Dimitrakakis, Christos
Résultat de la recherche
Isoperimetry is All We Need: Langevin Posterior Sampling for RL
2024, Emilio Jorge, Dimitrakakis, Christos, Debabrota Basu
In Reinforcement Learning theory, we often assume restrictive assumptions, like linearity and RKHS structure on the model, or Gaussianity and log-concavity of the posteriors over models, to design an algorithm with provably sublinear regret. In this paper, we study whether we can design efficient low-regret RL algorithms for any isoperimetric distribution, which includes and extends the standard setups in the literature. Specifically, we show that the well-known PSRL (Posterior Sampling-based RL) algorithm yields sublinear regret if the posterior distributions satisfy the Log-Sobolev Inequality (LSI), which is a form of isoperimetry. Further, for the cases where we cannot compute or sample from an exact posterior, we propose a Langevin sampling-based algorithm design scheme, namely LaPSRL. We show that LaPSRL also achieves sublinear regret if the posteriors only satisfy LSI. Finally, we deploy a version of LaPSRL with a Langevin sampling algorithms, SARAH-LD. We numerically demonstrate their performances in different bandit and MDP environments. Experimental results validate the generality of LaPSRL across environments and its competetive performance with respect to the baselines.
On Meritocracy in Optimal Set Selection
2021-02-23T20:36:36Z, Thomas Kleine Buening, Meirav Segal, Debabrota Basu, Dimitrakakis, Christos, Anne-Marie George
Typically, merit is defined with respect to some intrinsic measure of worth. We instead consider a setting where an individual's worth is \emph{relative}: when a Decision Maker (DM) selects a set of individuals from a population to maximise expected utility, it is natural to consider the \emph{Expected Marginal Contribution} (EMC) of each person to the utility. We show that this notion satisfies an axiomatic definition of fairness for this setting. We also show that for certain policy structures, this notion of fairness is aligned with maximising expected utility, while for linear utility functions it is identical to the Shapley value. However, for certain natural policies, such as those that select individuals with a specific set of attributes (e.g. high enough test scores for college admissions), there is a trade-off between meritocracy and utility maximisation. We analyse the effect of constraints on the policy on both utility and fairness in extensive experiments based on college admissions and outcomes in Norwegian universities.
Bayesian Reinforcement Learning via Deep, Sparse Sampling
2020, Divya Grover, Debabrota Basu, Dimitrakakis, Christos
We address the problem of Bayesian reinforcement learning using efficient model-based online planning. We propose an optimism-free Bayes-adaptive algorithm to induce deeper and sparser exploration with a theoretical bound on its performance relative to the Bayes optimal policy, with a lower computational complexity. The main novelty is the use of a candidate policy generator, to generate long-term options in the planning tree (over beliefs), which allows us to create much sparser and deeper trees. Experimental results on different environments show that in comparison to the state-of-the-art, our algorithm is both computationally more efficient, and obtains significantly higher reward in discrete environments.
Differential Privacy for Multi-armed Bandits: What Is It and What Is Its Cost?
2019, Debabrota Basu, Dimitrakakis, Christos, Aristide Tossou
Based on differential privacy (DP) framework, we introduce and unify privacy definitions for the multi-armed bandit algorithms. We represent the framework with a unified graphical model and use it to connect privacy definitions. We derive and contrast lower bounds on the regret of bandit algorithms satisfying these definitions. We leverage a unified proving technique to achieve all the lower bounds. We show that for all of them, the learner's regret is increased by a multiplicative factor dependent on the privacy level ϵ. We observe that the dependency is weaker when we do not require local differential privacy for the rewards.
Reinforcement Learning in the Wild with Maximum Likelihood-based Model Transfer
2023, Hannes Eriksson, Debabrota Basu, Tommy Tram, Mina Alibeigi, Dimitrakakis, Christos
In this paper, we study the problem of transferring the available Markov Decision Process (MDP) models to learn and plan efficiently in an unknown but similar MDP. We refer to it as \textit{Model Transfer Reinforcement Learning (MTRL)} problem. First, we formulate MTRL for discrete MDPs and Linear Quadratic Regulators (LQRs) with continuous state actions. Then, we propose a generic two-stage algorithm, MLEMTRL, to address the MTRL problem in discrete and continuous settings. In the first stage, MLEMTRL uses a \textit{constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)}-based approach to estimate the target MDP model using a set of known MDP models. In the second stage, using the estimated target MDP model, MLEMTRL deploys a model-based planning algorithm appropriate for the MDP class. Theoretically, we prove worst-case regret bounds for MLEMTRL both in realisable and non-realisable settings. We empirically demonstrate that MLEMTRL allows faster learning in new MDPs than learning from scratch and achieves near-optimal performance depending on the similarity of the available MDPs and the target MDP.
