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13C- and 15N‑Isotope Analysis of Desphenylchloridazon by Liquid Chromatography−Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry and Derivatization Gas Chromatography−Isotope-Ratio Mass Spectrometry

2019-1, Melsbach, Aileen, Ponsin, Violaine, Lihl, Christina, Torrento Aguerri, Clara, Hofstetter, Thomas B., Hunkeler, Daniel, Elsener, Martin

The widespread application of herbicides impacts surface water and groundwater. Metabolites (e.g., desphenylchloridazon from chloridazon) may be persistent and even more polar than the parent herbicide, which increases the risk of groundwater contamination. When parent herbicides are still applied, metabolites are constantly formed and may also be degraded. Evaluating their degradation on the basis of concentration measurements is, therefore, difficult. This study presents compound-specific stableisotope analysis (CSIA) of nitrogen- and carbon-isotope ratios at natural abundances as an alternative analytical approach to track the origin, formation, and degradation of desphenylchloridazon (DPC), the major degradation product of the herbicide chloridazon. Methods were developed and validated for carbon- and nitrogen-isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) of DPC by liquid chromatography−isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (LC-IRMS) and derivatization gas chromatography−IRMS (GC-IRMS), respectively. Injecting standards directly onto an Atlantis LC-column resulted in reproducible δ13C-isotope analysis (standard deviation <0.5‰) by LC-IRMS with a limit of precise analysis of 996 ng of DPC on-column. Accurate and reproducible δ15N analysis with a standard deviation of <0.4‰ was achieved by GC-IRMS after derivatization of >100 ng of DPC with 160-fold excess of (trimethylsilyl)diazomethane. Application of the method to environmental-seepage water indicated that newly formed DPC could be distinguished from “old” DPC by the different isotopic signatures of the two DPC sources.

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Adsorbing vs. Nonadsorbing tracers for assessing pesticide transport in arable soils

2017-9, Torrento Aguerri, Clara, Prasuhn, Volker, Ponsin, Violaine, Spiess, Ernst, Melsbach, Aileen, Lihl, Christina, Glauser, Gaëtan, Hofstetter, Thomas B., Elsener, Martin, Hunkeler, Daniel

The suitability of two different tracers to mimic the behavior of pesticides in agricultural soils and to evidence the potential for preferential flow was evaluated in outdoor lysimeter experiments. The herbicide atrazine [6-chloro-N-ethyl-N'-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine] was used as a model compound. Two tracers were used: a nonadsorbing tracer (bromide) and a weakly adsorbing dye tracer (uranine). Two soils that are expected to show a different extent of macropore preferential flow were used: a well-drained sandy-loamy Cambisol (gravel soil) and a poorly drained loamy Cambisol (moraine soil). Conditions for preferential flow were promoted by applying heavy simulated rainfall shortly after pesticide application. In some of the experiments, preferential flow was also artificially simulated by injecting the solutes through a narrow tube below the root zone. With depth injection, preferential leaching of atrazine occurred shortly after application in both soil types, whereas with surface application, it occurred only in the moraine soil. Thereafter, atrazine transport was mainly through the porous soil matrix, although contributions of preferential flow were also observed. For all the application approaches and soil types, after 900 d, <3% of the applied amount of atrazine was recovered in the drainage water. Only uranine realistically illustrated the early atrazine breakthrough by transport through preferential flow. Uranine broke through during the first intense irrigation at the same time as atrazine. Bromide, however, appeared earlier than atrazine in some cases. The use of dye tracers as pesticide surrogates might assist in making sustainable decisions with respect to pesticide application timing relative to rainfall or soil potential for preferential flow.