Kaufmann, Daniel
Résultat de la recherche
Export Prices, Markups, and Currency Choice after a Large Appreciation
2019, Kaufmann, Daniel, Renkin, Tobias
We analyze export price adjustment of Swiss manufacturing firms using a novel data set of matched export, import, and domestic prices. After a large, unexpected, and permanent appreciation of the Swiss franc, export prices set in domestic currency fell less than export prices set in foreign currency. This difference prevails if we control for variation in firms' marginal cost. Through the lens of a structural model, this difference can be traced back to strategic complementarity in price setting for firms pricing in foreign currency. Meanwhile, firms setting prices in domestic currency exhibit no strategic complementarity and follow a constant markup-pricing rule.
Suppression du taux plancher : l’industrie est touchée
2017-10-24, Kaufmann, Daniel, Renkin, Tobias
L’appréciation du franc suite à la suppression du taux de change plancher face à l’euro en janvier 2015 a entraîné, au moins temporairement, des suppressions d’emplois dans l’industrie suisse. Une étude du KOF le montre.
Manufacturing prices and employment after the Swiss franc shock
2017-9-1, Kaufmann, Daniel, Renkin, Tobias
What is the impact of a permanent nominal appreciation on manufacturing prices and employment? To answer this question this study exploits the unexpected 10% appreciation in the aftermath of the removal of the Swiss National Bank’s exchange rate floor in January 2015. Prices of products sold by domestic firms, as well as, export prices set in domestic currency, declined only slightly. By contrast, export prices denominated in euro and prices of imported products changed more quickly and more strongly (measured in Swiss francs). We show that sticky prices in the corresponding currency of pricing are one reason for this pattern, supporting modeling assumptions in the New Keynesian tradition. These missing price adjustments therefore can be responsible why nominal exchange rate fluctuations affect the real economy. In line with this idea, we find that manufacturing employment has declined significantly after the appreciation. Relative to a control group of similar Austrian firms, employment in an average Swiss manufacturing firm declined by 4% two years after the appreciation. The gradual decline can be traced back to an immediate reduction in the number of vacancies and was likely driven by natural turnover. We find little evidence that the appreciation reduced employment mainly in low-productivity firms or sectors.