SENTINEL: Taming Uncertainty with Ensemble-based Distributional Reinforcement Learning
2021-02-22T14:45:39Z, Hannes Eriksson, Debabrota Basu, Mina Alibeigi, Dimitrakakis, Christos
In this paper, we consider risk-sensitive sequential decision-making in Reinforcement Learning (RL). Our contributions are two-fold. First, we introduce a novel and coherent quantification of risk, namely composite risk, which quantifies the joint effect of aleatory and epistemic risk during the learning process. Existing works considered either aleatory or epistemic risk individually, or as an additive combination. We prove that the additive formulation is a particular case of the composite risk when the epistemic risk measure is replaced with expectation. Thus, the composite risk is more sensitive to both aleatory and epistemic uncertainty than the individual and additive formulations. We also propose an algorithm, SENTINEL-K, based on ensemble bootstrapping and distributional RL for representing epistemic and aleatory uncertainty respectively. The ensemble of K learners uses Follow The Regularised Leader (FTRL) to aggregate the return distributions and obtain the composite risk. We experimentally verify that SENTINEL-K estimates the return distribution better, and while used with composite risk estimates, demonstrates higher risk-sensitive performance than state-of-the-art risk-sensitive and distributional RL algorithms.
Near-optimal Bayesian Solution For Unknown Discrete Markov Decision Process
2019-06-20T06:32:36Z, Aristide Tossou, Dimitrakakis, Christos, Debabrota Basu
We tackle the problem of acting in an unknown finite and discrete Markov Decision Process (MDP) for which the expected shortest path from any state to any other state is bounded by a finite number $D$. An MDP consists of $S$ states and $A$ possible actions per state. Upon choosing an action $a_t$ at state $s_t$, one receives a real value reward $r_t$, then one transits to a next state $s_{t+1}$. The reward $r_t$ is generated from a fixed reward distribution depending only on $(s_t, a_t)$ and similarly, the next state $s_{t+1}$ is generated from a fixed transition distribution depending only on $(s_t, a_t)$. The objective is to maximize the accumulated rewards after $T$ interactions. In this paper, we consider the case where the reward distributions, the transitions, $T$ and $D$ are all unknown. We derive the first polynomial time Bayesian algorithm, BUCRL{} that achieves up to logarithm factors, a regret (i.e the difference between the accumulated rewards of the optimal policy and our algorithm) of the optimal order $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{DSAT})$. Importantly, our result holds with high probability for the worst-case (frequentist) regret and not the weaker notion of Bayesian regret. We perform experiments in a variety of environments that demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm over previous techniques. Our work also illustrates several results that will be of independent interest. In particular, we derive a sharper upper bound for the KL-divergence of Bernoulli random variables. We also derive sharper upper and lower bounds for Beta and Binomial quantiles. All the bound are very simple and only use elementary functions.
Risk-Sensitive Bayesian Games for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning under Policy Uncertainty
2022-03-18T16:40:30Z, Hannes Eriksson, Debabrota Basu, Mina Alibeigi, Dimitrakakis, Christos
In stochastic games with incomplete information, the uncertainty is evoked by the lack of knowledge about a player's own and the other players' types, i.e. the utility function and the policy space, and also the inherent stochasticity of different players' interactions. In existing literature, the risk in stochastic games has been studied in terms of the inherent uncertainty evoked by the variability of transitions and actions. In this work, we instead focus on the risk associated with the \textit{uncertainty over types}. We contrast this with the multi-agent reinforcement learning framework where the other agents have fixed stationary policies and investigate risk-sensitiveness due to the uncertainty about the other agents' adaptive policies. We propose risk-sensitive versions of existing algorithms proposed for risk-neutral stochastic games, such as Iterated Best Response (IBR), Fictitious Play (FP) and a general multi-objective gradient approach using dual ascent (DAPG). Our experimental analysis shows that risk-sensitive DAPG performs better than competing algorithms for both social welfare and general-sum stochastic games.
Inferential Induction: A Novel Framework for Bayesian Reinforcement Learning
2020-02-08T06:19:15Z, Hannes Eriksson, Emilio Jorge, Dimitrakakis, Christos, Debabrota Basu, Divya Grover
Bayesian reinforcement learning (BRL) offers a decision-theoretic solution for reinforcement learning. While "model-based" BRL algorithms have focused either on maintaining a posterior distribution on models or value functions and combining this with approximate dynamic programming or tree search, previous Bayesian "model-free" value function distribution approaches implicitly make strong assumptions or approximations. We describe a novel Bayesian framework, Inferential Induction, for correctly inferring value function distributions from data, which leads to the development of a new class of BRL algorithms. We design an algorithm, Bayesian Backwards Induction, with this framework. We experimentally demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is competitive with respect to the state of the art.
Near-optimal Optimistic Reinforcement Learning using Empirical Bernstein Inequalities
2019, Aristide Tossou, Debabrota Basu, Dimitrakakis, Christos
We study model-based reinforcement learning in an unknown finite communicating Markov decision process. We propose a simple algorithm that leverages a variance based confidence interval. We show that the proposed algorithm, UCRL-V, achieves the optimal regret O~(DSAT−−−−−−√) up to logarithmic factors, and so our work closes a gap with the lower bound without additional assumptions on the MDP. We perform experiments in a variety of environments that validates the theoretical bounds as well as prove UCRL-V to be better than the state-of-the-art algorithms.