Voici les éléments 1 - 4 sur 4
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    Cutting-Edge High-Power Ultrafast Thin Disk Oscillators
    Saraceno, Clara J
    Schriber, Cinia
    Emaury, Florian
    Heckl, Oliver H
    Baer, Cyrill R. E
    Beil, Kolja
    Kränkel, Christian
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
    A growing number of applications in science and industry are currently pushing the development of ultrafast laser technologies that enable high average powers. SESAM modelocked thin disk lasers (TDLs) currently achieve higher pulse energies and average powers than any other ultrafast oscillator technology, making them excellent candidates in this goal. Recently, 275 W of average power with a pulse duration of 583 fs were demonstrated, which represents the highest average power so far demonstrated from an ultrafast oscillator. In terms of pulse energy, TDLs reach more than 40 µJ pulses directly from the oscillator. In addition, another major milestone was recently achieved, with the demonstration of a TDL with nearly bandwidth-limited 96-fs long pulses. The progress achieved in terms of pulse duration of such sources enabled the first measurement of the carrier-envelope offset frequency of a modelocked TDL, which is the first key step towards full stabilization of such a source. We will present the key elements that enabled these latest results, as well as an outlook towards the next scaling steps in average power, pulse energy and pulse duration of such sources. These cutting-edge sources will enable exciting new applications, and open the door to further extending the current performance milestones.
  • Publication
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    Self-referenceable frequency comb from an ultrafast thin disk laser
    Saraceno, Clara J
    Pekarek, Selina
    Heckl, Oliver H
    Baer, Cyrill R. E
    Schriber, Cinia
    Golling, Matthias
    Beil, Kolja
    Kränkel, Christian
    Huber, Günter
    Keller, Ursula
    We present the first measurement of the carrier envelope offset (CEO) frequency of an ultrafast thin disk laser (TDL). The TDL used for this proof-of-principle experiment was based on the gain material Yb:Lu2O3 and delivered 7 W of average power in 142-fs pulses, which is more than two times shorter than previously realized with this material. Using only 65 mW of the output of the laser, we generated a coherent octave-spanning supercontinuum (SC) in a highly nonlinear photonic crystal fiber (PCF). We detected the CEO beat signal using a standard ƒ-to-2ƒ interferometer, achieving a signal-to-noise ratio of >25 dB (3 kHz resolution bandwidth). The CEO frequency was tunable with the pump current with a slope of 33 kHz/mA. This result opens the door towards high-power frequency combs from unamplified oscillators. Furthermore, it confirms the suitability of these sources for future intralaser extreme nonlinear optics experiments such as high harmonic generation and VUV frequency comb generation from compact sources.
  • Publication
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    Yb-doped mixed sesquioxides for ultrashort pulse generation in the thin disk laser setup
    Beil, Kolja
    Saraceno, Clara J
    Schriber, Cinia
    Emaury, Florian
    Heckl, Oliver H
    Baer, Cyrill R. E
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
    Kränkel, Christian
    Huber, Günter
    We report on spectroscopic investigations of the mixed sesquioxide laser materials Yb:LuScO3, Yb:YScO3, and Yb:(Lu,Y,Sc)2O3 as well as mode-locked thin disk laser experiments with Yb:LuScO3 and Yb:(Lu,Y,Sc)2O3. The disordered crystal structures of these materials result in significantly broader emission spectra than for the pure sesquioxides Yb:Sc2O3, Yb:Y2O3, and Yb:Lu2O3 providing a high potential for ultrashort pulse generation. In SESAM mode-locked thin disk laser experiments, pulse durations of around 100 fs could be obtained exploiting >70 % of the gain bandwidth which is to the best of our knowledge the optimum obtained so far for the mode-locked lasers in this setup.
  • Publication
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    Sub-100 femtosecond pulses from a SESAM modelocked thin disk laser
    Saraceno, Clara J
    Heckl, Oliver H
    Baer, Cyrill R. E
    Schriber, Cinia
    Golling, Matthias
    Beil, Kolja
    Kränkel, Christian
    Huber, Günter
    Keller, Ursula
    We present the first passively modelocked thin disk laser (TDL) with sub-100-fs pulse duration using the broadband sesquioxide gain material Yb:LuScO3 and an optimized SEmiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror (SESAM). In this proof-of-principle experiment, we obtained 5.1 W of average power at a repetition rate of 77.5 MHz and a pulse duration of 96 fs. We carefully explored and optimized the different parameters on the soliton pulse formation process for the generation of short pulses. In particular, SESAMs combining fast recovery time, high modulation depth and low nonsaturable losses proved crucial to achieve this result even though they are expected to only play a minor role in soliton modelocking. To our knowledge, these are the shortest pulses ever obtained with a modelocked TDL, reaching for the first time the sub-100-fs milestone. This result opens the door to sub-100-fs oscillators with substantially higher power levels in the near future.