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Cross-sphere modelling to evaluate impacts of climate and land management changes on groundwater resources

2021-8, Cochand, Fabien, Brunner, Philip, Hunkeler, Daniel, Rössler, Ale, Holzkämper, Annelie

Climate change affects both water resources and agricultural production.With rising temperatures and decreasing summer precipitation, it is expected that agricultural production will be increasingly limited by drought. Where surface- or groundwater resources are available for irrigation, an increase inwaterwithdrawals for irrigation is to be expected. Therefore, quantitative approaches are required to anticipate and manage the expected conflicts related to increased water abstraction for irrigation. This project aims to investigate how agricultural production,water demand for irrigation, runoff and groundwater dynamics are affected by future climate change and howclimate change impacts combinedwith changes in agriculturalwater use affect groundwater dynamics. To answer these research questions, a comprehensive, loosely coupled model approach was developed, combining models from three disciplines: an agricultural plant growth model, a hydrological model and a hydrogeological model. The model coupling was implemented and tested for an agricultural area located in Switzerland inwhich groundwater plays a significant role in providing irrigationwater. Our suggested modelling approach can be easily adapted to other areas. The model results show that yield changes are driven by drought limitations and rising temperatures. However, an increase in yieldmay be realized with an increase in irrigation. Simulation results showthat thewater requirement for irrigation without climate protection (RCP8.5) could increase by 40% by the end of the century with an unchanged growing season and by up to 80%with varietal adaptations. With climate changemitigation (RCP2.6) the increase inwater demand for irrigationwould be limited to 7%. The increase in irrigation (+12mm) and the summer decrease in recharge rates (~20mm/month)with decreasing summer precipitation causes a lowering of groundwater levels (40 mm) in the area in the late summer and autumn. This impact may be accentuated by an intensification of irrigation and reduced by extensification.

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Evaluating the effect of climate change on groundwater resources: from local to catchment scale

2013, Möck, Christian, Hunkeler, Daniel, Brunner, Philip

There is strong evidence that climate is changing and will affect the water resources. A major question arising from the evaluation of climate change (CC) impacts on groundwater resources is to what extent groundwater recharge will change. Given that for Switzerland, climate models predict more frequent hot and dry summers in the future while precipitation will tend to increase in winter, a special attention was given to possible changes in the seasonal distribution of recharge. However, to provide robust predictions, uncertainty has to be considered in all simulations. Three uncertainty sources can be distinguished: the latter can originate from climate models uncertainty, the unknown evolution of land use and society in general, and the hydrological models themselves. The role of these three types of uncertainty has received a major attention in this study. Three studies were carried out to evaluate the effect of CC on the hydrological system. Two of these studies were dedicated to the topic of groundwater recharge whereas the third was focused on the CC response of an aquifer system.
The first recharge related study deals with the question of how uncertainty due to climate models interacts with uncertainty associated with different hydrological models. Although different models were used to simulate groundwater recharge in numerous climate impact studies, it is not yet clear whether models of different complexity give similar recharge predictions for a given climate scenario. Therefore, five different commonly used approaches to simulate groundwater recharge were compared under CC.
In this analysis models with different complexity were applied over a time span of several years and predictive model bias occurs. Using CC data with more extreme weather conditions increases the resulting bias. The potential for model predictive error increases with the difference between the climatic forcing function used in the CC predictions and the climatic forcing function used in calibration period. The difference between the reference recharge and simulated recharge from physical based but homogenous model as well as semi-mechanistic model are smallest whereas the differences increase with the simple models. The differences are due to structural model deficits such as the limitation of reproducing preferential flow. Thus, results of CC impact studies using the soil water balance approach to estimate recharge need to be interpreted with caution, although the majority of CC impact assessment studies are using this approach. Comparison of both uncertainties, i.e. CC and model simplification, indicate that the highest uncertainty is related to CC, but a model simplification can also introduce a significant predictive error.
The second recharge related study explores how different crops and crop rotations influence CC effects on groundwater recharge. The predicted temperature increase will doubtlessly lead to an increase in evaporation and can be intensified by the presence of crops. To address this question, we relied on lysimeter data to ensure that the models represent previously measured crop specific effects on groundwater recharge appropriately before attempting to simulate future trends. In addition to effects of crop types, effects of soils types were considered. To study the effect of soil types on recharge was possible thanks to the presence of three Swiss dominant soil types in the lysimeter facility. This study attempts to explore the combined effect of CC and changes in land use on groundwater recharge. We address these questions by combining numerical modeling techniques with high quality lysimeter data. The simulated results of the 1D numerical model indicate that for most crops a decreasing trend occurs (between -5 to -60%) due to higher evapotranspiration rates. However, for catch crops (fast-growing crop that is grown between successive plantings of a main crop) such as Phacelia and Temporary grassland, an increasing recharge trend can also be observed (up to 15%). Using these catch crops in a crop sequence can buffer the decreasing trend in future recharge rates, but the buffer capacity depends strongly on the growing season.
It is very likely that crop parameters such as leaf area index (LAI) and root depth (RD) will change in future due to increasing water stress (reduced water content in the lysimeter). Therefore, an analysis of the sensitivity of LAI and RD on recharge was carried out. It was found that simulated recharge is inversely related to LAI and RD where recharge is more sensitive to a decrease in LAI than to RD. Therefore, recharge estimates based on literature LAI and RD values probably represent an upper boundary on recharge rate changes for the future. However, in all simulations a high predictive uncertainty in results is given due to the variability originating from general circulation model (GCM) and regional climate model (RCM) combinations and stochastic realisations of the future climatic conditions.
The final study explored how changes in groundwater recharge might influence groundwater levels for a small aquifer used for water supply. The soil-unsaturated zone-groundwater system was considered as a whole using the physically based model HydroGeoSphere (HGS). The model was based on a wide range of field data. The main objective of this part was to evaluate if seasonal shifts of groundwater recharge can lead to lower groundwater levels in late summer and a potential water shortage. Such effects are mainly expected for highly transmissive systems with a low storage capacity that are expected to react rapidly to seasonal variations in recharge. Therefore, a small aquifer consisting of highly permeable glacio-fluvial deposits and used for water supply for a small town was selected.
The physically based model HydroGeoSphere (HGS) was used to simulate changes in recharge rates and groundwater levels based on 10 GCM (Global Circulation Model) - RCM (Regional Climate Model) combinations for the A1B emission scenario. Future recharge rates were compared to rates observed during historical drought periods. The recharge drought frequency was quantified using a threshold approach. The flow simulations indicate that the strongest effect of CC on recharge occurs in autumn and not in summer, when the temperature changes are the highest. For the winter season, recharge rates increase for almost all climate model chains and periods. In summer and autumn, temporal water stress, which is defined as reduced drinking water supply, can occur but the intensity depends on the chosen climate model chain. The uncertainty which comes from the variability among different model chains is large although all climate model chains show the same trend in the recharge seasonality. An estimation of drought frequency for a “worst-case” scenario indicates an increase in frequency and intensity under predicted CC. For the water supply in Wohlenschwil, water shortage will most likely more frequently occur in summer and autumn whereas no water stress is predicted for all other seasons.
All studies demonstrated that the uncertainty surrounding projected recharge rates and groundwater levels are relatively large. Some model chains indicate decreasing recharge and groundwater levels until the end of century, while other show increasing trends. For instance for the Wohlenschwil aquifer a change in annual recharge between -16% and 12% was simulated, while the mean of all climate model chains indicate no changes. Therefore, it is quite difficult to state on the magnitude of the change with high confidence. However, not the mean is important, but rather the seasonality. Almost all climate model chains lead to a change in seasonality but with a different magnitude. In addition, the uncertainty linked to the interannual variability of the climate is highly uncertain and can lead to strongly different results and conclusions depending on analyzed equiprobable stochastic realisations. However, the main uncertainty is linked to GCM-RCM combinations. This uncertainty is followed by the uncertainty originated by natural variability of the climate and model simplification. The calibration of the hydrological model is a further uncertainty, but could be reduced by improving the model calibration, if needed.
Although uncertainty in all predictions makes it difficult to state on the magnitude of the change with high confidence, it becomes obviously that a proper consideration of possible effects of CC on groundwater are needed. Results indicate that groundwater is only slightly effected in northern Switzerland on an annual basis but temporal changes can lead to periods with low recharge rates and groundwater tables and therefore to limit water supply.

