Voici les éléments 1 - 3 sur 3
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    Use of Cl/Br Ratio to Decipher the Origin of Dissolved Mineral Components in Deep Fluids from the Alps Range and Neighbouring Areas
    Sonney, Romain
    Cattin, Stéphane
    Cl/Br ratios were studied in deep groundwaters to decipher the origin of dissolved mineral components from the Alps and neighbouring areas. Cl/Br molar ratio represents a good marker to define if the salinity comes from seawater or residual brines (655 and lower) or from dissolution of halite or halite-rich gypsum, often present in the Triassic formations (upper than the seawater ratio). It can be an interesting tool for projects dealing with exploration and production of geothermal fluids. Results of this study showed the presence of trapped seawater in formations of the large basins from the Quaternary to the basement, resulting from infiltration during different marine intrusion periods. This method also showed the presence of brines in crystalline aquifers. Some of these waters discharge along subvertical faults and are diluted to various degrees by different types of meteoric waters. In some cases, this method raises new questions about the true geological origin of deep circulations.
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    The Database of Geothermal Fluids in Switzerland on Google Earth
    Sonney, Romain
    Cattin, Stéphane

    The database BDFGeotherm, containing physical, chemical and hydrogeological information on more than 200 deep fluids from 84 sites in Switzerland and some neighbouring regions, was first compiled on ACCESS code and was later modified to improve its availability and attractiveness by using Google Earth free software and the CREGE website (www.crege.ch/BDFGeotherm/). BDFGeotherm is a functional tool for various phases of a geothermal project such as exploration, production or fluid re-injection. This database allows gathering existing geothermal data, generally widely dispersed and often difficult to reach, towards a user’s friendly tool. Downloading the file “BDFGeotherm.kmz” from the CREGE website makes possible to visualize the 84 geothermal sites from Switzerland and neighbouring areas. Each one is represented with a pinpoint of different colour, for diverse temperature ranges.

    A large majority of sites is located in the northern part of the Jura Mountain and in the upper Rhone Valley. General information about water use, geology, flow rate, temperature and mineralization are given in a small window by clicking on the desired pinpoint. Moreover, two links to Internet addresses are available for each site in each window, allowing returning to the CREGE website or providing more details on each sampling point such as: geographical description, reservoir geology, hydraulics, hydrochemistry, isotopes and geothermal parameters. For a limited number of sites, photos and a geological log can be viewed and exported (Sonney et al., 2009).
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    Implementation of the BDFGeotherm database (geothermal fluids in Switzerland) on Google Earth. Final report for the OFEN, Project No 101-842
    (OFEN, 2008)
    Sonney, Romain
    Cattin, Stéphane
    La base de données BDFGeotherm, réalisée en 2007 sous ACCESS, a été modifiée dans le but d’améliorer sa diffusion et de faciliter son emploi. Le logiciel Google Earth et le site Internet du CREGE ont été utilisés pour convertir cette base regroupant des données sur les fluides thermaux souvent dispersées et difficiles d’accès. En téléchargeant le fichier “BDFGeotherm.kmz” depuis le site Internet du CREGE et en ouvrant ce fichier dans Google Earth, 84 sites contenant des informations sur les fluides thermaux apparaissent sur un fond de carte géographique. Chaque site est représenté par une épingle dont la couleur représente un intervalle de température mesurée. Le secteur nord du massif du Jura et la vallée supérieure du Rhône sont les deux zones où se concentrent la majorité des sites. Des données sur l’utilisation de l’eau, la géologie, le débit, la température et la minéralisation de l’eau apparaissent dans une nouvelle fenêtre en cliquant sur l’épingle des sites. Pour chacun d’entre eux, un lien vers le site Internet du CREGE permet d’obtenir des informations supplémentaires: description géographique, géologie du réservoir, propriétés hydrauliques, hydrochimie, isotopes et paramètres géothermaux. Pour un nombre limité de sites, des photos et des logs géologiques peuvent être visualisés et exportés.