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Transition-metal-catalyzed asymmetric organic synthesis via polymer-attached optically active phosphine ligands. 13, Asymmetric hydrogenation with polymer catalysts containing primary and chiral secondary pendant alcohols

1985, Deschenaux, Robert, Stille, John K.

The copolymn. of styryl DIOP deriv. I and crosslinking monomer ethylene dimethacrylate with methacrylates (R)-CH2:CMeCO2CH2CH(OH)CH2OH [(R)-II], (S)-II, or (RS)-II gave the resp. copolymers, which were complexed with Rh via a Rh exchange with chloro(1,5-cyclooctadiene)rhodium(I) dimer. The resulting polymers contg. chiral Rh centers and the ancillary alc. sites catalyzed the hydrogenation of olefins III (R = H, Ph, R1 = NHAc; R = H, R1 = Ph) in EtOH to give chiral RCH2CHR1CO2H (IV). The catalyst prepd. from (R)-II gave IV (R = H, R1 = NHAc) in an optical yield that was 6% higher than that obtained from the polymer prepd. from (RS)-II and 8% higher than that obtained from the catalyst prepd. from (S)-II when the reactions were performed in THF. [on SciFinder(R)]