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    Imaging microwave and DC magnetic fields in a vapor-cell Rb atomic clock
    (2015-11-6) ;
    Du, Guan-Xiang
    Horsley, Andrew
    Treutlein, Philipp
    We report on the experimental measurement of the dc and microwave magnetic field distributions inside a recently developed compact magnetron-type microwave cavity mounted inside the physics package of a high-performance vapor-cell atomic frequency standard. Images of the microwave field distribution with sub-100-μm lateral spatial resolution are obtained by pulsed optical-microwave Rabi measurements, using the Rb atoms inside the cell as field probes and detecting with a CCD camera. Asymmetries observed in the microwave field images can be attributed to the precise practical realization of the cavity and the Rb vapor cell. Similar spatially resolved images of the dc magnetic field distribution are obtained by Ramsey-type measurements. The T2 relaxation time in the Rb vapor cell is found to be position dependent and correlates with the gradient of the dc magnetic field. The presented method is highly useful for experimental in situ characterization of dc magnetic fields and resonant microwave structures, for atomic clocks or other atom-based sensors and instrumentation.
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    Métadonnées seulement
    High performance vapour-cell frequency standards
    We report our investigations on a compact high-performance rubidium (Rb) vapour-cell clock based on microwave-optical double-resonance (DR). These studies are done in both DR continuous-wave (CW) and Ramsey schemes using the same Physics Package (PP), with the same Rb vapour cell and a magnetron-type cavity with only 45 cm3 external volume. In the CW-DR scheme, we demonstrate a DR signal with a contrast of 26% and a linewidth of 334 Hz; in Ramsey-DR mode Ramsey signals with higher contrast up to 35% and a linewidth of 160 Hz have been demonstrated. Short-term stabilities of 1.4×10^-13 τ^-1/2 and 2.4×10^-13 τ^-1/2 are measured for CW-DR and Ramsey-DR schemes, respectively. In the Ramsey-DR operation, thanks to the separation of light and microwave interactions in time, the light-shift effect has been suppressed which allows improving the long-term clock stability as compared to CW-DR operation. Implementations in miniature atomic clocks are considered.
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    CPT Cesium-Cell Atomic Clock Operation With a 12-mW Frequency Synthesizer ASIC
    Zhao, Yazhou
    Tanner, Steve
    Casagrande, Arnaud
    Schneller, Luc
    Farine, Pierre-André
    In this paper, we present the design, fabrication, and electrical characterization of a low-power microwave source for interrogation of cesium atomic hyperfine transition frequency using the coherent population trapping (CPT) technique. The 4.6-GHz frequency generation and signal buffering is performed by a single-chip frequency synthesizer ASIC with a frequency tuning resolution of 1 x 10^-13 and a programmable RF output power from -10 to 0 dBm. The circuit was used to modulate the current of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser through a dedicated impedance matching network and low thermal conductivity transmission line. Strong modulation sidebands with >60% of carrier amplitude were obtained with an ASIC power consumption of 12 mW. The system was used as optical source for atomic interrogation in an experimental cesium CPT clock. The measured clock stability of 5 x 10^-11 at Ï„ = 1 s, going down to 4.5 x 10^-12 at Ï„ = 200 s, is limited by the signal-to-noise ratio of the detected CPT signal.
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    Experimental demonstration of a compact and high-performance laser-pumped rubidium gas cell atomic frequency standard
    The authors present a compact high-performance laser-pumped Rubidium atomic frequency standard exploiting the advantages of laser optical pumping for improved stability. The clock is based on an industrial Rb clock with the lamp assembly removed and optically pumped by light from a compact frequency-stabilized laser head. The modification of the buffer gas filling in the clock resonance cell reduces instabilities on medium-term timescales arising from the ac Stark effect and temperature variations. The frequency stability of the demonstrator clock was measured to be better than 4×10-12Τ-1/2 up to 104 s, limited by the local oscillator (LO) quartz and RF loop electronics. Long-term drifts under atmosphere amount to 2-6×10-13/day only, comparable to or lower than that for lamp-pumped clocks under similar conditions. Typical signal contrasts lie at around 20%, corresponding to a shot-noise limit for the short-term stability of 2×10-13Τ-1/2. The results clearly demonstrate the feasibility of a laser-pumped Rb clock reaching <1×10-12Τ-1/2 in a compact device (< 2 L, 2 kg, 20 W), given the optimization of the implemented techniques. Compact high-performance clocks of this kind are of high interest for space applications such as telecommunications, science missions, and future generations of satellite navigation systems [GPS, global orbiting navigation satellite system (GLONASS), European satellite navigation system (GALILEO)].
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    Imaging Microwave and DC Magnetic Fields in a Vapor-Cell Rb Atomic Clock
    Du, Guan-Xiang
    Bandi, Thejesh
    Horsley, Andrew
    Treutlein, Philipp
    We report on the experimental measurement of the dc and microwave magnetic field distributions inside a recently developed compact magnetron-type microwave cavity mounted inside the physics package of a high-performance vapor-cell atomic frequency standard. Images of the microwave field distribution with sub-100- μm lateral spatial resolution are obtained by pulsed optical-microwave Rabi measurements, using the Rb atoms inside the cell as field probes and detecting with a CCD camera. Asymmetries observed in the microwave field images can be attributed to the precise practical realization of the cavity and the Rb vapor cell. Similar spatially resolved images of the dc magnetic field distribution are obtained by Ramsey-type measurements. The T2 relaxation time in the Rb vapor cell is found to be position dependent and correlates with the gradient of the dc magnetic field. The presented method is highly useful for experimental in situ characterization of dc magnetic fields and resonant microwave structures, for atomic clocks or other atom-based sensors and instrumentation.
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    Long-Term Stability Analysis Towards <10-14 Level for a Highly Compact POP Rb Cell Atomic Clock
    Long-term frequency instabilities in vapor-cell clocks mainly arise from fluctuations of the experimental and environmental parameters that are converted to clock frequency fluctuations via various physical processes. Here, we discuss the frequency sensitivities and the resulting stability limitations at one-day timescale for a rubidium vapor-cell clock based on a compact magnetron-type cavity operated in air (no vacuum environment). Under ambient laboratory conditions, the external atmospheric pressure fluctuations may dominantly limit the clock stability via the barometric effect. We establish a complete longterm instability budget for our clock operated under stable pressure conditions. Where possible, the fluctuations of experimental parameters are measured via the atomic response. The measured clock instability of <2 × 10-14 at one day is limited by the intensity light-shift effect, which could further be reduced by active stabilization of the laser intensity or stronger optical pumping. The analyses reported here show the way toward simple, compact, and low-power vapor-cell atomic clocks with excellent long-term stabilities ≤10-14 at one day when operated in ambient laboratory conditions.
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    A miniature frequency-stabilized VCSEL system emitting at 795 nm based on LTCC modules
    Vecchio, Fabrizio
    Pétremand, Yves
    de Rooij, Nicolaas F
    Maeder, Thomas
    We present a compact frequency-stabilized laser system locked to the Rubidium absorption line of a micro-fabricated reference cell. A printed circuit board (PCB) is used to carry all the components and part of the electronics, and low-temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) modules are used to temperature-stabilize the laser diode and the miniature Rubidium cell (cell inner dimensions: 5 mm diameter and 2 mm height). The measured frequency stability of the laser, in terms of Allan deviation, is ≤8×10−10 for integration times of 103–105s. The current overall dimensions of the system are 70×40×50 mm3, with good potential for realization of a frequency-stabilized laser module with few cm3 volume.