Voici les éléments 1 - 10 sur 22
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UniNE at CLEF 2008: TEL, Persian and Robust IR

2008, Dolamic, Ljiljana, Fautsch, Claire, Savoy, Jacques

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IR-specific searches at TREC 2007: genomics & blog experiments

2007, Fautsch, Claire, Savoy, Jacques

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Evaluation of stemming, query expansion and manual indexing approaches for the genomic task

2005, Abdou, Samir, Ruck, Patrick, Savoy, Jacques

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Report on CLIR task for the NTCIR-4 evaluation campaign

2004, Savoy, Jacques

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Stemming approaches for east european languages

2007, Dolamic, Ljiljana, Savoy, Jacques

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Report on the TREC 2006 Genomics experiment

2006, Abdou, Samir, Savoy, Jacques

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Report on CLIR task for the NTCIR-5 evaluation campaign

2005, Abdou, Samir, Savoy, Jacques

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Monolingual Experiments with Far-East Languages in NTCIR-6

2007, Abdou, Samir, Savoy, Jacques

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UniNE at CLEF 2006: Experiments with monolingual, bilingual, and robust retrieval

2006, Savoy, Jacques, Abdou, Samir, Peters, Carol

For our participation in the CLEF 2006 campaign, our first objective was to propose and evaluate a decompounding algorithm and a more aggressive stemmer for the Hungarian language. Our second objective was to obtain a better picture of the relative merit of various search engines for the French, Portuguese/ Brazilian and Bulgarian languages. To achieve this we evaluated the test-collections using the Okapi approach, some of the models derived from the Divergence from Randomness (DFR) family and a language model (LM), as well as two vector-processing approaches. In the bilingual track, we evaluated the effectiveness of various machine translation systems for a query submitted in English and automatically translated into the French and Portuguese languages. After blind query expansion, the MAP achieved by the best single MT system was around 95% for the corresponding monolingual search when French was the target language, or 83% with Portuguese. Finally, in the robust retrieval task we investigated various techniques in order to improve the retrieval performance of difficult topics.

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Report on CLEF-2005 Evaluation Campaign: Monolingual, Bilingual, and GIRT Information Retrieval

2005, Savoy, Jacques, Berger, Pierre-Yves, Peters, Carol, Gey, F. C., Gonzalo, Julio, Muller, H., Jones, G. J. F., Kluck, Michae, Magnini, B., DeRijke, M.

For our fifth participation in the CLEF evaluation campaigns, our first objective was to propose an effective and general stop-word list as well as a light stemming procedure for the Hungarian, Bulgarian and Portuguese (Brazilian) languages. Our second objective was to obtain a better picture of the relative merit of various search engines when processing documents in those languages. To do so we evaluated our scheme using two probabilistic models and five vector-processing approaches. In the bilingual track, we evaluated both the machine translation and bilingual dictionary approaches applied to automatically translate a query submitted in English into various target languages. Finally, using the GIRT corpora (available in English, German and Russian), we investigated the variations in retrieval effectiveness that resulted when we included or excluded manually assigned keywords attached to the bibliographic records (mainly comprising a title and an abstract).