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Simulated evolution of reservoir properties for the Enhanced Geothermal System at Soultz-sous-Forêts: the role of hot brine-rock interactions

2005, André, Laurent, Vuataz, François

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Simulations of hot brine-rock interactions and consequences on reservoir properties - Enhanced Geothermal System at Soultz-sous-Forets, France

2004, Vuataz, François, Rabemanana, Vero, André, Laurent

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Guide pratique de l'échantillonnage des eaux souterraines

2003, Thierrin, Joseph, Steffen, Peter, Cornaz, Samuel, Vuataz, François, Balderer, Werner, Looser, Michel

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Promotion of geothermal energy in Switzerland: a recent programme for a long-term task

2003, Vuataz, François, Gorhan, Harald L, Geissmann, Marcus

In 2001, a 10-year programme called "SwissEnergy" was initiated by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, mainly devoted to a more efficient use of energy, with specific tasks such as energy saving, reduction Of CO2 emissions and a definitive increase in the contribution of renewable energies. The Swiss Geothermal Society (SGS) was therefore given a mandate to promote the application of geothermal energy at a national level. The main objectives of their programme are to develop a sound image for geothermal energy in general, to disseminate information on the various technologies already in use all over the country and to illustrate the future potential of this sector. All entities involved in the energy sector are to be called on to collaborate in the programme, including the Federal Office of Energy, local utility companies and energy agencies, as well as the various networks present in the field of renewable energy (geothermal, sun, wind and biomass). The programme covers all the geothermal resources and technologies available in Switzerland, such as borehole heat exchangers, groundwater wells, foundation piles, thermal springs, deep aquifers and warm tunnel drainage waters. The programme is organised into five activity modules, i.e. Information, Basic and continuous education, Marketing, Quality insurance, and Consulting services. Three Regional Promotion Centres (RPC) have also been set up in the three linguistic regions of Switzerland, one in the German-speaking region, one in the French-speaking region and one in the Italian-speaking region. The staff consists of 13 part-time experts. The strong interest and favourable reception given to all aspects of the Swiss geothermal promotion programme during its first 2 years of activity have confirmed how important it is to disseminate information on energy matters. (C) 2003 CNR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Geochemical modelling of water-rock interactions and implications on the properties of the Soultz fractured reservoir

2005, André, Laurent, Rabemanana, Vero, Vuataz, François

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Évaluation du potentiel géothermique du canton de Vaud. Géostructures énergétiques, aquifères profonds, géothermie haute énergie. Rapport pour l'État de Vaud, projet OFEN No 46'094

2003, Wilhelm, Jules, Bianchetti, Gabriele, Vuataz, François

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Prospection d'eau thermale à Yverdon-les-Bains (Suisse): Intégration des méthodes hydrogéologiques, hydrochimiques et isotopiques

2003, Muralt, Reto, Vuataz, François

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Simulation of mineral precipitation and dissolution in the 5-km deep enhanced geothermal reservoir at Soultz-sous-Forêts, France

2005, Rabemanana, Vero, Vuataz, François, Kohl, Thomas, André, Laurent

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Echantillonnage des eaux souterraines: Guide pratique

2003, Thierrin, Joseph, Steffen, Peter, Cornaz, Samuel, Vuataz, François, Balderer, Werner, Looser, Michel

Ce guide de l’échantillonnage des eaux souterraines réunit et présente les informations nécessaires et les précautions à prendre pour maîtriser chaque phase de l’échantillonnage (préparation de la campagne d’échantillonnage, prélèvement, conditionnement et stockage de l’échantillon) et en assurer la qualité. Il présente également les principales techniques de mesu-res et d’analyses de terrain liées à la problématique de l’échantillonnage des eaux. Ce document est donc des-tiné à toute personne (hydrogéologue, ingénieur, tech-nicien ou chimiste) qui, de près ou de loin, est confron-tée à l’organisation pratique et à la réalisation d’une campagne d’échantillonnage., Diese Praxishilfe für die Grundwasserprobenahmeumfasst die nötigen Informationen und Vorsichts-massnahmen, um jede Phase der Probenahme ein-wandfrei zu bewältigen (Vorbereitung der Probenah-mekampagne, Entnahme, Konditionierung und Lage-rung der Probe) und deren Qualität zu sichern. Sie zeigt ebenfalls die wichtigsten Mess- und Analysen-techniken für den Feldeinsatz in Zusammenhang mit der Problematik der Wasserprobenahme auf. Dieses Dokument richtet sich deshalb an den Personenkreis (HydrogeologInnen, Ingenieurinnen/Ingenieure, Tech-nikerInnen oder ChemikerInnen), der mehr oder weni-ger stark mit der praktischen Organisation und Durch-führung einer Probenahmekampagne befasst ist., This guide to sampling ground water gives the nec-essary information and describes the precautions to be taken during the various phases of sampling (prepara-tion of the sampling plan, taking of samples, treatment and storage of samples) to ensure sampling quality. The main techniques for doing both measurements and analyses in the field related to the problems in sam-pling water are also described. This document is there-fore intended for all those who are involved in any practical way in organising and undertaking ground-water sampling (such as hydrogeologists, engineers, technicians and chemists)., Questa guida della campionatura delle acque sot-terraneeraggruppa le informazioni necessarie e indica le precauzioni da prendere per gestire al meglio ogni fase della campionatura (preparazione, prelievo, condi-zionatura nonché l’immagazzinamento del campione) e per assicurarne la qualità. Presenta inoltre le princi-pali tecniche di misurazione e di analisi di terreni lega-ti alla problematica della campionatura delle acque. Questo documento è quindi destinato a tutti coloro (i-drogeologi, ingegneri, tecnici o chimici) che in qualche modo sono confrontati con l’organizzazione pratica e la realizzazione di una campagna di prelievi.

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Coupled modelling of hot brine-rock interaction at Soultz-sous-Forêts enhanced geothermal system

2003, Rabemanana, Vero, Vuataz, François