Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 73
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Object-Oriented Modeling with Ontologies Around: A Survey of Existing Approaches

2018-12-23, Baset, Selena, Stoffel, Kilian

Despite the many integration tools proposed for mapping between OWL ontologies and the object-oriented paradigm, developers are still reluctant to incorporate ontologies into their code repositories. In this paper we survey existing approaches for OWL-to-OOP mapping trying to identify reasons for this shy adoption of ontologies among conventional software developers. We present a classification of the surveyed approaches and tools based on their technical characteristics and their resulting artifacts. We discuss further potential reasons beyond what have been addressed in the literature before finally providing our own reflection and outlook.

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Procedural extensions for executable ontologies in conventional software development

2018, Baset, Selena, Stoffel, Kilian

Ontologies have gone lengths in various areas of knowledge engineering, yet they are falling short of reaching an equal position as formal domain models in the landscape of enterprise software development. In this paper, we present an approach for integrating ontologies into the code space of conventional software. We argue that the limited adoption of ontologies in software development is partially due to the lack of imperative programming capabilities. We propose extending ontologies with procedural extensions by expressing them in an executable form. Finally, we discuss the advantages of this representation and the possibilities for further improvements.

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Change points detection in crime-related time series: An on-line fuzzy approach based on a shape space representation

2015-12-17, Albertetti, Fabrizio, Grossrieder, Lionel, Ribaux, Olivier, Stoffel, Kilian

The extension of traditional data mining methods to time series has been effectively applied to a wide range of domains such as finance, econometrics, biology, security, and medicine. Many existing mining methods deal with the task of change points detection, but very few provide a flexible approach. Querying specific change points with linguistic variables is particularly useful in crime analysis, where intuitive, understandable, and appropriate detection of changes can significantly improve the allocation of resources for timely and concise operations. In this paper, we propose an on-line method for detecting and querying change points in crime-related time series with the use of a meaningful representation and a fuzzy inference system. Change points detection is based on a shape space representation, and linguistic terms describing geometric properties of the change points are used to express queries, offering the advantage of intuitiveness and flexibility. An empirical evaluation is first conducted on a crime data set to confirm the validity of the proposed method and then on a financial data set to test its general applicability. A comparison to a similar change-point detection algorithm and a sensitivity analysis are also conducted. Results show that the method is able to accurately detect change points at very low computational costs. More broadly, the detection of specific change points within time series of virtually any domain is made more intuitive and more understandable, even for experts not related to data mining.

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Guiding evolutionary search with association rules for solving weighted CSPs

2015-3-22, Raschip, Madalina, Croitoru, Cornelius, Stoffel, Kilian

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Object-oriented Software Modeling with Ontologies Around

2018-7-1, Baset, Selena, Stoffel, Kilian

Despite the many integration tools proposed for mapping between OWL ontologies and the object-oriented paradigm, developers are still reluctant to incorporate ontologies into their code repositories. In this paper we survey existing approaches for OWL to OOP mapping trying to identify reasons for this shy adoption of ontologies among conventional software developers. We present a classification of the surveyed approaches and tools based on the characteristics of their resulting artifacts. We finally provide our own reflection for other potential reasons beyond those addressed in the literature.

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Personalized view of Swiss Public Health Statistical Data

2018, De Santo, Alessio, Cotofrei, Paul, Stoffel, Kilian

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A Parallel Approach for Decision Trees Learning from Big Data Streams

2015-6-24, Calistru, Tudor, Cotofrei, Paul, Stoffel, Kilian

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OntoJIT: Exploiting CLR Compiler Support for Performing Entailment Reasoning over Executable Ontologies

2018-3-13, Baset, Selena, Stoffel, Kilian

Most recent efforts on bringing ontologies into mainstream programming languages were hindered by some fundamental issues; mainly the lack of expressiveness of programming languages compared to the declarative nature of ontological languages as well as the different assumptions on which reasoning in these languages is based on. In this paper we give the idea of adopting ontological programming approaches a second thought by proposing a prototype for a C# ontological knowledgebase system where ontologies are expressed directly in an executable form. We present our experience on bridging the semantic gab in general purpose programming languages and on exploiting metaprogramming and the dynamic compilation feature of modern compilers for performing certain entailment queries without the need for the bulky ontology classification step usually required in the case of conventional ontological tools.

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OntoJIT: Parsing Native OWL DL into Executable Ontologies in an Object Oriented Paradigm

2016, Baset, Selena, Stoffel, Kilian

Despite meriting the growing consensus between researchers and practitioners of ontology modeling, the Web Ontology Language OWL still has a modest presence in the communities of “traditional” web developers and software engineers. This resulted in hoarding the semantic web field in a rather small circle of people with a certain profile of expertise. In this paper we present OntoJIT, our novel approach toward a democratized semantic web where we bring OWL ontologies into the comfort-zone of end-application developers. We focus particularly on parsing OWL source files into executable ontologies in an object oriented programming paradigm. We finally demonstrate the dynamic code-base created as the result of parsing some reference OWL DL ontologies.

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Using association rules to guide evolutionary search in solving constraint satisfaction

2015-5-25, Raschip, Madalina, Croitoru, Cornelius, Stoffel, Kilian