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Interviewers’ perceptions of impression management in employment interviews

2014-4-23, Roulin, Nicolas, Bangerter, Adrian, Levashina, Julia

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The Uniqueness Effect in Selection Interviews

2011, Roulin, Nicolas, Bangerter, Adrian, Yerly, Elise

Today’s job market is competitive, leading applicants to try and “stand out from the crowd.” The job interview is an ideal situation for doing so, for instance by preparing original or unique answers to traditional interview questions. This study tested empirically how an applicant providing a unique answer was evaluated relative to applicants providing qualitatively equivalent but nonunique answers. Applicants providing unique answers obtained higher evaluations and improved their chances to get a job offer. Our results suggest that interviewers may be influenced by the uniqueness of applicants’ answers, irrespective of applicants’ true abilities to perform on the job.

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How to satisfy and retain personnel despite job market shortage? Multilevel predictors of nurses’ job satisfaction and intent to leave

2014-1-1, Roulin, Nicolas, Mayor, Eric, Bangerter, Adrian

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Extracurricular activities in young applicants’ résumés: What are the motives behind their involvement?

2012-7-24, Roulin, Nicolas, Bangerter, Adrian