Cornaton, Fabien
Cornaton, Fabien
Affiliation principale
RĂ©sultat de la recherche
2 RĂ©sultats
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- PublicationAccès libreBacteriophage transport through a fining-upwards sedimentary sequence : laboratory experiments and simulationA column containing four concentric layers of progressively finer-grained glass beads (graded column) was used to study the transport of the bacteriophage T7 in water flowing parallel to layering through a fining-upwards (FU) sedimentary structure. By passing a pulse of T7, and a conservative solute tracer upwards through a column packed with a single bead size (uniform column), the capacity of each bead type to attenuate the bacteriophage was determined. Solute and bacteriophage responses were modelled using an analytical solution to the advection–dispersion equation, with first-order kinetic deposition simulating bacteriophage attenuation. Resulting deposition constants for different flow velocities indicated that filtration theory-determined values differed from experimentally determined values by less than 10%. In contrast, the responses of solute and bacteriophage tracers passing upwards through graded columns could not be reproduced with a single analytical solution. However, a flux-weighted summation of four one-dimensional advective–dispersive analytical terms approximated solute breakthrough curves. The prolonged tailing observed in the resulting curve resembled that typically generated from field-based tracer test data, reflecting the potential importance of textural heterogeneity in the transport of dissolved substances in groundwater. Moreover, bacteriophage deposition terms, determined from filtration theory, reproduced the T7 breakthrough curve once desorption and inactivation on grain surfaces were incorporated. To evaluate the effect of FU sequences on mass transport processes in more detail, bacteriophage passage through sequences resembling those sampled from a FU bed in a fluvioglacial gravel pit were carried out using an analogous approach to that employed in the laboratory. Both solute and bacteriophage breakthrough responses resembled those generated from field-based test data and in the graded column experiments. Comparisons with the results of simulations using averaged hydraulic conductivities show that simulations employing averaged parameters overestimate bacteriophage travel times and underestimate masses recovered and peak concentrations.
- PublicationAccès libreFlow behavior in a dual fracture network(2002-09-05)
;Jourde, Hervé; ;Pistre, SéverinBidaux, PascalA model that incorporates a pseudo-random process controlled by mechanical rules of fracturing is used to generate 3D orthogonal joint networks in tabular stratified aquifers. The results presented here assume that two sets of fractures, each with different conductivities, coexist. This is the case in many aquifers or petroleum reservoirs that contain sets of fractures with distinct hydraulic properties related to each direction of fracturing. Constant rate pump-tests from partially penetrating wells are simulated in synthetic networks. The transient head response is analyzed using the type curve approach and plots, as a function of time, of pressure propagation in the synthetic network are shown. The hydrodynamic response can result in a pressure transient that is similar to a dual-porosity behavior, even though such an assumption was not made a priori. We show in this paper that this dual porosity like flow behavior is, in fact, related to the major role of the network connectivity, especially around the well, and to the aperture contrast between the different families of fractures that especially affects the earlier hydrodynamic response. Flow characteristics that may be interpreted as a dual porosity flow behavior are thus related to a lateral heterogeneity (large fracture or small fault). Accordingly, when a dual porosity model matches well test data, the resulting reservoir parameters can be erroneous because of the model assumptions basis that are not necessarily verified. Finally, it is shown both on simulated data and well test data that such confusion in the interpretation of the flow behavior can easily occur. Well test data from a single well must therefore be used cautiously to assess the flow properties of fractured reservoirs with lateral heterogeneities such as large fractures or small faults.