Bermúdez Sabel, Helena
Bermúdez Sabel, Helena
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Ancien.ne collaborateur.trice
Résultat de la recherche
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- PublicationAccès libreTowards a common model for European Poetry: Challenges and solutions(2022)
; ;Díez-Platas, M.L. ;Ros, SalvadorGonzález-Blanco, ElenaThis paper stems from the analysis of multiple poetic resources that were available online, as well as the results of methodological discussions with scholars of European Literature. The goal was to retrieve the informational needs of all these different sources in order to build a common data model for European Poetry (EP). Thus, by implementing a reverse engineering method, we have created the Domain Model for EP, which is an important breakthrough for making existent poetry resources interoperable. The lack of a uniform academic approach to analyse and classify poetic manifestations, the divergence of theories when comparing poetry schools from different languages and periods is some of the factors that hinder the modelling process. In this paper, we will present some of the challenges we encountered while conceptualizing the information relevant to poetic analysis and how we have worked around them. Some elements of the ontology will be presented to illustrate our modelling strategies. - PublicationAccès libreTEI-friendly annotation scheme for medieval named entities: a case on a Spanish medieval corpus(2021)
;Álvarez-Mellado, Elena ;Díez-Platas, M.L. ;Ruiz Fabo, Pablo; ;Ros, SalvadorGonzález-Blanco, ElenaMedieval documents are a rich source of historical data. Performing named-entity recognition (NER) on this genre of texts can provide us with valuable historical evidence. However, traditional NER categories and schemes are usually designed with modern documents in mind (i.e. journalistic text) and the general-domain NER annotation schemes fail to capture the nature of medieval entities. In this paper we explore the challenges of performing named-entity annotation on a corpus of Spanish medieval documents: we discuss the mismatches that arise when applying traditional NER categories to a corpus of Spanish medieval documents and we propose a novel humanist-friendly TEI-compliant annotation scheme and guidelines intended to capture the particular nature of medieval entities. - PublicationAccès libreThe Diachronic Spanish Sonnet Corpus: TEI and linked open data encoding, data distribution, and metrical findings(2020)
;Ruiz Fabo, Pablo; ;Martínez Cantón, ClaraGonzález-Blanco, ElenaHow has the sonnet form in Spanish evolved over the centuries? What is the distribution of metrical patterns and combinations thereof, considering diachronic, geographical, and social factors? What rhyme schemes are favoured in different periods and regions? How is enjambment distributed within the sonnet? Providing quantitative answers to such questions requires a corpus spanning several centuries, annotated for the relevant literary features and containing author metadata. The absence of appropriate digital resources to undertake a macroanalytic study of the evolution of the sonnet in Spanish led us to create the Diachronic Spanish Sonnet Corpus. This article presents how the corpus was designed for providing quantitative evidence on the evolution of sonnets in Spanish, and our findings regarding metrics and enjambment. The corpus contains 4,085 sonnets by 1,204 Spanish and Latin American authors (15th to 19th centuries), encoded in TEI, with RDFa attributes. The corpus aims at breadth, including many peripheral authors besides some major ones. Author metadata were encoded (dates, origin, gender). Scansion and enjambment were annotated automatically, with the ADSO and ANJA tools. The range of authors and periods, the use of TEI and RDFa for interoperability, and the combination of metrical and enjambment annotations goes beyond previously available digital resources. The corpus allowed us to examine the evolution of metrical patterns and their combinations after the Golden Age, complementing earlier studies. We also observed an increase in enjambment across the tercets in the 19th century, which may indicate increased variety in the discourse organization of sonnets in the period. - PublicationAccès librePrefacio(2019)
; González-Blanco, ElenaPresentación del número 33 de la Revista de Poética Medieval (2019): Los repertorios poéticos digitales: del Medievo a la interoperabilidad - PublicationAccès libreValidation of a metadata application profile domain model(: Open Journal Systems, 2018-9-10)
;Curado Malta, Mariana; ;Baptista, Ana AliceGonzález-Blanco, ElenaThe development of Metadata Application Profiles is done in several phases. According to the Me4MAP method, one of this phases is the creation of the domain model. This paper reports the validation process of a domain model developed under the project POSTDATA - Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data. The development of the domain model ran with two steps of construction and two of validation. The validation steps drew on the participation of specialists in European poetry and the use of real resources. On the first validation we used tables with information about resources related properties and for which the experts had to fill certain fields like, for examples, the values. The second validation used a XML framework to control the input of values in the model. The validation process allowed us to find and fix flaws in the domain model that would otherwise have been passed to the Description Set Profile and possibly would only be found after implementing the application profile in a real case. - PublicationAccès libreModelação semântica: o caso de modelação da poesia(: Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, 2018-4-28)
;Curado Malta, Mariana; González-Blanco, ElenaEste artigo tem como contexto o projecto POSTDATA cujo principal objectivo é o de publicar dados de poesia na Web de Dados (Linked Open Data - LOD). Estes dados são metadados dos recursos relacionadas com obras literárias, manuscritos, e tudo o que os caracteriza, como por exemplo: autor da obra, título da mesma, data de criação, idioma, relações de intertextualidade, e ainda questões métricas tais como rima, esquemas métricos ou número de estrofes, entre outro tipo de informação. De forma a promover interoperabilidade entre diferentes agentes que desejem publicar dados LOD relacionados com a poesia, o projecto está na presente data a desenvolver um perfil de aplicação de metadados (MAP) para a poesia. O ponto de partida do desenvolvimento do MAP é um conjunto de bases de dados de poesia e métrica da poesia existentes maioritariamente na Web de documentos. Este artigo apresenta o trabalho que está a ser realizado no sentido de desenvolver este MAP, focando esse desenvolvimento na actividade de definição do modelo de dados. O artigo apresenta ainda muito sucintamente o método utilizado para desenvolver o MAP e as técnicas aplicadas na definição do modelo de dados, e refere o processo de validação do modelo de dados junto da comunidade de prática. Uma vez definido o MAP, novas aplicações desenvolvidas com a tecnologia da Web Semântica poderão i) utilizar dados de diversas fontes (corpora) modelados tendo como base o MAP, e ii) ligar a outros dados LOD pertencentes a outras comunidades de prática. Tudo isto irá permitir que a comunidade de prática da poesia promova e desenvolva estudos mais complexos, cruzando corpora distintintos. O projecto POSTDATA prevê terminar o desenvolvimento do MAP em meados de 2018. - PublicationAccès libreTowards Interoperability in the European Poetry Community: The Standardization of Philological ConceptsThis paper stems from the Poetry Standardization and Linked Open Data project (POSTDATA). As its name reveals, one of the main aims of POSTDATA is to provide a means to publish European poetry (EP) data as Linked Open Data (LOD). Thus, developing a metadata application profile (MAP) as a common semantic model to be used by the EP community is a crucial step of this project. This MAP will enhance interoperability among the community members in particular, and among the EP community and other contexts in general (e.g. bibliographic records). This paper presents the methodology followed in the process of defining the concepts of the domain model of this MAP, as well as some issues that arise when labeling philological terms.