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  • Publication
    Métadonnées seulement
    Ultrafast thin-disk laser with 80 ?J pulse energy and 242 W of average power
    Saraceno, Clara Jody
    Emaury, Florian
    Schriber, Cinia
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
  • Publication
    Métadonnées seulement
    Cutting-edge high-power ultrafast thin disk oscillators
    Saraceno, Clara Jody
    Schriber, Cinia
    Emaury, Florian
    Heckl, Oliver Hubert
    Baer, Cyrill Roman Emmanuel
    Beil, Kolja
    Kränkel, Christian
    Golling, Matthias
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    Cutting-Edge High-Power Ultrafast Thin Disk Oscillators
    Saraceno, Clara J
    Schriber, Cinia
    Emaury, Florian
    Heckl, Oliver H
    Baer, Cyrill R. E
    Beil, Kolja
    Kränkel, Christian
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
    A growing number of applications in science and industry are currently pushing the development of ultrafast laser technologies that enable high average powers. SESAM modelocked thin disk lasers (TDLs) currently achieve higher pulse energies and average powers than any other ultrafast oscillator technology, making them excellent candidates in this goal. Recently, 275 W of average power with a pulse duration of 583 fs were demonstrated, which represents the highest average power so far demonstrated from an ultrafast oscillator. In terms of pulse energy, TDLs reach more than 40 µJ pulses directly from the oscillator. In addition, another major milestone was recently achieved, with the demonstration of a TDL with nearly bandwidth-limited 96-fs long pulses. The progress achieved in terms of pulse duration of such sources enabled the first measurement of the carrier-envelope offset frequency of a modelocked TDL, which is the first key step towards full stabilization of such a source. We will present the key elements that enabled these latest results, as well as an outlook towards the next scaling steps in average power, pulse energy and pulse duration of such sources. These cutting-edge sources will enable exciting new applications, and open the door to further extending the current performance milestones.
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    275 W average output power from a femtosecond thin disk oscillator operated in a vacuum environment
    Saraceno, Clara J
    Emaury, Florian
    Heckl, Oliver. H
    Baer, Cyrill. R. E
    Schriber, Cinia
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
    We present an ultrafast thin disk laser that generates an average output power of 275 W, which is higher than any other modelocked laser oscillator. It is based on the gain material Yb:YAG and operates at a pulse duration of 583 fs and a repetition rate of 16.3 MHz resulting in a pulse energy of 16.9 µJ and a peak power of 25.6 MW. A SESAM designed for high damage threshold initiated and stabilized soliton modelocking. We reduced the nonlinearity of the atmosphere inside the cavity by several orders of magnitude by operating the oscillator in a vacuum environment. Thus soliton modelocking was achieved at moderate amounts of self-phase modulation and negative group delay dispersion. Our approach opens a new avenue for power scaling femtosecond oscillators to the kW level.
  • Publication
    Accès libre
    Ultrafast thin-disk laser with 80 µJ pulse energy and 242  W of average power
    Saraceno, Clara J
    Emaury, Florian
    Schriber, Cinia
    Golling, Matthias
    Keller, Ursula
    We present a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) mode-locked thin-disk laser generating 80 µJ of pulse energy without additional amplification. This laser oscillator operates at a repetition rate of 3.03 MHz and delivers up to 242 W of average output power with a pulse duration of 1.07 ps, resulting in an output peak power of 66 MW. In order to minimize the parasitic nonlinearity of the air inside the laser cavity, the oscillator was operated in a vacuum environment. To start and stabilize soliton mode locking, we used an optimized high-damage threshold, low-loss SESAM. With this new milestone result, we have successfully scaled the pulse energy of ultrafast laser oscillators to a new performance regime and can predict that pulse energies of several hundreds of microjoules will become possible in the near future. Such lasers are interesting for both industrial and scientific applications, for example for precise micromachining and attosecond science.