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Comparison of three geostatistical methods for hydrofacies simulation: a test on alluvial sediments

2012-1-10, dell?Arciprete, Diana, Bersezio, Riccardo, Felletti, Fabrizio, Giudici, Mauro, Comunian, Alessandro, Renard, Philippe

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Introducing wwhypda : a world-wide collaborative hydrogeological parameters database

2009, Comunian, Alessandro, Renard, Philippe

Depuis la publication des travaux originaux de Henry Darcy (datés 1880) de très nombreuses valeurs de propriétés physiques des roches (conductivité hydraulique, perméabilité, compressibilité, porosité, etc.) ont été obtenues expérimentalement et publiées. Ces données sont toutefois dispersées et donc difficiles d’accès. Pour palier à ce problème et pour ainsi faciliter la caractérisation des aquifères (en particulier par des méthodes stochastiques), cet article propose une base de donnée mondiale de paramètres hydrogéologiques. Il s’agit d’un catalogue librement accessible sur Internet (http://wwhypda.org) pour la consultation et la publication des données. Le catalogue contient actuellement des mesures individuelles et permet de calculer des histogrammes des propriétés en fonction de la lithologie, de l’échelle d’observation, de la localisation et de l’environnement géologique., Since the seminal publication of Henry Darcy’s work in the 1880s, a very large number of rock property values (such as hydraulic conductivity, permeability, compressibility, porosity, etc.) has been measured and published. These data are, however, dispersed and difficult to access. To overcome this problem and to facilitate site characterization (especially stochastic), a worldwide hydrogeological parameter database (wwhypda) is proposed. It is an open and collaborative catalog allowing users to store and retrieve measurements. The catalog is accessible through a web interface (http://wwhypda.org). Presently, it provides individual values and probability density functions of the properties as a function of lithology, scale of observation, location, and geological environment., Desde la publicación originaria del trabajo de Henry Darcy’s en los 1880, una gran cantidad de valores de propiedades de roca (tales como conductividad hidráulica, permeabilidad, compresibilidad, porosidad, etc.) ha sido medidos y publicados. Sin embargo, estos datos están dispersos y son de acceso dificultoso. Para solucionar este problema y facilitar la caracterización de un sitio (especialmente estocástico), se propone una base de datos mundial de parámetros hidrogeológicos (wwhypda). Es un catálogo abierto y colaborativo que permite a los usuarios almacenar y recuperar mediciones. El catálogo está accesible a través de una interfaz web (http://wwhypda.org). Actualmente, provee valores individuales y funciones de densidad de probabilidad de las propiedades en función de la litología, la escala de observación, ubicación y medio geológico., Fin dalla publicazione dei primi importanti lavori di Henry Darcy (datati 1880) sono stati misurati e pubblicati moltissimi valori delle diverse proprietà delle rocce (ad esempio conducibilità idrauliche, permeabilità, compressibilità, porosità e così via). Tuttavia questi risultati sono dispersi e di non facile accesso. Per sopperire a queste difficoltà e per fornire uno strumento utile nella caratterizzatione di siti, in particolare dal punto di vista stocastico, si propone una banca dati mondiale di parametri idrogeologici (world-wide hydrogeological parameter database: wwhypda). wwhypda é uno strumento di collaborazione che permette agli utilizzatori di contribuire con i propri dati e/o di consultare liberamente la banca dati, il tutto tramite una interfaccia web (http://wwhypda.org). Singole misure e distribuzioni di probabilità sono fornite e catalogate in funzione della litologia, della scala di osservatione, della localizzazione e dell’ambiente geologico relativi.

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Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog - Part 2: Geostatistical modeling

2011-7-21, Comunian, Alessandro, Renard, Philippe, Straubhaar, Julien, Bayer, Peter

The heterogeneity of sedimentary structures at the decimeter scale is crucial to the understanding of groundwater flow and transport. In a series of two papers, we provide a detailed analysis of a fluvio-glacial aquifer analog: the Herten site. The geological data along a series of 2D sections in a quarry, the corresponding GPR measurements, and their sedimentological interpretation are described in the companion paper. In this paper, we focus on the three-dimensional reconstruction of the heterogeneity. The resulting numerical model is provided as an electronic supplementary material for further studies. Furthermore, the geostatistical parameters derived from this analysis and the methodology described in the paper could be used in the future for the simulation of similar deposits where less data would be available. To build the 3D model, we propose a hierarchical simulation method which integrates various geostatistical techniques. First, we model the subdivision of the domain into regions corresponding to main sedimentological structures (e.g. a sedimentation event). Within these volumes, we use multiple-point statistics to describe the internal heterogeneity. What is unusual here is that we do not try to use a complex training image for the multiple-point algorithm accounting for all the non-stationarity and complexity, but instead use a simple conceptual model of heterogeneity (ellipsoidal shapes as a training image) and constrain the multiple point simulations within the regions by a detailed interpolation of orientation data derived from the 2D sections. This method produces realistic geological structures. The analysis of the flow and transport properties (hydraulic conductivity and tracer breakthrough curves) of the resulting model shows that it is closer to the properties estimated directly from the 2D geological observations rather than those estimated from a model of heterogeneity based on probability of transitions and not including the modeling of the large-scale structures.

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Three-dimensional high resolution fluvio-glacial aquifer analog - Part 1: Field study

2011, Bayer, P., Huggenberger, P., Renard, Philippe, Comunian, Alessandro

Describing the complex structures that exist in many sedimentary aquifers is crucial for reliable groundwater flow and transport simulation. However, hardly any aquifer can be inspected in such detail that all decimeter to meter heterogeneity is resolved. Aquifer analogs serve as surrogates to construct models of equivalent heterogeneity, and thus imitate those features relevant for flow or transport processes. Gravel pits found in excavation show excellent sections of the sedimentary sequence and thus offer direct insight into the structural and textural composition of the subsoil. This paper describes an approach to also inspect the third dimension: by mapping during the ongoing excavation it is possible to obtain a three-dimensional representation of the subsurface within a short period of time. A detailed description of a case study is presented and the findings from sedimentological, hydrogeological and geophysical analyses are compared. The gravel pit is located near the town of Herten in southwest Germany, where relatively young unconsolidated fluvio-glacial and fluvial sediments in the Rhine basin are mined. The excavated gravel body is built up by architectural elements typical for braided river deposits. The study generated a high-resolution data set of lithofacies, hydrofacies and ground penetrating radar (GPR) profiles. It represents the basis for a full three-dimensional geostatistical reconstruction presented in the second part.