the pyramid of competencies. Our hypothesis is that movements of highly qualified labour play a determining role in the renewal of those RPSs that are competitive on a global scale. This paper considers in parallel the historical evolution of three Swiss production systems representative of current transformations (watch industry, micro technologies, advertising/marketing) and the evolution of migrants’ competencies. Based on empirical surveys, the link between these evolutions is examined, in particular from the point of view of innovation and structural change. Our assumption is that migrations can be the driving force behind the dynamics of knowledge and competence. Consequently, the insertion of migrants and the various ways in which this integration takes place in the workplace becomes the central question. A typology of the relations between the insertion of migrants and regional industrial dynamics is built up, ranging from rigidified productive structures to the creation of new competencies and new economic activities. - PublicationMétadonnées seulement
- PublicationAccès libreLa politique d’admission de la main-d’œuvre étrangère : désirabilité, acceptabilité, intégrabilité(2001)
;Weygold, Serge A.; ; The reform of the Swiss policy of admission of foreign labour involves a discrimination in relation to professional skills, and no longer a geographical discrimination. This is, in particular, because the best qualified immigrants support the economic development of the country and are thought to have the strongest capacity for social integration. However, the article shows that: 1) to be highly qualified does not yet mean yet to be socially integrated; 2) the “degree” of social integration of the immigrant workers depends on their migratory projects as well as their adaptation mode to the new work context, and not on a “capacity” which they supposedly possess; 3) confusions which abound in the debate on this reform are due to the dominance of the “integration” paradigm, to the detriment of the “mobility” paradigm. - PublicationAccès libreLa politique d'admission de la main-d'oeuvre étrangere: désirabilité, acceptabilité, intégrabilité(2001)
;Weygold, Serge; ; The reform of the Swiss policy of admission of foreign labour involves a discrimination in relation to professional skills, and no longer a geographical discrimination. This is, in particular, because the best qualified immigrants support the economic development of the country and are thought to have the strongest capacity for social integration. However, the article shows that: 1) to be highly qualified does not yet mean yet to be socially integrated; 2) the 'degree' of social integration of the immigrant workers depends on their migratory projects as well as their adaptation mode to the new work context, and not on a 'capacity' which they supposedly possess; 3) confusions which abound in the debate on this reform are due to the dominance of the 'integration' paradigm, to the detriment of the 'mobility' paradigm. - PublicationMétadonnées seulement
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementDie Ausländische Arbeitskräfte in der Schweiz(2000)
; ; ;Weygold, Serge - PublicationMétadonnées seulement
- PublicationMétadonnées seulementQualification - déqualification professionnelle des immigrants. Approche théorique(1999-5-4)
; ;Weygold, Serge; Pour étudier l'impact des migrations internationales sur les systèmes productifs des régions d'accueil, il faut notamment s'attacher à décrire et comprendre comment se font les transferts de compétences, comment les compétences s'ajustent et influencent les processus productifs des entreprises et en quoi un changement de contexte professionnel et socioculturel peut être qualifiant ou déqualifiant pour l'immigrant. Dans une perspective dynamique, nous nous intéressons aux processus d'adaptation entre un immigrant et un contexte de travail et aux phénomènes de qualification/déqualification qui en découlent