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Low-flow behavior of alpine catchments with varying quaternary cover under current and future climatic conditions

2020-10, Arnoux, Marie, Brunner, Philip, Schlaefli, Bettina, Mott, Rebecca, Cochand, Fabien, Hunkeler, Daniel

Alpine environments are particularly vulnerable to climatic warming, and long term observations suggest a shift of snow-influenced river discharge towards earlier periods of the year. For water resources management, the seasonal patterns of discharge in alpine areas are particularly relevant, as the shift to lower flows in summer and autumn combined with increased water demand could lead to water shortage in downstream catchments. The storage of groundwater in alpine catchments could significantly modulate how changing climatic conditions influence the annual streamflow regime. However, groundwater storage and its buffering capacity in alpine areas remain poorly understood. Moreover, studies on how climate change will impact water resources in alpine areas rarely consider the influence of geology. In this paper, catchment geology is used as a basis for the classification of future summer low flows behavior of several alpine catchments in Switzerland. Based on the analysis of the relationship between low-flow indicators and geology, the role of unconsolidated quaternary deposits is explored. We show that quaternary deposits play a critical role in the seasonal storage of groundwater, which can contribute to rivers during lowflow periods. Three climate change simulations based on extreme RCP 8.5 scenarios are fed into a conceptual hydrological model to illustrate the buffering role of groundwater. Past and future low flows normalized by mean past and future streamflows appear correlated with the percentage of unconsolidated quaternary deposits. These results highlight that catchments with high groundwater contribution to streamflow relative to precipitation will have a slower decrease in future summer discharge. Therefore, we propose two indicators that can be used to anticipate the response of future summers low flows in alpine areas to climate change: the current winter low flows and the percentage of unconsolidated quaternary deposits of the catchments.

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The influence of model structure on groundwater recharge rates in climate-change impact studies

2016-2, Moeck, Christian, Brunner, Philip, Hunkeler, Daniel

Numerous modeling approaches are available to provide insight into the relationship between climate change and groundwater recharge. However, several aspects of how hydrological model choice and structure affect recharge predictions have not been fully explored, unlike the well-established variability of climate model chains—combination of global climate models (GCM) and regional climate models (RCM). Furthermore, the influence on predictions related to subsoil parameterization and the variability of observation data employed during calibration remain unclear. This paper compares and quantifies these different sources of uncertainty in a systematic way. The described numerical experiment is based on a heterogeneous two-dimensional reference model. Four simpler models were calibrated against the output of the reference model, and recharge predictions of both reference and simpler models were compared to evaluate the effect of model structure on climate-change impact studies. The results highlight that model simplification leads to different recharge rates under climate change, especially under extreme conditions, although the different models performed similarly under historical climate conditions. Extreme weather conditions lead to model bias in the predictions and therefore must be considered. Consequently, the chosen calibration strategy is important and, if possible, the calibration data set should include climatic extremes in order to minimise model bias introduced by the calibration. The results strongly suggest that ensembles of climate projections should be coupled with ensembles of hydrogeological models to produce credible predictions of future recharge and with the associated uncertainties.